Wingnut Web – Birther's self-fufilling prophecy

Ever had a boss you didn’t exactly like? Maybe he’s a little arrogant or asks you to work on Saturdays sometimes, but the guy still pays you for your work at the end of the day (this is what’s called a contract). Despite your differences, however, you learn to coexist in the same work environment and will end up working together to further the business at your office. It’s called “getting along” and it ensures, for the most part, that you’ll remain employed by the company and will continue to prosper with your salary and won’t get fired for refusing to do your work or something silly like that.

Now imagine you’re a crazed rabid fringe member and you doubt the eligibility of your boss to be your boss because you’re so sure that he’s not actually a United States citizen but instead some refugee Kenyan from Africa. Your obviously Kenyan boss (he’s black, right?) has made life at the office difficult for you for many reasons, one of which is he’s backed the passing of a few rules at the office which don’t directly affect you, but you’re still very upset with them for one crazy reason or another. As an employee who feels let down by the company, jaded by the status and personality of your boss (let’s call him Barack), you take some rational steps to remedy the situation. The first obvious step, as any birther fringe person will tell you, is to just stop showing up for work!

Wait, what?

Will not comply

So, you’re a wacko fringer whose deathly afraid of imaginary conspiracies that entail rounding up Americans into internment camps, having their guns taken away, poisoning them with flu vaccines, and doing other unspeakable horrors all in the name of our first non-white president. At the least, you’re concerned about government agents coming out to question you and maybe even the possibility of getting arrested for your actions, so why in God’s name would you choose to put yourself in a position where both these things are VERY REAL POSSIBILITIES?

Obviously these Wingnut fringe idiots lost all notion of what a “law” is when President Obama was sworn into office. Just as if you stop showing up to work because you don’t like your boss, if you decide to stop following basic laws there will be severe repercussions. You can’t object to getting arrested because you believe the President of the United States is a devil usurper of the Oval Office, the police hear enough of that kind of dumbass ranting and raving when they arrest mentally unstable people. And of course, when the police come to arrest you it was most certainly President Obama who personally saw to it and dispatched the police officers or FBI to your door. It didn’t have anything to do with you acting like a damn idiot.

Is this really a self-fulfilling prophecy in the lunatic birther fringe community? They bitch and moan about how the government could foreseeably enact all of these un-Constitutional policies, policies that would never pass the House let alone the Senate, and then when they turn around and realize that the government still isn’t persecuting them they get riled up and announce they’re just going to stop following established laws. The last time I checked it is STILL against the law to break the law, and regardless of your position, you’re STILL going to be treated like a criminal if you break the law.

It’s just some of the most common sense I can muster, how the laws and getting arrested works and all, but as it turns out you still can’t explain common sense to some gun-humping, president-hating,  extra-chromosome having morons.

The Jig is Up – Obama to turn the US over to the UN, says some British guy

And as we all know, British guys are smart, what with their accent and all. This particular British guy even has a title, which impresses moronic wingnuts despite the fact titles are completely stupid and anti-American. But since he’s bashing Obama, they treat him like he’s Ann Coulter kissing Michele Malkin. Lord Christopher Monckton was a science adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, which can’t possibly mean he is biased against progressive policies. In addition to having a weird name, “Lord” Monckton said that a climate change treaty being signed in December will destroy America and make us part of the One World Government. Because of limiting CO2 emissions. Or maybe because this dude is on the payroll of some industry PR firms and he’s drumming up crazy conspiracy resistance to help his bosses not have to spend a small amount of money renovating their plants. No, it must be Obama’s secret USA destroying conspiracy! So America is doomed. Get some popcorn and enjoy our death. Some British guy said so.

Neko Ramen Taisho

Neko Ramen Taisho (Review)

Neko Ramen Taisho

aka Pussy Soup

Directed by Minoru Kawasaki
Written by Minoru Kawasaki and Masakazu Migita

Minoru Kawasaki makes some of the weirdest films to come out of Japan since the last weird film to come out of Japan, which was like last week or something. Okay, Japan has a LOT of weird films, but at least Minoru Kawasaki’s are entertaining. And usually not insane enough that you can talk about them with strangers and they won’t think you are insane. If you disagree with this, try explaining the plot of Tokyo Gore Police to the person sitting next to you on the bus and see if they start looking disturbed. Minoru Kawasaki specializes in films where animals do people’s jobs. Usually, the animals are human sized, but in this film the cats are cat sized, even if they are played by puppets. Besides the animal films, Minoru Kawasaki also directed The Monster X Strikes Back: Attack the G8 Summit.

