Wingnut News Droppings

All the latest crazy news:

the NYTimes wrote a keen article about the Tea Party and Keith Olbermann did a special comment about them.

From the Grosser Than Gross Dept.: Taitz was “hotter, hornier, wetter, tighter, more of a nympho than I’ve ever met.

A teabagging nutbag (redundant) who is currently nameless has called for the hanging of Democratic Washington Senator Patty Murray:
“What happened to Jake when he ran with the wrong crowd? What happened to Jake when he ran with the wrong crowd. He got hung. And that’s what I want to do with Patty Murray.”

CPAC starts Thursday. What 12-year-old will excite old white guys this year? Also, Glenn Beck will headline, and the Acorn Pimp and his “Please send me money” girl (James O’keefe and Hannah Giles) will get a special award. This year it is XPAC. Don’t tell the actual X-PAC, and don’t tell CPAC that X-PAC made a sex tape with Chyna and naming their convention after a sex tape maker is totally conservative.

Also, whoever the frak the Autotune the News guys are, they will be there too. To do something.

One Night In Chyna

Captain America battles Teabaggers, Marvel apologizes

First, let me apologize for the lateness of this post. Between ER visits, my wife’s birthday, and Valentine’s day, this kept getting delayed to the point where it became a huge story.

For those of you who had equally busy lives this week, you may not know that in a recent issue of Captain America (#602), the good Captain and his friend Falcon need to go undercover in an anti-government group. A group that has protests against the Federal Government, and carried signs identifying them as Teabaggers. Par for the course, as Captain America has regularly taken on enemies of America. But, the Teabaggers in real life were angry. They were mad at the picture stories that said they were bad, so they threw a temper tantrum and screamed until Marvel apologized.

Marvel is now owned by Disney, who the Fundies hate anyway because Mickey Mouse doesn’t stone the gays at the theme parks, so pretty much anything Marvel doesn’t isn’t going to appease crazy idiots who weren’t buying your stuff in the first place. So I say, don’t bother to apologize, because there is nothing to be ashamed of in fighting Right wing idiots bent on warping the country into their own personal Hell.

So here is the offending panels (Click for HUGE!):

And here are some typical reactions:

These comic books are something only losers read, that’s why I’ll make a big fuss!

The free market is obviously a sign of outside foreign influences! And good job not reading Liberality!

Bryanw92 boycotts everything, leaving him nothing to do but to sit in the dirt. On the RIGHT side of the dirt.

Sooooo much stupid in one tiny little post!

Before the Internet Marvel was 100% hippies selling arms to Saigon

Oh, Travis McGee, your racist screed will be featured here soon enough…

Maybe if SevenofNine (don’t tell him the Federation are space socialists!) actually read comics he would be able to speak English.

First of all: Taint. Second of all: Free market, baby!

Rastus sure reads a lot of comics for hating comics so much. Even I don’t know that much about Seige! I did read Planet Hulk, and I recommend it to everyone.

Yeah, make your protests even more of a giant circus! Please?

For some perspective, besides Captain America’s own title, one of the best Captain America books was What If?, which featured various alternate outcomes of classic Marvel Comics events. Thus, Captain America showed up a lot, and many times fought against evil duplicate Captain Americas. In this particular one, a crazy, Right Wing guy has assumed the role of Captain America and proceeds to make it into what is probably a Teabagger’s wet dream:


But then the Real Captain America returns to beat down the crazy:

So What If? rules, Captain America rules, and Teabaggers don’t.

California is under attack!

While this kind of plunder is routine in California, the birthplace of corporate personhood, things are getting pretty absurd recently with a full scale attack on our lives being waged on multiple fronts.


PG&E is attempting to put an initiative on the ballot to amend the constitution to protect their monopoly:

SAN FRANCISCO — Pacific Gas & Electric Co. is funding a June ballot initiative that would amend California’s constitution to make it much harder for cities and counties to offer residents another choice for buying their power.

The investor-owned utility, which has about 15 million customers in northern and central California, has already spent $6.5 million on Proposition 16, according to state campaign records. The company is the sole source of the initiative’s funding.

The initiative would require a two-thirds, or super-majority, vote before local governments could create a new form of public power called “community choice aggregation,” or CCA. These public power entities, made possible by state legislation passed in 2002 after the state’s energy crisis, allow cities or counties to buy energy on the wholesale market to sell to residents.

