Iron Man 194 cover

Iron Man #194 (May 1985)

Iron Man 194 Godzilla

Godzilla’s just enjoying the ride!

Iron Man #194 – Otherwhere! (May 1985)
Writer – Denny O’Neil
Penciler – Luke McDonnell
Editor – Mark Gruenwald
Iron Man 194 Godzilla


Godzilla returns for a couple of panels and then goes on vacation again. Unfortunately, Iron Man #194 has a bunch of stuff about Iron Man in it for some reason. Don’t they know the reason this website is reading the comics 28 years later? Get with the program, Marvel!

Stark has been carrying Godzilla over the ocean for an entire minute when his rockets run out of power and he starts to sink to the bottom of the ocean. Whoops! He eventually gets enough of the armor off to get to the surface and breath again, but has no idea where he is as he’s in the middle of no where and a storm is coming. Hawkeye and Mockingbird go looking for him after an hour.

James Rhodes visits Hank Pym, who is currently hip 1970s Owen Wilson Hank Pym. Hank Pym is doing work on other dimensions when suddenly some goober with a gun comes in, demanding Pym make him a few inches shorter so he can evade the cops. Rhodes kicks and punches the guy until he falls into a dimensional portal. Hank Pym is also pulled in as well. Rhodes suits up as Iron Man and goes in after them.

Some even more boring sideplots happen with characters unimportant in the giant monster scheme of things. One thing is important in the grand scheme of comic history, as the original Scourge makes his first appearance here in what was at the time something innovative (a mysterious assassin offs a bunch of b-level supervillains randomly in various comics) but has become used a lot and now is not novel. I’ve lost count on what number Scourge we’re up to.

Hawkeye and Mockingbird used the Quinjet to search for Stark, but are unable to find him. They go back to the vessel that was downed in the ocean last issue, and are shocked to find Stark has swum there. Even more shocking, Tigra has disappeared from this story line and I have no idea where she went! Probably off to flirt with another giant monster.

While Rhodes rescues Pym and the weirdo guy with a gun, but the guy with the gun decides the trippy alternate dimension beats jail and jumps back into it!

Until next time. Actually, until the time after next, because Godzilla skips an issue before reappearing in Iron Man #196!

Iron Man 194 Godzilla

The East German Judge gives him a 4.3!

Iron Man 193 Godzilla Marvel

Iron Man #193 (April 1985)

Iron Man 193 Godzilla Marvel

Run! Godzilla is mad at our awful hairstyles!

Iron Man #193 – The Choice and the Challenge! (April 1985)
Writer – Denny O’Neil
Penciler – Luke McDonnell
Editor – Mark Gruenwald
Iron Man 193 Godzilla Marvel

These are some of the best panels in comics history. I am completely serious.

Hey, it’s true, March of Godzilla 2013 continues past the cancellation of the Marvel Godzilla series (due to increased Godzilla licensing costs from Toho, not because of low sales!) and Godzilla shows up in issues of Iron Man 6 years later, strangely mutated and not referred to as Godzilla by any character on screen. But we all know who he is. Dr. Demonicus returns as well, he actually was running around the Shogun Warriors comic series and had a whole new batch of monsters from there. None of them (nor his original monsters) are around here, and the only monster fighting is between Godzilla and several West Coast Avengers. But read on for this strange continuing chapter in the life of Godzilla…

West Coast Avenger Tigra (that would be the chick who is a tiger that wears a black bikini all the time because of course she does) is flying a Quinjet when a mysterious green giant monster mutant swats her craft, damaging it and she’s forced to make an emergency landing. That mutant is strangely familiar…

Iron Man is recovering from his alcoholism and blames his Iron Man suit for part of it (the whole feeling invincible thing that made him push boundaries even more) so he doesn’t want his suit back from Rhodes. Rhodes also has his own problems, and wants a break from the Avengers. So Stark dons his old silver suit and delivers this message to Hawkeye and Mockingbird, though he does it in a dumb way that wastes three pages.

