Beast of the Yellow Night! No, it’s not a cleverly-named Simpsons Treehouse of Horror segment, it’s a movie! A movie about a man named Langdon and his deal with the devil. Langdon’s deal doesn’t involve a fiddle made of gold, it’s more about turning into a monster with a face straight out of the mask section at Spencer’s Gifts. Also the devil is not so much the traditional “pitchfork and horns” type, he’s more of a fat ghost with a bad hairline who travels with his own fog machine. And the fog machine seems to break down a lot. But hey, are you a fan of “yellow nights”??? Because the movie doesn’t actually have any of those.
As far as we can tell, Langdon is some kind of undead murder spirit, sent by the fat devil ghost to do evil stuff at different points in history. Like Quantum Leap, but with slightly more cannibalism. This incarnation finds him in a beautiful home, with a beautiful wife, but rather than asking himself “how did I get here?” or just enjoying this luxurious life, he gets mad and ruins it all. If none of this is making sense, keep in mind the filmmakers didn’t even bother to specify a setting for their movie more clearly than “A Country in Southeast Asia.”
Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill in going completely mad trying to figure out what exactly is supposed to be happening in Beast of the Yellow Night!

The Beast of the Yellow Night – New RiffTrax VOD!
RiffTrax is rapidly becoming your source of beasts and beast-like objects. With their new film, The Beast of the Yellow Night, the prior VOD The Bride and the Beast, and…uh.. Yeah. Beasts. But there is weird stuff going on, beasts, a terrible mask, confusion, confusion on what color the night is, confusion on the location, confusion on why I was talking about beasts earlier in this paragraph, and general riffing and riff-like objects. Basically, this is the kind of film you love to see get the MST3K treatment!