Mr. Bean Kesurupan Depe
Directed by Yoyok Dumprink
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He’s hopping his way to a lawsuit!
Could it be true? Could Rowan Atkinson be reprising his role as Mr. Bean in an obscure Indonesian pocong comedy? This thought rattled around the internet for a few hours, perpetrated by the producer behind Mr. Bean Kesurupan Depe, until the hoax unraveled and everyone realized this was too crazy to be true, even though it was just crazy enough to maybe be true. After having finally watched Mr. Bean Kesurupan Depe, I am left to wonder why they even bothered with the whole Mr. Bean hoax. In fact, I’m wondering why they even bothered with the film at all! It’s a very quick and dirty half an hour of story stuffed with some pointless filler and jokes that aren’t funny even if you’re Indonesian. The Mr. Bean plot has almost nothing to do with the rest of the film, aside from Mr. Bean occasionally leering at DePe’s character. This is after they’re both dead and pocongs, and while she’s a very very pregnant pocong. But let’s first give a bit of background.
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When you think Catwoman, you think skimpy-dressed schoolgirls!
Pocongs are a type of Indonesian folklore, bodies that are wrapped up in their kain kafan (burial shrouds.) They cannot move their legs, so they get around by hopping (like certain other Asian movie monsters) and spend their time spooking people. Recently, there have been a bunch of pocong comedies that have invaded the theaters of Indonesia, the local audience treating them much like how we in America treat the Seltzerberg (Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer) Movie “comedies”, by ignoring them as much as possible, but also wondering how they keep making enough money to justify more. Everyone from Indonesia I have mentioned these films to has had a reaction of utter disdain for the films and sad amazement that they’re beginning to get play outside of Indonesia.
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Too late, this is already messed up!
Besides using Mr. Bean for promotion, the main “plot” of the film centers on attending a concert by Catwoman, who in this universe is a famous Indonesian singer on par with Lady Gaga. She’s also played by DePe for added confusion, and also because DePe is an actress not afraid to run around in a skimpy Catwoman costume. As DePe was involved in some of the marketing without shooting down the rumor of Rowan Atkinson’s involvement, many consider her culpable in the fraud they accuse producer KK Dheeraj of. It’s also interesting that the most common comments on Indonesian movie blogs (besides calling this movie garbage) is saying not to blame Indonesian movie producers because KK Dheeraj is Indian. KK Dheeraj’s only attempt to keep from being sued seemed to be not including the title screen on the vcds and DVDs, even though the guy playing Mr. Bean is still credited as “Mister bean”! (Either that, or they just forgot to include the title!) The controversy did serve a purpose, as thousands of people who had never heard of the pocong comedy genre (or even pocongs!) now have a film to look out for. This review calling it awful will only increase the desire to watch it.
Make no mistake, Mr. Bean Kesurupan Depe is terrible. The plot is so thin, it is worshiped as an idol by those anorexia blogs. The actual “story” involving Marni and Parmin takes maybe 30 minutes total. To beef up the running time, Mr. Bean wanders around being “funny” for a bit. and even that wasn’t enough to fill up the running time so there is another pocong couple who add nothing to the film either. The entire movie is filler made to fill running time for filler. It’s like the Twilight Zone of pointless stories. I do give them props for being in focus.
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Oh, Knockoff Pocong Bean, you can do one charming thing.
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Looks like someone saw the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises just in time for filming!
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Mannequin 3: Catwomannequin
At Pocong Academy (itself a movie waiting to happen!) the pocongs go about their regular training and workout regimens…until Mr. Bean the Pocong escapes! He does so by slamming his head into the security pocong’s head. Mr. Bean – violent thug!
But forget that, we got to jump into our space filler stories! A rocker who throws gay slurs at his band (he’s named Romeo and played by Marwan XL who is also known as Fadho Qidal) for not rocking hard enough then gets emasculated by his girlfriend Juliet (played by Zahra Jasmine) who is angry he isn’t taking her shopping — too buy Catwoman outfit! Yes, Catwoman is all the rage, not because of the comic or a recent film, but because of the famous singer Catwoman.
It’s Catwoman fever!! Michelle Pfeifer pictures are everywhere, despite her not being the Catwoman in question.
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Baby orcs are so cute!
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Life advice from a pocong
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Wanted for crimes against celebrity impersonators!
