RiffTrax brings the serial with Batman Takes Over!

RiffTrax jumps into the serial aisle with their latest release, Batman Takes Over, the first part of the Batman and Robin serial. It’s not the racist Batman serial, but the one that came after that. Batman and Robin is just cheaply made! Batman battles that famed Batman villain, The Wizard!

You remember him, right? Sure, we all do!

You can grab it now, and get ahead of the game. Because once the whole serial has been release, you will need to impress people with your knowledge. Just lay into them with your Batman and Robin superiority. They won’t know what hit them, and you will get bags of cash. Or arrested. You make the call!

We’re excited to present Batman Takes Over, the first installment in one of the earliest screen depictions of Batman ever made, the 1949 serial Batman and Robin! This is where we’d joke that we finally found a version of Batman and Robin worse than the Joel Schumacher Batman & Robin, but that is physically impossible according to Newton’s Law of Schumacherian Bat-Nipplage.

In this thrilling opening episode, Batman Takes Over…an hour to arrive at the crime scene, because he drives an ordinary car instead of a Batmobile. And, standing in for stately Wayne Manor, a slightly-less-stately suburban home. Batman and thirty-something boy wonder Robin are hot on the trail of The Wizard, so named for his lack of magic powers or costume resembling a wizard’s in any way. Speaking of costumes, Batman & Robin store theirs in a drawer in a FILING CABINET. And, and, and…well there’s too much great Bat-wrongness to tell here, you really just need to see this.

So squeeze into an ill-fitting costume, buckle your utility belt (ordinary belt), and join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for Batman Takes Over!

A full list of chapters, hopefully we get the whole shebang!
Batman Takes Over
Tunnel of Terror
Robin’s Wild Ride
Batman Trapped
Robin Rescues Batman
Target – Robin!
The Fatal Blast
Robin Meets the Wizard
The Wizard Strikes Back
Batman’s Last Chance
Robin’s Ruse
Robin Rides the Wind
The Wizard’s Challenge
Batman vs. Wizard
Batman Victorious

RiffTrax batman takes Over

All You Need Is Kill gets dumb new title and cool new poster

All You Need Is Kill has been renamed The Edge of Tomorrow, because we can’t have cool things. Despite sounding like a Lady GaGa song or a Star Trek title, it’s in fact a reference to the sort of Groundhogs Day plot of All You Need Is Kill, as Tom Cruise’s character relives the same day over and over again. Of course, there are better names, like The Edge of Kill, The Kill of Tomorrow, The Kill of Kill, Die, Danger, Die, Die, Kill, Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Egg Sausage and Kill, and Groundhogs Kill.

But at least we get this cool poster!
Edge of Tomorrow All You Need Is Kill Comic-Con

Sanctuary Sleepy Hollow

Invasion Roswell and Ghost Shark and swimming to SyFy Thursdays!

SyFy still has a batch of original movies coming on Thursdays. August 8th brings us the mysterious film Invasion Roswell. We were alerted to Invasion Roswell thanks to an image on twitter of a screener dvd.
Writer Jackson Stewart has said the film is about a pregnant alien dinosaur. No other information is forthcoming because it doesn’t have an imdb page, and I can’t find any information due to the huge huge huge amount of Roswell conspiracy theory sites clogging up Google. But I did learn about Reptillians. Did you know that Reptillians take drugs made from human brain chemicals? This is 100% true, ask your local Reptillian.

August 22 gives us the exciting Ghost Shark, one of our 69 Must See Flicks from The American Film Market. One reason: Griff Furst directs. His SyFy flicks are always a blast. Also, Richard Moll has a role! Huzzah for Night Court!


Last Fourth of July, teenager Christy Bruce disappeared from a high school beach party. Her severed arm washed ashore a day later. Drunken sea captain Blaise Shaw became a hero to the small seaside community of Harmony after killing the great white shark that was deemed responsible, but the Christy Bruce murder was no shark attack. Blaise turns to ghost hunter Ava Conte, who is skeptical but intrigued by his ghost shark ramblings. With preparations for a massive July 4th celebration rapidly approaching, they soon find themselves embroiled in a conspiracy of sex and murder involving the town’s wealthiest and most powerful citizens. Unprepared to contend with a Ghost Shark that can hunt on land, sea, as well as anywhere there is enough water or rain to sustain its phantom form, Blaise and Ava must uncover the truth about the towns dark past or fall victim to the Ghost Shark.

