Battle Beasts toy review

TW2005 has posted a video review of That New Toy Smell that reviews the new Battle Beast toy from Minimates (created by Art Asylum and Diamond Select Toys), an alternate paint job having been given out at the recent toy show. It alieves a few of my criticisms that the toys might be too lego-ish and not Battle Beasts enough, but he also harps on the main concern I also have, the lack of the rub badges. Although cheesy, they helped define the Battle Beast toy line and the lack of rubs/symbols/orbs is a real let down. And that sword sucks! I will probably pick up a few of the toys to see how they are, but the review did make me more likely to pick up more of them than before. Though, currently, Gormiti seems more like the spiritual successor to Battle Beasts at the moment.

As a giant Battle Beasts nut, I will be keeping an eye on this line!

New Reviews – Star Trek Hidden Frontier episodes

The new reviews this week were several Hidden Frontier episodes. Episode 202 Yesterday’s Excelsior takes place in an alternate timeline and also goes all Battlestar Galactica because it can. Episode 203 Old Wound is a trail episode where Captain Angry becomes so angry the Justice System must step in. Episode 204 The Great Starship Robbery has some awesome villains kill a major character while a new character does nothing to stop them. Way to endear yourself to the audience, buddy! More will be up this week as we run through Star Trek Hidden Frontier Season 2!

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 204 – The Great Starship Robbery

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 204 – The Great Starship Robbery

2001 Official Site
Directed by Jennifer Cole

So this episode results in some cast changes, including someone getting blown away, and someone leaving while not saying goodbye. We also get a new guy, who we will make fun of because he is the new guy and that is how we haze here at TarsTarkas.NET.

A fan series where you can’t pay the actors and with a long production schedule will have to accommodate the leaving of actors, and that is a major problem with the first few seasons of Hidden Frontier. So this is them dealing with some of those problems. These make more sense than some real films.

Captain Ian Quincy Knapp (David W. Dial) – Still Angry! His brother was killed by the Dominion, and left Captain Knapp angry! Had a mysterious encounter during the Dominion War (The Dominion who killed his brother) with mystery aliens that made him angry, and now that he commands Deep Space 12 and the USS Excelsior he can take out his anger over his brother’s death with flaming kill-lasers. Did I mention his brother was killed?
Commander Elizabeth Shelby (Risha Denney) – Stop standing in Shelby’s way or I’ll kick your butt! Shelby’s back and being Shelby and stuff.
Lt. Cmd. Robin Lefler (Joanne Busch) – Chief Engineer, and still dating Wesley Crusher despite the fact he ran off after last season. You may remember Lefler when she was Ashley Judd on the actual The Next Generation show. Has a bunch of laws that she will recite until you pull out a gun and kill yourself. Lefler’s Law Number 244 is “Recite laws until everyone dies!”
Ensign Ro Nevin (Arthur Bosserman) – Science officer and Ro Laren’s brother. His hair is now more frosted than tiger-endorsed flakes!
Ensign Brad T. Rawling (Tristan Clark) – Ensign Ro’s best friend and lover of alien poontang. Communications officer. Makes bad jokes. Spends a lot of his time hanging out in his quarters with Ensign Ro and getting hammered.
Ensign Jenna McFarland (Adrianne Lange) – Half-Trill, Half-Human, all Navigation. I still don’t know if she has a worm in her belly. Is always there if you need the ship steered. Has amusing stories that she never gets to finish due to the plots developing. Her uncle’s name is Rufus.
Lt. Toby Witczak (Matt Kruer) – Assistant chief engineer, was on the USS Devonshire during the Grey attack. Still putting it on a pedestal. Witczak enjoys reading The Hobbit and getting shot down for dates by his boss. And getting shot in the chest. Whoops!
Lt. Luko (Terence Schoshinski) – Who is this dude? – Luko is the replacement for Lt. John Martinez who is off doing…something…maybe they’ll explain it when he returns later in the series. Luko was on Voyager, so we know he’s used to being on ships run by morons. But he was also in the Maquis, so never trust him. As for a security officer, he gets shot and contributes to the death of a main character in his first appearance. Nowhere to go but up. Luko is a Bre’elian, which is funny because it rhymes with alien.
Chief Teb (Angela Hahn) – Transporter Chief Chick in a few episodes, so we might as well introduce her and stuff. I don’t know if she goes on to bigger and better things or if she’s playing “Beam Me Up!” until she retires.