The “state’s energy crisis” being a reference to Enron.   Their argument is the standard against more direct forms of democracy with a revealing little twist:

PG&E says a constitutional amendment is needed to protect taxpayers and ratepayers from possible losses incurred by inexperienced local governments entering the risky power wholesaling business.

The reference to increased costs for ratepayers seems to be a tacit admission that they’ll raise rates on the captive consumer base that stays with them–skipping the initiative and passing on $6.5 million in savings would be unthinkable–to make up for the ones they lose. Nevertheless,  it’s related to us as being the potential result of reckless city councils interfering with a benevolent private monopoly with remarkable ease.

Health Care

Blue Cross raising its rates by approximately 34% was so bad that it made national news and seems to have temporarily backfired on them:

The parent company of Anthem Blue Cross has canceled a meeting next week with investors to review its 2010 financial outlook so that executives can prepare for a congressional hearing into its large rate hikes for individual policyholders in California.

A subcommittee of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce has called WellPoint Inc. Chief Executive Angela F. Braly to testify Feb. 24 about premium increases of as much as 39% for many of Anthem’s 800,000 individual policyholders in California.

The canceled meeting understandably pissed off their investors a bit, causing their shares to drop by 2.3% today, though they’re still up from a few months ago due to the assurance they have from Congress that no real reform will take place:

In response, they’ve apparently decided to seek more vulnerable prey whose pleas for help are less likely to be heard:

Patients who are covered by Anthem Blue Cross may have trouble finding a physical or occupational therapist who will accept their insurance. A growing number of therapists are rejecting new contracts with Anthem that pay them half of their normal rate. Anthem has offered the new lower-rate contracts to physical, occupational, and speech therapists. The insurer says it’s cutting the reimbursement rate to help control rising health care costs.

Anthem has offered the new lower-rate contracts to physical, occupational, and speech therapists. The insurer says it’s cutting the reimbursement rate to help control rising health care costs.


Senator Feinstein has decided to try and put a brutal end to the ongoing battle to preserve profits for both Central Valley farmers and California’s little known water robber-barons.  For a detailed explanation, check out this article by Yasha Levine at exiled, but it basically works like this:  Stewart Resnick, the politically connected owner of the massive Roll International Corporation, essentially “Enron-ized” a huge share of California’s water:

The story of how the state’s largest water bank — jump-started with $74 million in taxpayer money — ended up as an integral piece of the private empire of Stewart Resnick begins with a lawsuit, or at least the threat of it.

A seven-year drought ending in the early 1990s pitted Southern California water contractors, such as the Metropolitan Water District, against agricultural contractors, such as the Kern County Water Agency. Each region made its case to the state, telling why it deserved to receive the water guaranteed by long-standing contracts. In the drought’s worst years, urban users got 30% of the draw, while Kern farmers received less than 5%.

In 1994, agricultural and urban interests threatened to sue the state for nondelivery. The main parties gathered in a closed-door meeting in Monterey to hash out a settlement. Public interest groups, environmentalists and smaller water contractors — locked out of the meeting — cried foul.

When it was over, the very flow of California water had been redirected.

With the new direction being straight into Resnick’s private control.  This was working out (for him) quite nicely until this year.  The recession and lower than average rainfall have motivated California agribusiness to fight to retain their share of corporate welfare.  Enter Senator Feinstein to play the role of King Solomon in her own very special way:

Sen. Dianne Feinstein ignited a firestorm among fellow California Democrats on Thursday as word spread of her proposal to divert Northern California water to Central Valley farmers.

Feinstein wants to attach the proposal as an amendment to a fast-tracked Senate jobs bill. She is pitching the plan as a jobs measure to address the economic calamity in the Central Valley. It would increase farm water allocations from 10 percent last year to 40 percent this year and next, an amount that farmers say is the bare minimum they need.

Where “farmers” is meant to be understood as agribusiness.

