You Pet

Asylum's Princess of Mars gets stills!


See John Carter of Mars! And the first Tars Tarkas that will make it to a completed film. Barsoom makes it to movie form! Take that, Pixar! You couldn’t deal with the small fact of public domain! That even means TarsTarkas.NET could make a Princess of Mars film, even though it couldn’t be shown in the UK because it is still under copyright there, IIRC. But, whatever. Asylum is no stranger to doing ERB works, having done The Land That Time Forgot earlier this year (and coincidentally enough, I forgot to bother to review it!)

Production stills uploaded to the Asylum page show us what we can expect from Princess of Mars…

John Carter and Tars Tarkas:

It is beefcake Antonio Sabato, Jr. as John Carter, Doctor of ER! Or something…

That’s a pretty Earthy Barsoom…

Sure, Tars Tarkas has only two arms, but Matt Lasky, who plays Tars Tarkas, has posted comments on TarsTarkas.NET. Let’s see Willem DaFoe do that!

No images of Traci Lords as Dejah Thoris, or any knowledge if she will be red, or if she will be naked. The mind wonders, because Traci Lords is totally not associated with nudity….

Thanks to Undead Backbrain and Avery

Jade Dagger Ninja (Review)

Jade Dagger Ninja

aka Han shan fei hu

Directed by Li Chao-Yung

There are no ninjas here. Jade Dagger Ninja suffers from being brought over to America in the middle of the ninja craze. The dubbing is comedic, with cartoon effects as characters go flying or go to the bathroom (yes that happens.) Some of the lines are laugh out loud hilarious, but I am certain some of them aren’t the actual lines unless Taiwanese cinema has taken to including English puns in their Chinese dialogue.

Jade Dagger Ninja is known by many names: Han shan fei hu, Jade Dagger, Forest Duel, Shaolin Fox Conspiracy, and the Wu-Tang Clan “Liquid Sword Collection” VHS Title Celestial Souljas.

The plot is pretty ludicrous, and most of it isn’t explained until the end (and then only if you were paying attention) so most of the time you will have no idea what is going on. The basic story is everyone wants the Purple Jade Badger, because it has an elixir that will make your kung fu super powerful. There is also a battle brewing between Sunset Villa and the Heartbreak Red gang. Throw into all that an upcoming wedding and Liu Hsiao-Feng arriving hoping the events will draw out the killer of his wife and you have a film with plots so deep you need a flowchart. Everyone has multiple names, which only makes it even more confusing. So you get our best guess from watching the film twice.

Liu Hsiao-Feng (Tien Peng) – The Flying Fox has been searching for his wife’s killer for three years. This leads him to get involved in the marriage of Aurora Liu and a battle between Sunset Villa and the Heartbreak Red gang. A pun master.
Aurora Liu (Doris Lung Chun-Erh) – Aurora is called the Sunset Fairy. Aurora Liu spends the entire film getting attacked by all sorts of evil people and getting rescued from every one of these evil people by Liu Hsiao-Feng, who she isn’t even engaged to.
Hao Yu Long (Tin Hok) – engaged to Aurora Liu and a big jerk. Spends most of the film fighting with Liu Hsiao-Feng even though Liu Hsiao-Feng has saved his fiancée like 2000 times. Then he turns out to be evil.
Sai Chu-Chu (Chin Meng) – A woman with an enormous libido and very extreme sexuality. Directly asks men she just met if they want to have sex. For some reason everyone calls her ugly, despite the fact she is the best looking cast member. Was raised by Madam Sheng after her parents were killed.
Governor Liu Tin Chi (Wang Hsieh) – Father of Aurora Liu, was engaged to Madam Sheng but left her to marry the dying daughter of a medic who saved his life. Keeper of the Purple Jade Badger. Is the Governor of Sunset Villa, which is the traditional enemy of the Heartbreak Red Gang.
Madam Sheng (Gua Ah-Leh) – The bitter ex-lover of Liu Tin Chi is now the evil head of the Heartbreak Red gang. Yes, it is an outlaw gang of people whose hearts have been broken. This is what happened in a world before LiveJournal and MySpace let you write bad poetry online.
Shen Liu Hen (Shut Chung-Tin) – Killer of Liu Hsiao-Feng’s wife three years ago, and has been pursued by Liu Hsiao-Feng ever sense. Was injured and lost his kung fu powers, but the Purple Jade Badger would restore him to a kung fu master. He is also known as Shining Death.
Heartbreak Warrior (Yun Zhong-Yue) – Also known as the Whirlwind Warrior and as Wai Yu-lin. This guy has too many names. A big fan of rape.
Master Cold Heart (Chung Wa) – Flute Guy! Flute Guy kills people with his flute. He also leaves a flower pin behind as his trademark in some sort of plot device that never got dealt with in the film as he dies halfway through. Where is Master Cold Stone Creamery?
The Incredible Hulk (Shut Chung-Tin) – HULK SMASH!! Shen Liu Hen drinks of the purple jade badger and transformers into the great green menace. Now we know what was in the purple jade badger – gamma radiation!

Bring It On – The Musical!

Bring It On, the cheerleading franchise which just had a fifth installment hit DVD shelves this month, is now getting a musical! Yes! Set 2011 as the date that Claire from Heroes will probably ditch the show and star in this. She already headlined one of the sequels!

Variety sez:

Lin-Manuel Miranda and Tom Kitt — recent Tony winners for “In the Heights” and “Next to Normal,” respectively — will compose the music, with Amanda Green (“High Fidelity”) providing lyrics. Jeff Whitty (“Avenue Q”) pens the book.

Andy Blankenbuehler, choreographer of “Heights” and “9 to 5,” will get his first director-choreographer credit with the production. “Heights” alum Alex Lacamoire will be orchestrator, arranger and music supervisor.

Click for huge!
Britney Allen (Hayden Panettiere)_jpg

Bring It On: Fight to the Finish trailer –

photos from

Live Action Barbie film!

Well, for once the Bratz beat Barbie at something before they were sued out of existence. A live action film! Barbie has a string of direct to DVD CGI films, 16, including the latest one that is a Three Musketeers lift (with a cat musketeer, because of Shrek, I am assuming) that I am considering as a review for the site (the problem is tracking down a copy when I have no money)

But besides all of that, we got a live action Barbie film, which will probably mean special edition Barbie dolls that look like whoever they get to play the iconic roll, and Skipper and Ken and whoever that moron was that Barbie dated for the year or so she dumped Ken. Also, Barbie should run for president and be an astronaut in the movie, because those are the only Barbie toys I remember my sister getting besides generic Barbies that played tennis or something.

Variety sez:

Universal Pictures has added Barbie to its star stable.

The studio has made a deal with Mattel to build a live action film around its signature toy line. Studios are placing a premium on building films around well-known concepts. Universal brass feels it has landed the queen of globally branded toy figures.

Laurence Mark will produce.

Barbie Star Trek

Facebook the Movie has a cast

As most of the past week’s stories are bookmarked on a laptop that can’t access the internet for a few days, you will get new news before I go back and report on older news that no one cares about anymore because it is a new day and we are all about the now here in American 21st century culture. Set your Facebook statuses to “Buying a ticket!” because the Facebook movie reported a long time ago has now hit the casting phase!
Variety sez:

Jesse Eisenberg will play Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg; Justin Timberlake will play Sean Parker, the Napster co-founder who became Facebook’s founding president; and Andrew Garfield will play Eduardo Saverin, the Facebook co-founder who fell out with Zuckerberg over money.

Justin Timpberlake is Johnny Facebook, the one cop who can stop the serial killer Jimmy MySpace, but the chief just took him off the case…