Teabag Mania 4 – Live Free Or Teabag!

Yeah, yeah, teabaggers teabag, 9-12, Glenn Beck, all that jazz. You don’t need me to explain what you already know. Just look at the pictures and laugh. Or cry. Or both. Resistance is futile! More images in the Teabagging 912 channel!

If this lady ever figures out Star Trek is set in a socialist utopia, her head will explode!

Don’t eat the rich, too much plastic and botox. Use them as fertilizer!

Obama, the inexperienced community organizer, controls three major media networks.

Maybe because it is something made up?

Libertarians?!?! Run away! Run away!


Because you are the unwashed masses the astroturf cons into doing stuff for free!

I shall hold you to that when you are dying in the hospital

Let me magic marker an edit on my sign

I hate the Roality and the Represenitives!

This mature sign has convinced me of your side’s convictions!

Yes, there has never been a corrupt Christian legislator!

Says a guy who would probably punch Hillary if he were to meet her


He also killed all people counterprotesting him. Are you dead?


I wish I had a better picture of the COMMUNIST PEA POD!

Someone has been doing some drugging

Pimpin’ ain’t easy

How many grams of patriotism is this?

The only thing Sarah Palin ever got right was resigning

Why won’t the mainstream media lie?

Pancake Bunny! Awesome!

More pictures coming soon!
Thanks to fellow picture takers/grabbers LF, Revelatos715, Tad Ghostal, POTUShead, and others!

Teabag Mania 3 – The Search For Sanity!

We don’t got Sanity, and we don’t even have Sean Hannity. Nor Alan Colmes. We got more teabaggers who are teabagging and wearing terrible shirts that will make you cry in agony. But don’t take my word for it, check them out yourself! The fun hits the fan when TarsTarkas.NET’s greatest fan and Resistnet.com’s own DarlaD joins the fray! More pictures in the Teabagging 912 Channel

Let’s start out with a shirt so racist he had to build it at home with tape

RepublicanTshirt.png here. What she can do for herself is get a gym membership

If you need a magnifying glass to read the text on your homophobic t-shirt, you are doing it wrong.

Ah, pee fetishists!

That’s great, but it has nothing to do with health care

The only answer for getting the rich even richer!

Perfect picture to summarize this march

Even people born yesterday outrank this woman in intelligence

Obama is an inexperienced community organizer who also is the puppet master for a worldwide economic collapse that started before he was even elected senator!


Rosie the Kool-aider!

Isn’t tea an elitist European drink?

You wasted your opportunity by spending all your money on a bus ride to DC

My sign has explanations tacked on, that means I’m extra patriotic!

Most of the teabagging protest was orbiting this fellow

AC Slater wants you to be Saved By The Bell!

Ironic signs section

And now TarsTarkas.NET’s greatest fan, Resistnet.com’s own DarlaD gives a brief speech!

We are not astroturfed! (March brought to you by FreedomWorks Foundation)

DarlaD gave a little dance and off she went.

Thanks to photo takers and collectors including LF, Hysterical Woman, Revelatos715, Tad Ghostal, POTUShead, and the rest! More photos coming soon!

Teabag Mania 2 – Electric Teabaggaloo!

Teabaggers continue their march of screeching and hooting and hollaring and marching against socialism on public property after taking public transit downtown and then returning home to get their medicare. But, socialism!!!!

No caps in my health care!

I don’t understand terms made up by the media!

Parasite in chief, unlike us hardworking teleprompter joke tellers!

I’m just stinking because of other reasons…

go to my crazy website!

Count the misspellings and win a prize!

Everyone sign my crazy petition that I sort of made look like the Declaration of Independence

Candy Cane Paul Reveere Ladies Against Socialist Marxism Communism Nazis!

Because he’s a TERRORIST, see! I honestly believe the President of the United States wants to destroy the country! Also, I just bought some swampland…

Buy a filing cabinet!


Murder the President!

Wah! The top 5% are totally mistreated!

Cardboard Obamas against Obama!

I’ll just replace all this foul language with Democratic politician names, because I want to lower the level of discourse to below sewer levels.

The Nazis would love it if America had universal health care! Somehow…

Black marcher spotted!! No, wait, just a white guy in a mask.

If “It” is love of torture and being related to morons, I am glad I don’t have it.

I don’t know how to make signs people can read!