DreadCentral has a trailer

Ghost Shark

Shouldn’t Ghost Shark be eating Ghost Bikini Babes?

SyFy: a fountain of monster fun!




Written by Thunder Levin
Directed by Anthony C. Ferrante


Helen Hunt, where are you??

Before it even aired on SyFY, Sharknado was making waves. First spotted as a film poster, Sharknado would make periodic social media resurfaces as more and more people saw the poster for the first time. The image of the sharks swirling in the tornado, with the tagline “Enough Said!”, was enough to send everyone’s lips a-talkin’ and smartphones a-tweetin’.

And lo, it came to pass that Sharknado did air on SyFy. An event film, it became a social media sensation, though the ratings failed to live up to the hype. How much was just people thinking they were too good to watch, and how much was the lamented switch to new SyFy movies on Thursday, I cannot say. But saw Sharknado I did, and thus, now we shall all learn about the Sharknado!


Duck Hunt world champion!

Sharknado laughs in the face of your physics and logic, presenting a world where a Mexican hurricane causes massive shark gatherings off the coast of LA, which are then sucked into water spouts and unleashed on the city, but not before random flooding causes sharks to be swimming in the streets, the sewers, back yard pools, and increasingly in higher ground. LA is as prepared for sharkmageddon as it is for being invaded by alien butts, thus no one has evacuated or even leaves the beach as terrible weather comes in.

Through it all, we follow surfing legend Finly “The Fin” Shepard, as he attempts to save his children and ex-wife from the swarms of sharks. Fin wasn’t always there for his family, but he’s there now, and has to mend the wounds while avoiding shark wounds. The journey is also an excuse to explain whey they just don’t hole up at the top of a tall building until the storm passes. Fin is also a guy who can’t leave lots of innocent people to die, so at times he goes and risks his life to save strangers. At one point this literally stops the film as he saves a busload of kids. But it’s nice to see a hero do heroic things and think of others, and not see people as just collateral damage for his conflict.



Sharknado saves the actual sharknado for the end of the film, before that it is just a glorified flooding shark attack movie. But the title does appear (3 of them!) and there is some sharknado destruction and gifable images. But I’m greedy and always demand more more more. While the carnage and death is fine, I can see why some people are disappointed.

Army of Sharkness!

But Sharknado is a wonderland of references and crazy stuff. It also has some odd parallels with Pacific Rim (at least three scenes) though they would be totally independent, as the Asylum version is called Atlantic Rim. Sharknado has references to Wizard of Oz, 90210, Shark Week, Jaws, Crocodile Dundee, and many more. It also features such wonderful shark battles as:

  • pool stick vs shark
  • barstool vs shark
  • oxygen tank vs shark
  • bookshelf vs shark
  • lamp vs shark
  • power lines vs shark
  • exploding swimming pool vs sharks
  • pistols vs shark
  • chainsaw vs shark


I’ll teach you to use that Shark Attack 3 line on my teenage daughter!

I liked it, it wasn’t the best Asylum production, but it was enough to satisfy my SyFy cravings. And what other movie would brave a title like Sharknado?

Fin (Ian Ziering) – Finly “The Fin” Shepard is a surfing legend and also owns the bar. Has an ex-wife and two almost adult children that he never talks about. He’s also a chainsaw legend, if what we see in the film is to be believed. Fin will risk everything to save people, because he’s good like that.
April Wexler (Tara Reid) – Fin’s ex-wife who isn’t that fond of him, though things seem to be getting better by the end of the film.
Claudia (Aubrey Peeples) – Fin’s teenager daughter who is mad at her dad for never being there for her. He makes up for it by being there for her.
Nova (Cassie Scerbo) – Fin’s waitress, who hates sharks, hates her past, even hates her real name. Is sort of crushing on Fin, though seems to transfer all that to Matt by the end of the film, as Matt is actually her age. Nova tells a tale of a boat crash that resulted in everyone dying by shark except her.
George (John Heard) – A retired surfing legend turned barfly at Fin’s bar, because he’s got nothing else going on.
Matt (Chuck Hittinger) – Fin’s son who is in flight school, and comes up with the bombing the sharknado plan. Luckily, being at flight school prepares you for difficult helicopter flying into massive storms.
Sharknado (CGI) – Many sharks, many winds, many teeth. Enough said!

Hey, it’s a SHARK TANK!