Godziban yams

Godziban Episode 18 – Go!Go!ゴジラくん#9「宇宙から来たあいつ」(Review)

March of Godzilla 2019

Godziban Episode 18 – Go!Go!ゴジラくん#9「宇宙から来たあいつ」

aka ゴジばん
Godziban title English
December 8, 2019
Written and directed by Hideyuki Kobayashi
Godziban yams
Don’t you hate it when you are just having a normal day eating baked sweet potatoes and then some jerk comes along and declares he is going to challenge you to a fight? Gigan is that jerk, and he arrives in Godziban land with a mission to prove he is the best around. Unfortunately for everyone, what Gigan wants to be the best at is beating everyone else up!

This episode also has the beginnings of the Christmas graphics that will continue through Episode 20, which is the full Christmas episode that is 100% in style with Godziban in tone while also bringing the Christmas cheer. Until then, just think of Gigan as a precursor to Christmas, like he’s an Elf on the Shelf or something but instead of reporting back you child’s misdeeds to Santa and normalizing a life of surveillance, he’s just a jerk. Just like the Elf on the Shelf!

Go! Go! Godzilla-kun
The Godzilla brothers are practicing roaring, but after some discussion about goals in life, they decide to take a break and roast some sweet potatoes with Godzilla-kun’s atomic breath so they can all enjoy the tasty treat. That’s what’s good in life, roasting food with your own innate super powers and sharing them with your family.

This is all canon, by the way, Godzilla-kun and his brothers eat roasted sweet potatoes that they cook themselves. 100% canon, no takebacks! While they are chowing down a meteor appears in the sky crashing down on Earth/whatever planet this is! But that’s no meteor, it’s a Gigan!
Gigan bangs his claws together to show how tough he is…

Baragon is having fun digging in the dirt (and now speaks with a fancy new voice!) Gigan shows up and introduces himself. Baragon is happy to meet a new kaiju and talks about his digging skills and asks about Gigan’s skills. But Gigan is just interesting in fighting people and claws Baragon! Noooo! Poor Baragon!

Anguirus is busy practicing rolling into a ball back and forth, but now Gigan arrives here with the same set up, introducing himself and preparing to attack. Anguirus introduces himself as well, unaware of the danger, but soon Gigan stabs him where Anguirus doesn’t have armor and lifts him up! Noooo! Poor Anguirus!

The Godzilla brothers have finished their food and Godzilla-kun and Minya promptly fall asleep, leaving only Little awake. Gigan sees Baby Mothra, but talks to himself and thinks Mothra is far too pathetic of a kaiju to even bother fighting. That’s probably a good decision for Gigan, as we’ve seen time and time again in this series, Baby Mothra would have cleaned his clock! Gigan goes to continue looking for a challenge.

To Be Continued…

Gee, who could the challenge be? And how quickly can Godzilla-kun beat this guy up? Luckily there is only two parts to this story, so you just have to wait until the next episode to see all the action! Until then, we got smog monsters roaming the planes and dispensing wise sayings….
Hedoji and Hedochi are just standing around in a foggy wasteland with Hedoji sharing wisdom about Gigan without any prompting from Hedochi. Hedochi still gives a zinger at the end! Hedochi is too smart to not have the last laugh when the format changes.

Another Godziban comes to a close until next time, and March of Godzilla continues to march on through 2020 until we’ve caught up with Godziban!

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban Episode 17 – 「ミニラの息子」Go!Go!ゴジラくん#8 【ゴジばん】(Review)

March of Godzilla 2019

Godziban Episode 17 – 「ミニラの息子」Go!Go!ゴジラくん#8 【ゴジばん】

aka ゴジばん
Godziban title English
November 29, 2019
Written and directed by Hideyuki Kobayashi
Godziban ゴジばん
It’s time! The two parter comes to the conclusion after a month of waiting! What will happen to the egg, Minya, the danger, the cliffhanger? It’s a Godziban miracle that I didn’t go insane waiting for the dramatic conclusion to this episode!

Go! Go! Godzilla-kun
It’s Egg part 2: The Eggening! At night…lightning strikes and the three Dorats appear! Yes, the Dorats who become King Ghidorah in the Heisei series have arrived, and they want the egg! As of now the egg is in Minya’s arms as they sleep through the night. The Dorats fly to Minya and use their Dorat magic to make it start floating away! Minya gives chase and manages to grab it, but the Dorats decide they can just float away the egg while Minya is holding it and he will eventually fall off. There is a lot of floating and MInya holding on for dear life (and dear life of the egg), but Minya is a tough son of a gun and holds on to the egg despite their best efforts to shake him off!