More coming soon. Thanks to photo collectors/takes such as LF, Revelatos715, Tad Ghostal, POTUShead, and the web streams!

Teabag Mania hits DC!

Those nasty teabaggers are at it again, teaing and bagging and holding signs while declaring they aren’t the social studies or something. This weekend almost a full thousand of them bussed down to DC to listen to dozens of people give 1 minute speeches and to try to meet Glenn Beck. Their crowd of 99.44% white people pushing sixty and overweight gives us a keen insight into the minds of people who listen to talk radio. Or something. What it really does is give us cool signs to make fun of. And that’s what we all want!

How many of those kids are Democrats?

Wait, is he a racist, a czar, a mafia, or a communist?

No, up YOUR Obama! And where was No More Debt guy the past 8 years?

Psst: You are the ones being controlled!

Yeah, let’s overthrow the democratically elected government of the USA!

Close up of Overthrow the Government Guy

During the speeches, the public was enthralled as a charismatic black guy took the stage…wait a minute! (there were more black speakers than actually marchers)

I disagree

Yeah! It’s totally oven time!

This screams sanity

Don’t tread on my lawn chair

Message continued on next sign…

The LaRoucheites are coming! The LaRoucheites are coming!



Darn those Terriorists!

I got my kids holding up signs saying we will run over and murder elected officials! Isn’t that cute?


Should’ve, would’ve, could’ve

Not our currency!

More pictures will be upped soon. Giving thanks to collectors and takers such as POTUShead, Revelatos715, the webstream, and others.


We here at TarsTarkas.net aren’t saying that Glenn Beck in fact DID rape and murder a young girl in 1990, but really who is to say that it never happened? Where is the evidence against this claim and when will it be released to the public? What is Glenn Beck afraid of exactly and why has he not commented on such allegations? It does a disservice to the foundations that this country was built and founded upon to suggest that Glenn Beck didn’t raped and murder a young girl in 1990 and the question we American citizens just want answered is whether Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990 or not. That’s a yes or no question and would take only a few seconds to respond to. Beck silence on the issue can only serve as a damning admission of guilt.

Glenn Beck Raped And Murdered A Young Girl In 1990

Glenn Beck Raped And Murdered A Young Girl In 1990

But what’s even better about the website GlennBeckRapedandMurderedAYoungGirlin1990.com is that it serves up ice cold political parody at its finest. Originally started in a thread on FARK, the rumor has turned into its own meme, spawning image macros, YouTube videos, Yahoo Answers threads, and a whole gaggle of angry FOX lawyers and one red-faced Glenn Beck (who rape and murdered a young girl in 1990). Why accuse Glenn Beck of such a dastardly deed? Well, if you follow Beck’s show at all, you’d understand that the accusation that Glenn Beck Raped and Murdered a Young Girl in 1990 is no less of a falsehood than many of the other rumors and accusations Beck propagates on his own television and radio shows (Obama’s birth certificate, the constructions of FEMA death camps, our country’s fall into Socialism and somehow simultaneously into Fascism, Obama being a racist, Healthcare killing your grandmother, I could go on and on…). Any Beck fan would know that just because there is a mountain of evidence, documents, witnesses, and logic that disproves any of these claims doesn’t exactly mean that the contrary is the truth at all!

If we want to be “journalists” about this like Glenn Beck is we’d first have to ignore all the rational evidence.

Ok. Done.

Now we have to look at the claim itself and take every word apart to analyze the statement. “Glenn” “Beck” “Raped” “And” “Killed” “A” “Young” “Girl” “In” “1990”. Good, now that we have the item in an easy to understand form (this is the only kind of information Glenn Beck can process) we need to repeat it really loudly to our audience so they know that our position is that “Glenn Beck Raped And Killed A Young Girl In 1990”. Next, we again ignore the evidence the mainstream media is paying attention to and instead look at the results of a very scientific poll we conducted 20 minutes ago:

94% of the nation can't be wrong!

84% of the nation can't be wrong!