Parmin gets yelled at by his mother-in-law for several minutes in “humor”, then decides he needs to take his Catwoman-obsessed very pregnant wife Marni to meet Catwoman so their baby doesn’t get a bad omen.
Don’t get too attached to Romeo and Juliet, as shortly after buying the Catwoman clothes they are hit by a car and killed!!!!! The one good thing about pocong comedies is they kill all the main characters. They wake up as Pocongs…and the Pocong King gives his speech..he’s oddly not a pocong. That’s when they notice Mr. Bean has hopped the coup.
Mr. Bean goes to a wedding and mugs a guy, stealing his suit! With the new clothes, he’s no longer Pocong Bean but just Mr. Bean! He eats all of the food at the wedding. Oh, that Pocong Bean! Mr. Bean looks like a disheveled Russian Mr. Bean, lumbering around in patched up suit. He’s eventually recaptured.
Despite being in the middle of a big city, Parmin and Marni are now suddenly lost in the woods (even they are confused as to how they got there) and she has stomach pains so they go into a nearby spooky house (logical choice!) But a dangerous psychopath is on the loose (Rizky Putra) and they get…hella murdered!!
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Never fear, Bean is here!
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That turtle is my new favorite turtle ever!
Now they are both pocongs, and Mr. Bean and is crushing on Marni and getting yelled at by the King for being a jerk. The King announces the Pocong Olympics, with the top scorers getting to go free for a bit.
There are races and games. Mr. Bean duels Parmin and Marni in a bajaj race, and despite Mr. Bean spending the entire time making leering faces at Marni (who is either really annoyed and shocked, or sort of coy and wanting her husband to be jealous) the race ends in a tie when Mr. Bean’s bajaj’s tire detaches and rolls across the finish line at the same time Parmin finishes.
So Parmin, Marni, Mr. Bean, Romeo, and Juliet all get to go free for a bit (the last two won other contests) and decide to go to the Catwoman concert at Amazing Water World (an actual place that paid to be featured in this film!) Mr. Bean blunders around and mugs a camera guy for his clothes and ID badge. He then wanders around the water park being wacky for the rest of the film.
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Knockoff Pocong Bean, ladies man!
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Is he winking at her or me?
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There is a random goth preteen during the race. For no reason!
Catwoman arrives via helicopter. The crowd loves her and she camps it up with them big time. The pocongs are denied entry because they don’t have tickets, but suddenly Catwoman’s assistant lets them in, mistakenly thinking they are dancers for the show! Parmin and Romeo end up on stage in the concert, dancing along as Catwoman sings. Eventually their terrible moves give them away, and they’re kicked off the stage. Until Catwoman recognizes Parmin, and tells a tale about how when she was a young girl she lost an eye in an accident, but got an eye donation from someone…it was Parmin! They have a tearful reunion, Marni gets evidence her husband is a good guy to use against her mother in law (though that won’t help because they’re dead. DEAD!), everyone cheers and we get a happy ending.
As terrible as this film is, it might not even be the worst pocong comedy. I saw trailers for a few others that easily make this look like Shakespeare. And at least one will be dealt with shortly…
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Pretty sure no one except the crew knew they were filming in the water park
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Meow, mother fuckers!
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Whine whine whine…
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These guys would not be out of place at all on SF’s BART
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Me-OW! Owww! My back, MY BACK!!!
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Time for this pocong…to get lei’d!
Rated 1/10 (The man to blame for everything!)
Please give feedback below!
Email us and tell us how much we suck!
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The Pocong King is somehow not a pocong. No one has realized that yet, though.
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Oh, God, not another 13 hours at the mall!
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A brief break in the constant stream of insults the mother-in-law screamed
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As am I…
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It’s almost as if we’re trapped in one of those terrible pocong comedies…
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Mr. Bean vs. water cooler!
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You better be!
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Lindsay Lohan!
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The only decent shot of the entire movie, with a bit of foreshadowing, and it’s probably a complete accident.
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Michael Jackson!
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These actors seem rather wooden in their roles
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Cameo of the tire from the movie Rubber!
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This Catwoman is too good for Batman
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Oh, that Knockoff Pocong Bean!
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Yes, they actually credited the fake Mr. Bean as Mister bean, not Rowan Atkinson or William Ferguson