Minya refuses to give up, so the Dorats start blasting him with lightning! Poor Minya! He collapses and the Dorats move toward the egg, but the egg is too small for them to all eat so they instead just decide to leave! They fly back to the top of the cliff they appeared on and disappear!
Godziban ゴジばん
The next morning Minya wakes up, covered in scorch marks, but the egg is still there! He takes it back to the nest, then the egg starts making noise and begins to crack for hatching. It’s baby Rodan! Rodan and Minya watch the sun rise. Godzilla-kun and Little return to check on Minya, and now they can meet the Rodan baby as well!

No more stargazing, back to wandering. This time the wasteland looks more grey than usual, but it might just be a trick of the darker palate they were using. The joke format is the same format as usual. Until…

Suddenly more talking is heard but with a slightly different voice for Hedoji, and Hedochi says “Wow Wow Wow!”
Godziban ゴジばん
The cast is bigger, the Godzibanning is better, we got ourselves a real show! Plus it proved once again that Minya is the best, Minya will go through hell for his friends and just wants to love despite being the spawn of a giant anger monster. If you don’t like Minya, you are just wrong. Sorry, but it is true!

Godziban ゴジばん

Godziban Episode 16 – 「頑固おやじの一番長い日」かまってゴジラ#5【ゴジばん】(Review)

March of Godzilla 2019

Godziban Episode 16 – 「頑固おやじの一番長い日」かまってゴジラ#5【ゴジばん】

aka ゴジばん
Godziban title English
November 22, 2019
Written and directed by Hideyuki Kobayashi
Godziban ゴジばん
We at TarsTarkas.NET know what you are thinking: It’s not 2019 any more, why is March of Godzilla 2019 still continuing? Well, because it isn’t done yet! We haven’t caught up with Godziban! Plus, I put the poll to the people on Twitter on if to continue or just launch March of Godzilla 2020 early, and the people overwhelmingly supported extending 2019! So the people have spoken, 2019 will not end until we are damn ready to have it end! March of Godzilla 2019 will continue until we have caught up with Godziban, and then maybe it will be time to shut it down for the 2020 flavor, or maybe I’ll get around to posting the reviews of the Netflix Godzilla movies! It is a mystery that can never be solved until it happens, it is March of Godzilla 2019!

Godziban‘s weirdest segment has always been the Kamatte Gojira segment, where Kamatte Godzilla from Shin Godzilla shows up to help ladies in need during troubling times. But this time things get even weirder! That’s a good thing, the weirder this show is, the better!

Kamatte Gojira
A father named Tetsugoro works on calligraphy designs on lanterns, but he is upset because his lone daughter is bringing her boyfriend over to meet him. Tetsugoro brought up his daughter himself after his wife died young, and she is all he has. When the boyfriend arrives, Tetsugoro won’t even turn around to look at him!

His daughter pleads with him, but Tetsugoro just gets increasingly agitated despite his daughter’s best efforts. Finally, Tetsugoro turns to look at the boyfriend…AND THE BOYFRIEND IS KAMATTE GODZILLA!!!! As in he is a person wearing a suit but the Kamatte Godzilla head is his head! And it makes the weird sucking noises that Kamatte Godzilla makes in these shorts! This is bonkers but totally awesome! Is the dad losing it, or is the daughter actually dating Kamatte Godzilla? Is it because Kamatte Godzilla helped her out and she wants to marry him in response, or is Kamatte Godzilla appearing as the boyfriend to help the father deal with his crisis? Or is dad just imagining the whole thing?

Tetsugoro looks back away. He is shook, as one would be, but eventually decides to put on his glasses and look at the boyfriend again (by this point we find out the boyfriend is named Kenji) But Kenji still has the Kamatte Godzilla head! His daughter even mentions kaiju when talking with her dad! What in the world is going on! Then it gets even more exciting, as suddenly Tetsugoro begins hearing fast-beat saxophone music and then rises to attack the Kamatte Godzilla-headed boyfriend! But Kenji now has a normal human face!
Godziban ゴジばん
Tetsugoro’s daughter is distraught while he is confused, but he ends up giving his blessing so the pair can get married. At the marriage ceremony, Tetsugoro begins to see the Kamatte Godzilla head on Kenji’s head again! We’ve gon full Twilight Zone here and then kept going to new Zones that don’t have names yet. The Kamatte Zone? I hope the stories continue to get more and more out there as they try to top themselves with the weirdness!
Godziban ゴジばん
Hedoji and Hedochi are taking time off from wandering to look at the stars (and they see a falling star) Beyond that, they follow the same format, but as there are no subtitles this time I don’t know what they were talking about.