PIRANHA SHARKS is a horror comedy that follows the disaster caused when a genetically engineered bio-weapons, mini-piranha/shark hybrids, are sold as children’s toys in big-box retailers and then unleashed upon Manhattan.
Starring Kevin Sorbo, Jose Canseco, Al Snow, Collin Galyean, Ramona Mallory, Josh Hammond, John Wells, Frederic Doss, Amy Blackman, Ashe Parker, Brandon Stacy, Benjamin Kanes, Barry Ratcliffe, Noel Thurman and Gina Marie Zimmerman.
Piranha Sharks will be released Friday via Vimeo, with a rental at $1.49 and $5.99 to buy. That’s pretty cheap, and if you are the kind of person who is into that kind of film (Hint: If you are on TarsTarkas.NET, you probably are!), now you got some cheap entertainment options!