Guest Star Roll Call

Sha’kev (Dan Crout) – Another fabulous Andorian who is overacting and chewing the scenery into little bits o’ chewed green carpet. And he’s AWESOME! We need completely loopy bad guys out of the blue (Andorian blue pun intended!) Just imagine how angry Captain Angry would be if he had to listen to this guy talk! Totally kills Toby, because he can.
Vorina (Suzy Kaplan) – Sha’kev’s equally crazy accomplice/girlfriend/green woman. It’s not easy being green, especially when your kids will turn out aquamarine! That’s just the kind of thing to drive a girl into the life of the criminal. She even kills her own men when she wants to. Sadly, she doesn’t kill Luko. and Niger

Niger is just one letter off from’s favorite word that none of them say because it is the only thing you can say that is actually racist, according to them. But what happens when actual news happens in the country of Niger? Obviously, N-word jokes! Ah, FreeRepublic, so hilarious it hurts….or maybe that pain is my soul imploding…

Here comes the posts!

babygene gets close, but then the ball gets hit out of the park…

Congrats to Pessimist for being our Racist Douchebag of the Day!

Old Texan agrees with Pessimist that he wants to celebrate throwing around racial slurs like they’re candy at the parade.

We must avoid confusing the old white racist demographic!

Another douchebag joins the chorus!

If you think this is just an isolated incident, then you probably haven’t read a damn thing we’ve been posting on the TarsTarkas.NET Blog for a while now. So you should probably stick around and read some more. Friend of the site and fellow goon Seventyfour did some work on the Niger tag on FR and found more examples of the same lame “joke”

Story goes up…

july4thfreedomfoundation is here to take the bait!

Next up…

Next down…

Story up…

And the joke is broken by the guy who posted the article, Loyalist

naturalborn is a Birther and a racist? How can that be?

Hey, look, Loyalist posting another article so he can make the same racist joke!

One more article…

Again posted by Loyalist, making the same racist joke again! He loves that racist joke so much, he married it!

Oh…I have the feeling this won’t be the end of Niger jokes….

Wingnut Web – The IRS are the REAL TERRORISTS Editon

So a crazy crazy dumbass named Andrew Joseph Stack III got mad because the IRS didn’t fall for his fake religion con and wanted money, so he burned down his house with his family still inside (they got out thankfully) and then crashed a plan into an IRS building. Seriously, he was crazy. And he posted a gigantic rant on the internet filled to the brim with crazy craziness. It looks like he killed two people with his crazy stunt. So what is the reaction of our favorite Wingnuts? Will they cheer on someone attacking the IRS? Or condemn the crazy guy for being crazy? Let’s find out….

It’s okay to kill people if they’re people I don’t like

Killing innocent people? Hilarious! Hehehe….. Snort!

Quoting this dude just because he has a giant Viking picture for a sig!

Paying your fair share and funding infrastructure that makes America great is Terrorism!

Bookie1066 – thinks killing 5000 people is a good idea. Also bonus crazy sig!

Sancho Iligalo! Hilarious! You should write for Seinfeld!

skimbell is happy because crazy people go crazy and he can sit at his computer and do nothing while pretending to be a “Patriot” while another moron declares the IRS is the real terrorists

Let’s drop a bomb of crazy into this thread!

Someone will cheer if people go Henry Bowman? Who is Henry Bowman? Only the main character of a novel Unintended Consequences (popular at gun shows!) where he spends the whole thing gunning down Government Employees. And this fucker will cheer them on. That’s a real terrorist! chose to NOT delete this comment.

Dead Corpse is another crazy mo-fo. He’s an OathKeeper and a 3%er, meaning he’s a paramilitary crazy frakface.

And also desperate to overthrow the US government!

Don’t insult my Texas Secession buddies!!!

metmom is another one who hates the IRS and thinks anyone who doesn’t want to kill them is a terrorist sympathizer!

Joe Stack is the GREATEST AMERICAN HERO WHO EVER LIVED! You only wish you were patriotic enough to burn down your own home while your family was inside! GI Joe has NOTHING on Joe Stack!

First reply of the first thread about the plane hitting the building:


RoseofTexas thinks she’s living in Gotham City!

