Darn those terrorists and cronie s, they stole poor jeff’s caps lock key!
Dee declares people should check their egos, then bans anyone who dares question her
Neither of these guys have ever talked to a black person
DJ thinks grassfire.org will open the books! HA!
Immediately shot down. Because they have lots to hide.
Jesus Jesus Jesus, also flu vaccine conspiracy!
“Young people are dumb” — Bitter old white guy
Yes, you are being insulted because you are right, not because your crazy mobs are threatening public safety
How DARE they compare Bush to Hitler ::Has Obama=Joker avatar, fails to connect the dots::
JA13 thinks Star Wars is real and happening right now
LLCoolBeans shows that the short buses now have wifi
Yes, Obama will somehow be a foreigner after he angers enough liberals with his lukewarm healthcare reform!
gary kaalberg is my new favorite poster on Resistnet.
The official Resistnet.com support shack, now in some guy’s backyard. Complete with a coffee can for a toilet
Obama is going to eliminate term limits, but also eliminate elections. Yeah.
gary is just mad his caplocks key left him for an illegal alien.
gary kaalberg is one of those guys who pretends he was GI Joe
gary kaalberg claims he is going to the 9/12 march on DC
If you did step 4 and MapQuested DC, then you would have noticed step 5 leads you directly TOWARDS the CIA headquarters.
Gas mask? What the hell does Mel Frost think is going to happen? What is Mel Frost going to do on 9/12? Time to call the FBI again…
That’s it for now, Resistnet.com continues to be the jokiest joke who ever joked. But the punchline is sadness.