Finally Super Mario Bros. gets the RiffTrax parody treatment!
The world, characters, music, even the sound effects of the Mario video games are among the most iconic entertainment creations of the 20th century. So naturally if you made a Mario movie, you’d want to abandon everything that people liked and recognized about them, and then just in case people were still willing to give it the benefit of the doubt, throw in The Happening star John Leguizamo.
Let’s say you went to the cinema hoping to see your favorite character from Mario 3, the red carnivorous fish Big Bertha. Ignoring the fact that you are a moron for your favorite character not being the King of Ice World when he’s been transformed into a seal, you might be disappointed to to learn that in the movie, Big Bertha is instead a large, violent woman with prodigious cleavage who wears S & M-esque garb. (Or maybe you’re into that. In that case, you’re probably not welcome in many of the theaters that were showing Super Mario Bros.)
So Big Bertha isn’t a fish, the goombas aren’t tiny, stompable, sentient mushrooms, and there’s nary a Tanooki suit to be found. No big deal, as long as the Mario Brothers are still brothers, right? What’s that? For no apparent reason Luigi is the adopted ward of Mario? Well, maybe it could still work as long as the movie isn’t an incoherent, hideous mess full of shouting and chaos and cheap sets and… Why are you shaking your head sadly?
Strap on your Kuribo’s shoes and join Mike, Kevin, and Bill up on Jugem’s Cloud for riffing on the best live action Mario property that doesn’t contain Captain Lou Albano.
Super Mario Bros. – New RiffTrax VOD!
From your voting finger to your VOD comes the newest RiffTrax VOD, the infamously terrible Super Mario Bros. movie! Even though I like this film because it’s so shamelessly insane, it is still awful and packed with all sorts of absurd things that just cry out to be riffed. And Super Mario Bros. was one of the highest rated films requested to be riffed in the new feedback feature on Yes, even I voted for it. So chow down on some magic mushrooms (and pray you didn’t eat the mushrooms that will kill you!) and enjoy this funktacular RiffTrax experience!