Age of the Dragons is Moby Dick gone dragons

Somehow this is a real movie and not an internet joke. We have a reimagining of Moby Dick, except with dragons, and a land boat (?!), and a scarred Danny Glover with Vinnie Jones also running around for some reason. I am sure someone thought this was an awesome idea at some time, but it isn’t this person. I think had they ditched the land boat thing it would have been less ridiculous looking.

The pellet with the poison's in the flagon with THIS MOVIE IS POISON!

Infernal Brains Podcast – Episode 04 – Turkish Pop Cinema Part 1

The Infernal Brains have returned, for another go-round in the world of cult cinema. Join Tars Tarkas and Todd Stadtman from Die, Danger, Die, Die, Kill! as they dive into the rich history of Turkish Pop Cinema. You’ve probably seen some of these flicks, with various superheroes Turkey-ized, running around punching people for fifteen minutes straight and bedding everything with a heartbeat and a hole. So join the Infernal Brains as they go over some of the best films Turkey had to offer that featured dudes in costumes.

Soon we’ll have an iTunes feed once things get approved. I also set up PodPress, so we have a podcast feed – – and there is a podcast player down below at the bottom of the post, giving at least three ways to hear it. So no excuses!

And the audio is much improved! What things did we do differently? Absolutely nothing! I can’t explain it, but it happened. During the next round of recordings we’re going to try out a different recording format that should make the audio even better.

Mp3 download link – Right-click, save as

Podcast with stills for those of you who need something to look at:

Movies discussed:
Bedmen Yasara Adam
3 Dev Adam

Previously on Infernal Brains:
Taiwanese Giant Monster Films Part 1
Taiwanese Giant Monster Films Part 2
Polly Shang Kuan

SciFi Channel March Monster Madness

SciFi Channel (still refuse to use the term SyFy) is finally doing something interesting on their website. Their having their own March Madness with monsters from their Creature Feature films! 32 of the baddest monsters of them all are battling it out for the championship, and YOU can vote for the winners of each round! The best part is they went and made up stats cards for each of the monsters, and the cards are awesome. It is a shame they aren’t real cards. But enough of the dreaming. Did your favorite monster make the list? Despite appearing in three separate movies, no komodos made the list, nor did any raptors, robots, cobras, zombies, or werewolves. Just good old fashioned giant monsters, the type mom used to make! The cards are all archived here for those of you who don’t want to fiddle through the awkward flash user interface, and because I’m sure they will all disappear once the contest is over and these are too cool to have disappear into the internet ether. So, enjoy!

From Mansquito


Buy your $200 Fat Albert CZ-Encrusted Rule 34 Vore Charm Today!

Have you seen this fan art picture of Fat Albert having eaten Dumb Donald whole?
Fat Albert

Well, now you can get it in cubic zirconium form!
Fat Albert CZ-Encrusted Rule 34 Vore Charm

As the ebay seller says: It depicts Fat Albert in movement, with Bucky caught in the way and against Albert’s wide stomach. From kids to teenagers to adults, this charm is guaranteed to attract any age audience.

Yes, this misinterpreted pervert art can now be yours forever! Give it to your grandkids to let them know grandpa was frakked in the head, but he could still be blinged out!

(Also LOL that Fat Albert looks like Fatal Bert when I read it in all lowercase with no spaces)

Godzilla vs. Megalon comic book

We got a March of Godzilla 2011 bonus item!

In these scans swiped from Magic Carpet Burn (a blog you should read or I’ll call you an idiot!), Prof. Grewbeard shares with us his four page Godzilla vs. Megalon souvenir comic book he got when he saw the film in the theaters. Featuring Jet Jaguar named Robotman for some reason, and Gigan is going by the name Borodan, probably because he is pretty boring. Yes, I still hate you Gigan!

Click for HUGE-O-RAMA!!!

Read our Godzilla vs. Megalon review here!