Dr. Demonicus is back! And he also has a bunch of goons, though they’ve changed their costumes and look more like purple rejects from Hydra than his old goofy tokusatsu goons. We learned he’s captured and mutated Godzilla, just because he can! What a dick! Also he can’t refer to Godzilla by name, because of copyright stuff. There is even a reference to Shogun Warriors #14, where Dr. Demonicus was last seen.

Hawkeye and Mockingbird go to try to save Tigra (after Stark refuses to help because of all his doubts. Stark finally decides he’ll go help and flies to where Tigra’s distress call came from. Tigra wanders around the island meeting natives who are stereotypical straw hut dwellers that don’t speak English nor have any technology/radios.

Iron Man 193 Godzilla Marvel

Jurassic Park 2 stole everything from this issue!

Hawkeye and Mockingbird get attacked by missiles, the shock waves damage their Quinjet and it lands in the water. They’re soon rescued by Tony Stark. Meanwhile, Dr. Demonicus sics Godzilla on the village and Tigra, who starts doing gymnastics against the big green dinosaur.

She’s no match, and Godzilla grabs her. But Hawkeye, Mockingbird, and Stark arrive and join the battle. Godzilla gets an exploding arrow to the mouth – which just gives him bad breath. Stark decides the best way to help is to pick up Godzilla using his suit and fly far far away. So far he doesn’t even finish flying there by the end of the comic. Hawkeye, Mockingbird, and Tigra catch Dr. Demonicus’s two goons, but the bad doctor himself escapes to his undersea fortress.

What will happen? Will Godzilla get healed? Is Godzilla now evil, or just mind controlled? My theory is he isn’t evil, his swatting of the Quinjet (that damaged it just enough to force it to land) was his way of getting help. We’ll see something in Iron Man #196 that makes Godzilla look like a conspiratorial mastermind. You never want to see your favorite monster being controlled by evil, so let’s all root for Dr. Demonicus to get his! We got some more Iron Man appearances to go, as March of Godzilla 2013 continues beyond the obvious endpoint!

Iron Man 193 Godzilla Marvel

This not only happens, but it works!

Godzilla Marvel 24 cover

Godzilla #24 (July 1979)

Godzilla Marvel 24

Godzilla leaves…never to be seen again until he’s seen again!

Godzilla #24 – And Lo, a Child Shall Lead Them (July 1979)
Writer – Doug Moench
Penciler – Herb Trimpe
Editor – Archie Goodwin
Godzilla Marvel 24

Climb, climb, CLIMB!!!

This is it, the final issue of the Marvel Godzilla series! It’s the story the prior two years was all building towards! Okay, maybe the prior 5 months or so. But close enough!

The Avengers and Fantastic Four are battling Big G, who is wandering towards the Empire State Building (because that’s expected of a New York Monster!)

J. Jonah Jameson is upset that Peter Parker ain’t answering his phones and they need a photographer on this stat! Robert Takiguchi keeps going on the bridge of the helicarrier and yelling at Dum Dum, so Robert gets confined to quarters!

Godzilla and Thor each push the Empire state building, while everyone else attacks Godzilla in a cool two-page spread. I have a feeling the artists like drawing huge spreads of Godzilla attacking things.

Finally, Robert escapes his room and goes on deck of the helicarrier to talk to Godzilla. His tears soften Big G, who picks him up and listens to Rob’s heartfelt plea for Godzilla to go away from people so he won’t be in trouble any more.

So he does.

Spiderman shows up to take one photo, the cover drawing of Godzilla leaving.

Godzilla walks away and everyone is sad. The tears flow like the river they were battling over. It’s the end….forever!

And that brings March of Godzilla 2013 to a close, I’d like to thank–

interview_garfield-phone RING RING RING!
What the heck?!?
interview_garfield-phone RING RING RING!!!
interview_iron-man-phone Hi, it’s me, the actor who played Iron Man in that movie Iron Man! I just wanted to let you know that Godzilla shows up in some Iron Man comics!
Wait, you don’t mean…
interview_iron-man-phone Yes! Your job isn’t done yet, lazy-face! Get back to work!
Okay, I guess March of Godzilla 2013 will continue…with Iron Man #193! Until then, make sure you keep up with the Godzilla Marvel Splash Page!
Godzilla Marvel 24

I could look at these battle scenes all day

Na Cha Seven Devils

Na Cha and the Seven Devils

Na Cha and the Seven Devils

aka 梅山收七怪 aka Mei shan shou qi guai aka Na Cha and the 7 Devils
Na Cha Seven Devils
Written by ???
Directed by Yamanouchi Tetsuya

Na Cha Seven Devils

Here’s your disco inferno!

