In Giants, an alien race known as Giants on planet Gigantus are attacked by a foreign spacecraft, which prompts a team of soldiers to embark on a mission to Earth in order to wage war. The aggressors are taken aback when they realize they were giants on their home planet, they are 1/4 inch tall compared to earthlings, and the foreign spacecraft that attacked them was actually a loose screw from the Hubble telescope. The giants land in a nerdy kid’s yard, and through a series of events bond to save the world.
What’s even cooler is Giants is being rewritten and directed by Tom Jenkins and Simon Sharp. They are the minds behind the viral hit Address is Approximate, which is awesome and I suggest you watch it now if you haven’t! I have high hopes they will do something great with Giants, and I support this trend of giving talented shorts filmmakers chances of producing full length flicks.
via Deadline