Stalked by My Doctor: Patient’s Revenge
Written and directed by Doug Campbell
After waiting far too long, Dr. Albert Beck is back again as the doctor who just loved love so much he would kill anyone who got in the way of his demented fantasies. Stalked by My Doctor: Patient’s Revenge not only brings back Dr. Beck, it also brings back the Green family from the first movie. Sophie Green (Brianna Joy Chomer) and her mother Adrienne (Deborah Zoe) are back, along with the ever-useless father, Jim (Jon Briddell). Sophie has returned in Goth Form, dark hair, full of nightmares about her time with Beck. But Beck is a free man (thanks to seducing a juror!) and has even gotten a teaching job at a university in Arizona. Sophie decides that it is time to be proactive and enrolls in the school as well with the express goal of forcing Beck out.
It’s a revenge movie, but this time the victim is someone who is actually bad. But in Lifetime fashion, Beck has some tricks of his own for getting revenge on the revenger. And he may have just found the young lady love of his life! Lifetime really went all out here, hats off to Eric Roberts and Doug Campbell for this amazing gift of a movie. Not only is Dr. Beck still having his obsessions and fantasies, but the fantasies have spilled into his reality. Beck spends part of the film arguing with a more sensible version of himself, who in true Dr. Beck style is always drinking and dressed like he’s on a tropical vacation. The fun in the film is so much is fantasy mixed with reality it’s often a guessing game as to whether things are real or going off the rails in Beck’s fantasy mind. Not knowing makes it so much more fun and more crazy as they can get away with goofy stuff, you’ll just think it’s fantasy until it isn’t, or isn’t until it is. Patient’s Revenge is not above trying to quadruple mindfreak you.
For once Beck isn’t saving a girl’s life in the opening, but a young lady (Melissa Peterson, played by the amazing Anna Marie Dobbins!) in his class who faints he does help on her first day, and she becomes the girl he will be infatuated with. The thing is, when Sophie arrives to announce to everyone what a monster Dr. Beck is, not everyone is ready to denounce him (he was found not guilty, after all!) and some students like Melissa even take his side. A side effect of Sophie’s goth look is when Beck confronts her in public the look combined with his smooth charisma is enough to make her look like the unbalanced party. Sophie tries several tricks to get Beck out, including framing him for distributing pornography and hiring some greasy guys (the main guy literally has motor grease all over his arms!) to beat him up. This all seems to backfire, as Beck’s supporters notice that only he is being persecuted and Beck even has Melissa sew up his injuries from the beatdown.
Patient’s Revenge looks like it was written before it all took off, but there is a big #metoo vibe with the campus petition to get rid of Dr. Beck and the various sides the school community takes. Hundreds of students sign the petition to get rid of Beck, but the school administration has his back. It’s only after things start getting ridiculous that any action happens, and the school tosses Sophie out before it finally gets rid of Dr. Beck. Beck has other worries by then, he’s finally found the love of his life with Melissa, who actually loves him back! But Sophie Green won’t let them live in peace and continues to harass them at home. The police do not care as they hate Beck because they know he’s guilty and got away with it. Melissa soon hatches a revenge plan of her own, and the film soon spirals into Mega-Lifetime mode and the shocks and twists and violence goes nuts.
Did I mention this movie has a full-fledged musical number? Because it does, complete with an original song, though you can probably figure out Dr. Beck and Melissa singing and dancing together is all happening in Beck’s mind, but it is still an amazing sight to behold. Beck’s crazy fantasies, the crazy realities, the twists, the turns, the stalking and reverse stalking, this movie has it all! The game has been upped, and Lifetime now has a new tier that movies need to aspire for to make their mark. The entire Stalked By My Doctor trilogy is required watching for any Lifetime fan, or really, anyone who loves wild and crazy stuff! Go stalk these movies today!
Rated 10/10
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When you are nominated for a Supreme Court seat but someone keeps bringing up how you used to attack women

If this school went to this much trouble to protect Dr. Beck, what other horror shows are employed there?