No one even reads these intros anymore, let’s just make with the pictures!
Letting tax cuts for the wealthy expire=slavery
This guy is the smuggest smug who ever smugged
Children should resist parents using them as props! Liberty for prop kids!
I think they’ll lose to Rico/Gump 2012
Yes, calling Obama Robin Hood is totally an insult and you should keep it up!
Minority spotted!
Tax cuts for cyclopses!
No, YOU are not entitled!
Crazy comes in all flavors
Hawaiian rivers are jerks!
We should give the govrnmnt money so it can buy some vowels
By the ballot box, right? Oh, wait, that tiny scribble about bringing your weapons to the bridge shows you’re just an insane treason guy!
This guy got $3.6 billion stolen from him and now he only has enough money to buy a sign
Not sure what the line item veto has to do with tax cuts for the wealthy expiring…
Feral kid realizes he’s being had by the nice lady
You don’t fool me, counter-protesters from Billionaires for Bush!
*Go to rallies that are astroturfed
*Have no idea what you are really protesting against
*Be unaware you just got a tax cut
It is so packed today!
Then hope your dad wins the custody battle!
Obama and his Wiccan friend make a guest appearance at a tea party!
Yes…we have EVEN MORE coming up!