Who would have thought that a movie about a bunch of animal demons running amok, including a huge fire breathing dragon in sequences directed by Yamanouchi Tetsuya, would turn out to be so boring? Obviously anyone who has had prior experience with movies where flying kids battle monsters! At TarsTarkas.NET, we have dealt with a lot of them! Though most of those are Taiwanese, Na Cha and the Seven Devils comes from the illustrious Shaw Brothers studios. It’s the second of two Na Cha films that were made at the same time by Yamanouchi Tetsuya, featuring many of the same cast (they even reuse at least one human character as the grandson of his character from the first film!), and one of several Na Cha films, a character from a classic Chinese tale.

A quick Na Cha primer: Na Cha is that kid with the flaming circles around his feet that let him fly. Sometimes his name is translated Nezha or Na Zha. He’s based on Chinese mythology that probably has roots in Hinduism. Na Cha shows up in Journey to the West and has a stream of television and film appearances.

Na Cha and the Seven Devils seems like it would be an idea kids film, just let them watch the special effects while mom and dad go get hammered..I mean, go do chores. But there is an awful lot of boob grabbing. It’s oddly sensual (though in a clumsy sensual way), and Shaw was ranking up the sexy in the early 70s. It does seem way out of place for what goes on in the rest of the film.

The look of Na Cha and the Seven Devils comes from art director Mutsuo Mikimi, who has a pedigree of doing effects on Message from Space, Goke, Body Snatcher from Hell, and Super Infra-Man. Director Yamanouchi Tetsuya was making a brief foray out of Japan, but he also has a kaiju pedigree thanks to films like The Magic Serpent and 1969’s Akakage. Doi Michiyoshi is also listed as a director on the HKMDB, but not on the actual film and I can’t find any further information.

The biggest gripe with Na Cha and the Seven Devils is that Na Cha and his immortal buddies cause all these problems on Earth, then they send only three of them to deal with the problems. Meanwhile, hundreds of people die! Sorry, folks, you are all being slaughtered to teach Na Cha responsibility! The main trouble is there is a magic peach tree that only blooms every 1000 years, and then the peaches take 1000 years to ripen. And it’s about time for those babies to pop. There are 8 this year that are destined to be a gift to the Queen Mother by order of the Jade Emperor.

Na Cha is unaware of all this, and just sees a tree with a bunch of peaches, and Na Cha wants to eat them peaches. So he climbs up the tree and grabs on, accidentally causing the other 7 to fall. Because they are at Mt. Kunlu – which is between Heaven and the Mortal World, the peaches fall through the clouds to Earth. Where they are promptly found by animals, that eat them and become superpowered Devils themed on whatever animal they were.

Na Cha Seven Devils

See my vest, see my vest, made from real gorilla chest!

Now, Na Cha did cause the original problem, but he also wasn’t told not to eat the peaches, and as someone who has done their fair share of gardening (and has peach trees in the back yard!), I know for a fact peaches will be falling off the tree regardless of Na Cha shaking the branches or not, which means a few would have dropped down below anyways. Which means the immortals should have hung a few baskets to catch these valuable and dangerous peaches!

After the peaches are found to be missing, an edict comes down on high from the Jade Emperor to solve this problem in 10 days! So the group of immortals decide to just send Na Cha by his lonesome. It’s only when his two older brothers Jincha and Mucha beg to go along that the party is increased. But still, everyone else just stays around Mt. Kunlu and laments their fate and probably going to get squashed by an angry Jade Emperor soon. Lazy, lazy people who deserve it for not bothering to help solve the problem.