According to the scientific poll 84% of respondents, over half (which is of course the only real indicator of whether or not people believe something), voted “yes” to the question “Do you believe that Glen[n] Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990”. Now that we have our first piece of damning evidence (yes, this is in fact evidence that will hold up in court if your Glenn Beck), we need a secondary source or document that will confirm our polling data and suspicions about how Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990. Liberals, with their devious media connections, have made it exceedingly difficult for us truth-seekers to get the real dirt that’s out there, so with this in mind instead of getting some factual evidence we will instead forge a document to prove our point right:

Proof that Glenn Beck Rape and Murdered a Young Girl in 1990

Proof that Glenn Beck Rape and Murdered a Young Girl in 1990

As anyone can clearly tell from this document, Glenn Beck, according to a police report, raped and murdered a young girl in 1990. Equally as heinous, Beck also, according to the police report above, stole a Sanyo cellphone and $2,000 in cash. Clearly the evidence is here to condemn Glenn Beck for raping and murdering a young girl in 1990, so I’m glad someone put together the website GlennBeckRapedandMurderedAYoungGirlIn1990.com to hold him accountable for such crimes. Again, however, we hold the evidence (which is obviously not a forged document based off documents from the Duke Lacrosse rape case in 2006) that proves to the audience that Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990 and therefore means it is the God honest truth, so why doesn’t Beck come forward to defend himself from these accusations?

It’s cause he is guilty. This has been an episode of Glenn Beck Rapes and Murdered a Young Girl in 1990, thanks so much for watching!


Glenn Beck still has not come forward to admit his guilt in the rape and murder of a young girl in 1990, but otherwise there is some cheery fallout from the whole affair. Suggestions for Google searches on Glenn Beck now come in with “did Glenn Beck rape” and “did Glenn Beck murder” as the top two queries, among other hilarious phrases, not to mention that most blogs and newspapers have been on fire “reporting” this story as if it was an actual piece of news that had any kind of truth or relevancy to it. But maybe that was the point. A whole lively forum discussion on the ever growing mountain of evidence proving Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990 can be found here. Oh, and if you need ANY MORE evidence (that Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990), a lawsuit is being brought up by Beck’s minion of lawyers that accuse the url to the website GlennBeckRapedandMurderedAYoungGirlIn1990.com is defamatory and should be taken down. The lawsuit doesn’t refute any of the content on the website, however, only the title of the domain name, so ipso facto Glenn Beck is admitting his guilt with this lawsuit that only condemns the suggestion of Beck’s crime but none of the evidence that he, Glenn Beck, raped and murdered a young girl in 1990.

The Mole Man of Belmont Avenue

A new horror comedy with Robert Englund has wrapped production and is now in post. Englund seems to be showing up in several cult films recently that will outlive their DVD releases, and hopefully The Mole Man of Belmont Avenue is no exception.

Official Site
The plot:

The story follows two brothers (Bradecich and LaFlamboy) who have recently inherited a brownstone apartment building from their mother. After two years of running the building into the ground, the brothers must now contend with a monster living in the basement that is threatening the lives of the tenants and their pets.


Mole Man wraps in Chicago

It’s not every day you hear about a film being made by co- writers, co- producers, and co- directors who are also co- starring in over sixty percent of their own film, a monster movie comedy titled The Mole Man of Belmont Avenue, which finished production late in July. But then again John Laflamboy and Mike Bradecich are not your everyday filmmakers, they’ve been making short films and music videos together for years and come from very rich theater and improv backgrounds, which anyone will tell you are founded in trust and creative collaboration.

The Mole Man of Belmont Avenue is quite possibly the first feature length narrative film of late to draw so extensively from Chicago’s rich pool of improv comedy actors and in fact both directors freely admit that nearly all of the roles were written specifically for each actor. With the help of local casting agency TP&R, the all star line up includes Susan Messing, Dina Facklis, Greg Hollimon, Brad Morris, Dan Jessup, and an improvised scene between TJ Jagodowski and Dave Pasquesi, sure to be cutting edge hilarity.

The Mole Man of Belmont Avenue also brought Robert Englund to Chicago, ironically during the production of the latest Nightmare on Elmstreet to play a role in the film. Englund thanked the entire cast and crew for the experience and praised the screenplay while predicting the film was sure to become a cult classic. John Laflamboy and Mike Bradecich expressed how excited they were to combine the best forces of talent for comedy and horror nerds alike.

For more information check out www.molemanmovie.com

And be sure to keep up with John Laflamboy and Mike Bradecich at www.bigtreemovies.com

I would like to add that it IS probably every day I hear about such a film, thus is the life of low budget cinema.

Thanks to Avery for the head’s up and Undead Backbrain for the scoop