Hidden Frontier star trek 202

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 202 – Yesterday’s Excelsior

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 202 – Yesterday’s Excelsior

2001 Official Site
Directed by Jennifer Cole

So we all love alternate timelines, and we all love Yesterday’s Enterprise, one of the best episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation ever. So Hidden Frontier took that and now we got their own version, complete with their spin on it. A lot of effort went into this episode, changing things while still having them somewhat the same. My only major complaint is I think they did it too early in the life of the show, and it would have had more of an impact in like Season 5 or something. The minor quibble is that the episode follows Yesterday’s Enterprise almost to the letter. But besides that, it is pretty fun and you get to see characters get blown away, so that is always fun. Bring on my alternate timelines!

Part 1 of this episode is only a .pdf file because it used imaged from actual Paramount shows. So here is a synopsis: During Star Trek 6, the NCC-2000 USS Excelsior is trapped in time as Kronos explodes. Thus Kirk is killed by Chang, the president is assassinated, and the Federation goes to war with the Klingons, and wins. Then the Feds don’t have allies they need to defeat the Borg, who swoop in when they did in our time, except they win and the Enterprise is destroyed. I guess because Worf wasn’t there to be useless? Just go with it. Now, the USS Excelsior from this series leads a group of other ships as they flee the Borg and imitate Battlestar Galactica years before the reboot happened! Battlestar Excelsior!

Oh, new opening credits also!

Captain John Edward Knapp (David W. Dial) – Angry’s dead twin brother! In this universe, he is the non-dead one. Instead of being Captain Angry, he is Captain Drunk and Corrupted With Power. Wow, who knew Ian Quincy Knapp was the more level-headed of the Knapp twins? We can’t call him Captain Happy, how about Captain Knappy?
Captain James Darwin (Cliff Gardner) – is the first officer in this alternate universe instead of a guy who just shows up in Season Two. That’s evolution for you! Not really, that’s more like Intelligent Design…SHOCKING!
Admiral Nechayev (Renee Huberstock) – Commands what is left of the free people of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Except the So’na, who have their own planet still. She is just as angry in this universe and the real one, though she at least doesn’t resort to the bottle.
Ensign Jenna McFarland (Adrianne Lange) – Half-Trill, Half-Human, all Navigation. This alternate reality caused her to wear different clothes! That bastard alternate reality! And she is going to be an Ambassador, at least she was until she probably died.
Ensign Brad T. Rawling (Tristan Clark) – Ensign Rawling has frosted hair in this alternate timeline as well! The more things change… Rawling doesn’t do much but die. Dammit, Rawling, winners don’t die, they multiply.
Lt. John Martinez (Anthony Diaz) – Chief of Security who is still Chief of Security in the alternate reality. Has more loyalty to Captain Darwin than Captain Knapp. That’s what you get, non-angry Knapp.
Chief Melik (Larry Laverne) – Bajoran chief engineer who is a genius AND the best actor on the show. Of course he is a guy we have never seen before, and he goes on a ride back in time. Remember when suddenly there was a Bajoran guy in Star Trek 6?
Ensign Ro Nevin (Arthur Bosserman) – Science officer and Ro Laren’s brother. He is in the command division despite hanging around in engineering most of the time, and conspiring against his Captain.

Guest Star Roll Call

Captain Sulu (Randall Mark) – Captain Sulu has arrive to Sulu the heck out of the future! Hikaru Sulu shows up a lot in fan films, George Takei even appeared as Old Sulu in a Star Trek: New Voyages episode. This Sulu is all enthused to go home and save the future.
Borg Drones (Barbara Clifford and Anthony Diaz) – We are Borg. You will be assimila—* Urk!

New Review – Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 201 – Refugees

Season 2 of Star Trek: Hidden Frontier starts of this run through of the season with Episode 201 – Refugees. There are no Fugees singing “Killing Me Softly”, but we do have the Grey doing things, lots of ships fighting, and new characters with goofy ears. And some random kids save the day. What is this, Space Goonies? Check out the Recap of Season 1 if you need need to get caught up to speed of the magic of this fan series.


Sharktopus is an actual upcoming film on SciFi Channel (SyFy….sigh…) that Roger Corman is producing. Sharktopus is rumored to have multiple mouths, but whatever it is, it better be damn awesome because that is a cool name that you have to live up to.

For more Sharktopus fun, here is a cool sculpture from McDevitt Studio

In Japan this would be raping schoolgirls...

In Japan this would be raping schoolgirls...