Joe Stack was framed! 2-18 Trutherism!

Everything that ever happens ever is a terrorist attack!

They will cover up this crash and no one will acknowledge it happened!

Bill 0’Reilly (notice the ZERO they used in his name so he can’t search on Google for them talking about him!) is in on the 2-18 conspiracy theory!

Quick! Spin him away from us!

Crashing into buildings will help us….somehow!

If this guy knew about Obama, he’d crash planes into dozens of buildings!

No, Holocaust Shooter James Wenneker von Brunn WAS a White Supremacist and he POSTED ON FREEREPUBLIC.COM!!!! What the frak??? FreeRepublic deleted all his posts! More here!

If he did, it would just get deleted

Let’s check in on how Joe Stack is getting spinned now:
I see….

And what does Resistnet think of all this???

Until next time….

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 203 – Old Wound

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 203 – Old Wound

2001 Official Site
Directed by Risha Denney

Captain Angry must face the fact that he is angry in this Very Special Episode of Star Trek: Hidden Frontier!

Captain Ian Quincy Knapp (David W. Dial) – Still Angry! His brother was killed by the Dominion, and left Captain Knapp angry! Had a mysterious encounter during the Dominion War (The Dominion who killed his brother) with mystery aliens that made him angry, and now that he commands Deep Space 12 and the USS Excelsior he can take out his anger over his brother’s death with flaming kill-lasers. Did I mention his brother was killed?
Commander Elizabeth Shelby (Risha Denney) – Stop standing in Shelby’s way or I’ll kick your butt! Shelby’s back and being Shelby and stuff. This time, she’s prosecuting Captain Angry. That will learn him to stand in her way!
Counselor Myra Elbrey (Barbara Clifford) – Betazoid, used to teach at the Academy. Survivor of the Grey attack on the USS Rutledge. Has a dog named Mr. Scott. Occasionally blonde.
Lt. Cmd. Robin Lefler (Joanne Busch) – Chief Engineer, and still dating Wesley Crusher despite the fact he ran off after last season. You may remember Lefler when she was Ashley Judd on the actual The Next Generation show. Has a bunch of laws that she will recite until you pull out a gun and kill yourself. Lefler’s Law Number 244 is “Recite laws until everyone dies!”
Ensign Jenna McFarland (Adrianne Lange) – Half-Trill, Half-Human, all Navigation. I still don’t know if she has a worm in her belly. Is always there if you need the ship steered. Has amusing stories that she never gets to finish due to the plots developing. Her uncle’s name is Rufus.
Lt. John Martinez (Anthony Diaz) – Chief of Security who looks like a Chief of Security. Thus he is the Chief of Security. I know he does so on the USS Excelsior, but I don’t know if he does so on Deep Space 12 as well. Will eventually wander off in the middle of the season.
Admiral Nechayev (Renee Huberstock) – The best admiral ever is now a semi-main character, appearing in pretty much every episode and yelling at everyone. Renee Huberstock was a day player in several episodes in Season 1, now she has a permanent role, so they’ll need another person to play random background women. Will Captain Angry and Admiral Angry yell at each other? Heck yeah!
Lt. Toby Witczak (Matt Kruer) – Assistant chief engineer, was on the USS Devonshire during the Grey attack. Still putting it on a pedestal. Witczak enjoys reading The Hobbit and getting shot down for dates by his boss. And getting shot in the chest. Whoops!

Guest Star Roll Call

Commodore Cole (Jennifer Cole) – Commodore Cole is still hanging around, because Jennifer Cole is still around. Thus, she’s on the show from time to time, this time being a judge. Commander Cole pronounces you guilty.
Andorian Admiral (Phillip Brickey) – This Andorian Admiral totally rocks the antennas! He presides over Captain Angry’s trial, because we need Andorian admirals to preside over angry dudes. Of course, now we got like a whole bunch of Admirals and Commodores in this section of space, which probably makes it very annoying if you are a renegade Starfleet Captain.
Dominion Founder (Larry La Verne) – Odo’s brother here is another nameless Founder who is all gooey and stuff. He’s working with the Federation to help fight the Grey, except for fact he was secretly negotiating with the Grey to try to take over the Federation! And he get blown away by Captain Angry…or does he? You’ll have to read the synopsis or download the episode to find out!