Neko Ramen Taisho started life as a Flash anime series. Then it became a movie with puppets, thus being superior because puppets>anime any day of the week. The English subtitlers decided to call it Pussy Soup, which is clever, but as I learned all about it and eagerly awaited it as Neko Ramen Taisho, that’s what I call it and that means I will ignore the Pussy Soup jokes.

There are some famous Japanese cats in this film, so if you enjoy famous Japanese cats, this is a sure bet winner!

Jeff III (Toru Furuya) – William Thomas Jefferson III – will go by the name Master, aka Taisho, thus the title of the film. Amazing, huh? Jeff III was groomed to be a Cat Idol by his father, but Jeff III wanted none of it, and after being beaten around by his father runs off to find his lot in life. Eventually settling on running a ramen noodle shack, things change again when a rival cat ramen noodle shop opens down the street.
Jeff II (Seizo Kato) – William Thomas Jefferson II – will go by the name Shogun. He is a famous Supermodel Cat (aka Cat Idol) and demands his son follow his path. Is brutal in his disceplin to make his son a Cat Idol, so much that Jeff III runs away. Even when Jeff II is shamed and run out of the model industry, he follows his son to try to shame him further.
Tanaka (Kazuki Kato) – A regular customer in Jeff III’s ramen shop and probably Jeff III’s closest friend. Kazuki Kato is a J-pop star.
Mariko (Nao Nagasawa) – A woman who is friends with Tanaka and pseudogirlfriend. Not a big fan of ramen noodles, but supportive of her friend Tanaka even if she has completely different ideas. Nao Nagasawa is a singer and model that you can see more of in this gallery post as well as see her as a ninja in Geisha vs. Ninja.
Ramen chef (Toshio Kurosawa) – The Ramen chef who rehabilitates Jeff III from his depression, and infuses a love of crafting ramen noodles into Jeff III, giving him newfound purpose in life. Also helps his student during the challenge from his father.
Miki (???) – Miki is the girl with the cat who is the love interest for Jeff III.

Showgirls 2?!?!

It’s true! And which cast member of Saved by the Bell: The New Generation will get naked in this one? It better not be Screech.

This Week in Wingnuts – Tonight… We Are All Rush Limbaugh

Newt Gringrich was called a liberal. Seriously.

Orly Taitz Esq. Etc. was fined $20,000 in a hilarious episode where Judge Clay Land revealed one of her supporters wrote letters asserting Barack Obama was a space alien and challenged Judge Land to a “round of fisticuffs on the Courthouse Square,” to prove that the President is not human.’s Erick Erickson had enough of Senator Olympia Snowe, so he decided to mail her some rock salt and encourage his supporters of doing the same:

Olympia Snowe has sold out the country. Having been banished to our world after Aslan chased her out of Narnia, Snowe is intent on corrupting this place too.

So we should melt her.

What melts snow? Rock salt.

I’m going to ship this 5 pound bag of rock salt to her office in Maine. It’s only $3.00. You should join me.

It is a visible demonstration of our contempt for her. First she votes for the stimulus. Now this.

It’s time to melt Snowe. ORDER YOUR BAG HERE.

Yes, order stuff through our store in a vain protest!

More RedState as diarist tsquare posted the most unintentionally hilarious defense of Rush Limbaugh I’ve seen yet:

Earlier this evening, as most of you now know, one of our own, Rush Hudson Limbaugh, while taking withering fire, crashed and burned.

Tonight, Rush is no longer ‘just’ a radio personality.

Tonight, Rush is no longer ‘just’ a NFL owner denied

Tonight, Rush is us. And we are him.

Tonight Rush became the metaphor for all of us… every man woman and child in this great nation of ours.

The enemy of this great nation, the enemy of you and me, Rush’s enemy… those on the left, inside and outside of this nation abhor success… and when faced with it will destroy it… by any and all means possible.

We all have our dreams in life… such as they might be. Rush dreamed of being an owner in the NFL.

Tonight the left proved that they will stop at nothing to end our dreams. Our dreams of success and happiness devastate their need to dominate and control you and me… and well everything and everyone.

Chrysler bondholders

GM dealers

Bankers and stockbrokers

Small business owners

Medical Doctors

Oppressed people wanting freedom around the world

The left can not and will not allow anyone to realize their dreams

Tonight a light went out… a dream died… it died from political correctness

Tonight we are under withering fire, we on the right those in the middle,

Tonight our values are under withering fire, those thoughts ideas and dreams that made this great nation are under withering fire

Will your light of your dreams be next?

Will my dreams be next?

First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out for me.

– Pastor Martin Niemöller

Tonight… We Are All Rush Limbaugh

A judge in Louisiana denied a marriage license to an interracial couple. As someone in an interracial marriage, go fuck yourself, Judge Keith Bardwell!

That’s this past week, have fun and Remember the Knights Templar!