Na Cha Seven Devils

I’ll use this to contact Sauron!

Na Cha (Yau Lung) – The Third Prince, he who killed the dragon and brought the rain and did other stuff that was either in the other movie or is a mishmash of his legend. His dad is General Li, and his two older brothers are Jincha and Mucha. I’ve never realized until now that Na Cha is the prototype for all those annoying flying children movies that Taiwan kept pumping out. Na Cha is also annoying and flies!
Yang Jian (Ngok Yeung) – That legendary triclops who pops up from time to time in Chinese fantasy films. Notable here for popping up out of the blue and owning Celestial Dog!
Eagle Devil (???) – An eagle that eats a magic peach, becomes a devil, and decides to steal children for food!
Rat Devil (Ngai Chi-Wong) – A rat that eats a magic peach, becomes a devil, and begins chomping down on dozens of innocent people.
White Horse Devil (Chen Hung-Lieh) – A white horse that eats a magic peach, becomes a devil, and immediately declares he’ll make the village send him a lass every day!
Frog Devil (Aai Dung-Gwa) – A frog that eats a magic peach, becomes a devil, and starts trying to get it on with random human women.
Monkey Devil (???) – A monkey that eats a magic peach, becomes a devil, and starts trying to become a beautiful seductress or something. I’m not really sure what her endgame was.
Dragon Devil (Law Bun) – A huge dragon that eats a magic peach, becomes a Red Hair Devil, but still has plenty of time to burn villages and do other dragon stuff.
Fox Devil (Tina Chin Fei) – A fox that eats a magic peach, becomes a devil, and starts seducing all sorts of random guys just because she can.
Na Cha Seven Devils

I will be the Superior Spiderman!

In Korea, Pirates will roam the seas!

Korean movie Pirates

Pirates (해적: 바다로 간 산적) is an upcoming Korean film featuring bands of pirates that try to catch a gray whale that has swallowed a royal stamp. For those not in the know, the royal stamp will allow whoever owns it to give orders that have the official signature of the royal family, thus causing a whole bunch of trouble. Pirates stars Kim Nam-Gil (Portrait of a Beauty), Son Ye-Jin (Yobi, the Five Tailed Fox), and Sulli (member of K-pop girl group f(x)). It will be directed by Dancing Queen‘s Lee Suk-Hoon. There isn’t much else in English yet, but a nice high seas costume film could be a whole lot of fun!

Via AsianWiki

Korean movie Pirates

Korean movie Pirates

Korean movie Pirates

YA books to films update!

Daughter of smoke and bone

Time for more greenlighted YA books with gimmicks! “Why?”, you might ask? It’s because these are generally very very cheap, come witht heir own entrenched fanbase, and there is always the potential Twilight/Hunger Games mega-million$. So expect more and more YA films to get greenlit even if you don’t like them! One of these entries won’t even get published for well over a year! So far no casts are attached.

The book: Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor (a trilogy, 3rd book due in 2014)
The gimmick: A 17 year old woman dates an angel, and there is a war against demons
Why it might be good: Laini Taylor has hot pink hair in every photo I’ve found of her. The setting of Prague means they can use a cheap European crew to keep costs down.
Why it might suck: It sounds like City of Bones, and we all know how well that did! Laini Taylor has hot pink hair in every photo I’ve found of her. Director Michael Gracey is a visual effects man with no completed directorial films yet. They probably won’t use “How Do You Talk to an Angel” by The Heights on the soundtrack.

The book: The Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard (will not even be published until 2015!)
The gimmick: in a dystopian future, people are divided up based on the color of their blood. A 17 year old woman becomes a revolutionary leader
Why it might be good: Breaking Bad writer Gennifer Hutchison will be adapting it. It’s been called Graceling meets The Selection.
Why it might suck: This sounds like The Hunger Games except with a racism allegory for babies. Also the book won’t be published for two years, which makes it sound like it was picked up because the author knows someone, not because the book is any good. No one outside of the YA world knows what the hell I am talking about when I say “Graceling meets The Selection

Never fear, there will surely be more and more YA books…in the FUTURE!