The trailer for Ang Lee’s Life of Pi has hit the web. And it looks cool. I read this book years ago, and enjoyed it mostly (though I hated the ending)
Yann Martel’s book is about Pi Patel, the son of a zookeeper whose family is moving to Canada from India. The ship they’re on goes down, and Pi is soon adrift on a lifeboat with a zebra, a hyena, and orangutan, and a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. Then things get weird…
It looks like they’re keeping a lot of the fantastical elements, which is good, because otherwise the film would get really boring. Life of Pi features Suraj Sharma as Pi, Irrfan Khan as older Pi, and Tobey Maguire as Yann Martel. If this does well, there will be 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 sequels.