The Doll Squad and The Astral Factor – Cinematic Titanic Trip Report

Cinematic Titanic Doll Squad Astral Factor

Like every good Mistie with cash to spare, I went to the Cinematic Titanic farewell tour, as the group gives their last hurrah due to their individual careers being busy enough to not allow the proper time for their show. The leg hit San Francisco in the historic Castro Theater, featuring a double header of The Doll Squad and The Astral Factor. Unfortunately, J. Elvis Weinstein was sick, so Cinematic Titanic featured host Dave “Gruber” Allen filled in for his spots. And also did a very spot on Josh impression for most of his lines.

I attended the show along with Sheldrake from and Hellburger (his writing can be found on Can’t Stop the Movies) and his wife (the latter two were also at the Monster Squad screening earlier in the day.) We had a grand time hanging in the Castro between shows, as San Francisco was having an uncharacteristically nice day (which soon turned to a windy fest as we waited in line!) Despite a small ticket snafu that seemed to affect everyone who ordered online, soon we were seated with killer seats.

Before the show there was the usual Castro organ playing, a signature event before every Castro screening. As we readied for The Doll Squad, the crew did their warmup acts. Gruber did a dance interpretation to a pop song. Frank did a monologue of jokes about where he was in life (he’s currently writing/performing for Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell on FXX) Trace and Mary Jo performed an old Dutch play while Gruber did “riffs” badly – which was the humor. Then the show was to begin and Joel the introductions.

If you have not seen The Doll Squad, know that it skews towards the better of Ted V. Mikels’ work. Which is to say that it is ridiculously awful. Someone is sabotaging rocket launches as blackmail against a Senator, so a gigantic 1970s computer spits out that “The Doll Squad” is the perfect group to find out what is going on. Some of the initial girls that their leader Sabrina (Francine York) recruits end up dead – graphically, as Mikels gained fame for gorey films. Eventually Sabrina recruits women faster than they can get killed off, and the team sets out to solve the mystery of who is blackmailing and why. This involves a lot of running around, sneaking around, and bumbling around. Things end up in a protracted gun battle for the finale that takes place in almost complete darkness. It’s not surprising at all to learn the entire sequence was filmed over one night. There is a lot of repetitive machine gun firing as scores of guards are mowed down. Sabrina manages to change her outfit in every scene, every single one is a crime against fashion, even for crazy 1970s fashion. Noted Star Trek villain Michael Ansara plays the heavy, a rogue CIA agent bent on unleashing a mutant strain of the bubonic plague upon the world because he’ll get rich or something.

Favorite riffs include swipes at almost every ridiculous outfit Sabrina shows up in, as well as Joel yelling “SLEEP!” every time the disco-ball scene transition device is used – and it is used a lot. The Doll Squad is an amazing bit of cheese, but those not familiar with that type of film quality run the danger of becoming bored or sleepy. But with an energetic Cinematic Titanic crew firing off jokes, things turned into a laugh riot. The only real complaint I have is the sound levels weren’t balanced well in the beginning, making it hard to hear the riffers over the sound of the movie. That seemed to be corrected as the film continued.

The second feature was the 1970s astral projection police mystery The Astral Factor, which is as exciting as that description indicates. If anything, The Astral Factor is a far inferior film to The Doll Squad, but those qualities also make it ripe for riffing, and it provided a huge target. I would rate The Astral Factor show as better, because the film is asking for it.

Before the show we got the preshow entertainment of a short film by Trace, which was a song and dance number where Frank is rebuilt into a Frankenstein monster. It featured cameos from the entire cast and even Bill Corbett (who is even selling brains in his first scene – making him a literal brain guy!) and was a fun little video. I have no idea if it is available anywhere. Gruber did another dance number (to Britney Spears’ Lucky), and Frank did some reviews of summer movie blockbusters – which he explained he had to think they all sucked because his job depends on everything sucking! Joel came out for introductions, at which point his mike was not working, so he did a mini Q&A while things got fixed. People kept asking obscure questions about specific MST3K jokes that Joel had no idea of the answer to, explaining how the fans watched the show way more than the performers because to them it was work, and you don’t relax from work by watching videos of work. It’s an explanation that is honest, but he also showed that he still has watched episodes recently as he picked episodes from both his and Mike’s tenure for favorites (episodes he picked for a recent screening.)

Things got working again and away we went. The Astral Factor is pure 1970s boring pacing, complete with new age stuff like mind powers. A criminal has supernatural powers, allowing him to become invisible and has telekinesis. He escapes, and goes on a killing spree against the women that helped convict him after he killed his mother and other women.

