
Dark Heroine Muk Lan-FaTarsTarkas.NET is obsessively stupid about stupid films. Join us as we journey through the world of cinema, and when I say “world of cinema”, I mean “World of Cinema”, as we got films from all over the world! Since 2004, TarsTarkas.NET has brought you the weird and the wonderful, crossing genres like George Washington over the Delaware! So get your movie on and read our reviews!

Don’t forget to check the blog! Cult movie news and articles, and other random stuff. And we take down Congressional Candidates every once in a while.

And watch our video reviews on the Discount Puppet Explosion 411 show! – Puppets compete by watching bad movies for fabulous prizes or a horrible punishment. Subscribe on YouTube!

Check out the worldwide cult movie podcast we do with Die, Danger, Die, Die, Kill!The Infernal Brains! – Learn about dozens of movies you never knew existed and now you must see or die. – Subscribe on iTunes!

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