We follow Lt. Charles Barrett as he tries to solve the case, deal with his girlfriend Candy (who never seems to be wearing pants!) and his annoying partner Holt, who is constantly clicking a pen. Constantly. The entire movie. One scene, Barrett grabs his pen and replaces it with a pencil, and the crowd goes crazy. Elke Sommer is also present as a bitter drunken woman and one of the killer’s targets. Things plod along until the killer is electrocuted, which somehow causes him to be sucked away to another dimension. Which basically means no evidence to explain to anyone just what the crap was going on.

Favorite riffs include the captain who looks like Blackenstein – causing monster growls whenever he appeared onscreen. There was an amazing piece as the hero slowly drove on the freeway to one of the women in danger, as well as a boat chase where the hero just falls off of the boat while trying to disembark. The Astral Factor is one of those films that looks like it belongs on television, probably filmed on tape to save money.

Both films probably will never make it to dvd in Cinematic Titanic form, so unless someone gets a bright idea (like recording a commentary that can be downloaded from a website!) this might be the only time I’ll get to see these films riffed by Cinematic Titanic. So it was a special and bittersweet show.

After the show there was a free signing by the cast, but as it was around 1 am and everyone was tired, it wasn’t the most energetic atmosphere. Still, everyone was friendly and sincerely grateful at the support shown. I got more signatures for my Amazing Colossal Episode Guide, and got to shake everyone’s hand. So all in all, a great night. So a final salute to Cinematic Titanic, long may she live on DVD and streaming video.

And occasional reunion shows, please????

Monster Squad 25th Anniversary Screening Trip Report

The Monster Squad Castro

Who didn’t grow up with The Monster Squad as one of their favorite films? Okay, everyone who isn’t a boy in my age range. But beyond that, The Monster Squad is awesome and has held up to become a beloved cult classic, even as it bombed at the box office. Thanks to the magic of home video, everyone begged their parents to rent the film over and over again, even recording it off of HBO and wearing their tapes down watching it again and again and again. I love The Monster Squad, and it was nice to finally be able to see it on the big screen with a nice digital print for the 25th anniversary presentation. I was joined at this show by Hellburger and his wife. And, yes, everyone cheered when Wolfman was proved to have nards!

Cast members Andre Gower, Ryan Lambert, Ashley Bank and director Fred Dekker were on hand to introduce the film and answer questions at the end. The Q&A featured a Rothschild conspiracy theory question (The 1st ADA was Richard Luke Rothschild) that totally confused Fred Dekker and sent me into fits of laughter that someone would even ask such a ridiculous question. But it’s good to know that Monster Squad is part of the global conspiracies you hear so much about. You can sort of tell from all the clues in The Monster Squad: Dracula has three brides, the Trilateral Commission is three-related. The five classic monsters each represent a different point on the five-pointed pentagram. The Gillman obviously represents the Reptillian overlords. Stephen King rules, that is part of the conspiracy. The requirement of a virgin to unlock the portal to limbo is a reference to how only the pure of heart can defeat the banking cabals. The Monster Squad is a key to defeat the unseen forces that shape this world…unless it’s false flag propaganda designed to give out inaccurate strategies to keep us all slaves!

I’m on to you, The Monster Squad!

Her movie Spike Jonze

Beast of the Bering Sea airs Novermber 9th on SyFy, and Stonados will finally air November 23rd!


Beast of the Bering Sea you will probably recall us mentioning as Bering Sea Beast. Cassie Scerbo and Jonathan Lipnicki play sibling prospectors who disturb a colony of amphibious sea vampires in an underwater cave. Then people die. Asylum is the creative team.

Those of you who pay attention to what SyFy airs might recall that Stonados was once prepared to smash up the airwaves April 27, but was pulled at the last minute because it took place in Boston, which has suffered a terrorist bombing that week. Stonados was pushed back, but the scheduled reairing on June 27th didn’t take place, either. Despite Stonados appearing overseas, it has yet to be broadcast in America, but is back on SyFy’s schedule for November 23rd! Finally, we will see Stonados!

(and for a certain unnamed big site that thinks Stonados was greenlit in response to Sharknado, you are dumb. Stonados was originally scheduled for April 27, far before your boring site had even watched a SyFy flick!)

via DreadCentral

Bone Alone is not a porn film, but a Talking Dog Home Alone from Asylum!

Merry Christmas, you filthy animals! Asylum is back to take that literally, by giving us what we’ve all be craving – a Home Alone ripoff that features talking dogs! Bone Alone looks so much like Home Alone from the trailer, that this will be a Christmas classic for years to come, even featuring completely unrelated terrible sequels made decades later.

Bone Alone follows a similar plot to Home Alone: Bone the dog is a bad doggie and is forbidden from going to grandma’s house for food, so he’s left home alone. Where a bunch of thieves break in, and Bone must defend his house with all his doggie powers. Which involves lots of traps that Bone is somehow able to put together despite having no opposable thumbs. Also he talks, and there are other talking dogs, so Bone isn’t really alone. Why Bone doesn’t just yell at the burglars is a mystery. Kevin Sorbo shows up with a “dog catcher” uniform on, and is exploded. Now we know why Bone was left alone — he’s the Unabomber!

Perhaps this will spawn an entire genre of dog-themed mockbusters of popular films. A Jurassic Bark that doesn’t make you cry, anyone? Bone Matrix? Commandog? I demand all these films be made. By Christmas!

Also I lied, Bone Alone IS a porn film, but it’s a different Bone Alone!

Bone Alone

A real title

Bone Alone

Hi, my name is Bone. Kevin McBone

Bone Alone

This is the scene where Bone tricks the burglars into thinking multiple dogs are home

Bone Alone

Dumping food products on thieves is a Home Alone tradition

Bone Alone

Even Hercules can’t defeat Bone

Bone Alone

This is amaze-dog!

Bone Alone

This dog’s devil voice is my favorite part of the trailer

The Wolf of Wall Street

Hot Wheels is now a movie about a burnt out cop

Hot Wheels Logo

When you think Hot Wheels, you think the toys cars you played with as a tiny tot or perhaps the cars you kept displayed on the wall as an older than a tiny tot. Hot Wheels generally only had the plot of whatever you made, which was usually cars racing and crashing. Though 1969-1971 did see a Hot Wheels cartoon series that focused on high schooler Jack “Rabbit” Wheeler and his Hot Wheels Racing Club. There was no further Hot Wheels activity until 2003’s Hot Wheels World Race movie on Cartoon Network. That lead directly into the Hot Wheels AcceleRacers series of movies, which features racing across multiple dimensions, sentient evil robotic racers, alien racers, and a grand conspiracy. I must point out that one of the characters is named Porkchop. This series was never finished, so break out your fanfic typewriters!

Hot Wheels then went all CGI for Hot Wheels Battle Force 5, which features a few of the characters from the AcceleRacers, though it doesn’t seem to explain how they got there. Someone help me out here, I’ve not watched any of these! There are alien mutant animal drivers, which should be enough for me to watch as that’s close enough to Battle Beasts for me to be interested. And robot drivers, because robots are cool.

With all this alien robot mutant legacy in Hot Wheels, you would think the movie would be fantastic. Or at least follow The Fast and the Furious. Well, you are wrong! The current version of the script (at this point the Hot Wheels Movie development is 10 years old!) is:

The story centers on a washed-up Illinois State Trooper who, after a dangerous military device falls into the hands of a criminal, fights the man his father once put behind bars

Yes, it’s totally a story that kids love. Feel the wheel! I can’t tell you how many kids playing with cars are like “I’m Trooper Steve, who’s sick of giving tickets!”

Did anyone have those Hot Wheels cars that you could crash into walls and they’d have “damage”? Make a movie about that.


Screw Hot Wheels, make a movie out of these Weird Wheels cards!

Hercules: The Legend Begins Trailer

If you haven’t already, you have to watch the trailer for Hercules: The Legend Begins. No, not the Rock one, this is the one with Kellan Lutz as Hercules. And it looks like Gladiator meets 300 with about ten seconds of Hercules things. Also Hercules can whip lightning around, something so strong in the Hercules legend it seems to have been made up for this film.

This trailer hits all the classic “epic” trailer notes – a hero is sent off to war and becomes a slave, but rises through the gladiator ranks thanks to his skills of jumping high up into the air in slow motion and slaying all opponents. An evil king calls him a funny insulting name, he and his forbidden girlfriend make out in a lake (and he gets a necklace), and Hercules talks about how they are fighting for their lives. The real question is will this Hercules: The Legend Begins film be so generic it impacts The Rock’s Hercules movie? Whatever the effect, we have a contender for 2014’s most overblown production, and I’m hoping for a camp classic.

Hercules the Legend Begins Lutz

Hercules the Legend Begins Lutz

Hercules the Legend Begins Lutz