The first picture of Henry Cavill as Superman in Zack Snyder’s upcoming flick is out….and it looks…very…lizard-like. Is this Superman, or Snakeman? I am not impressed, I don’t go for these hyper-textured costumes, I don’t need things all bumpy looking like they were sewed from basketballs or the skins of Kryptonian snakes or something. For every casting news we get that sounds great, there is plot or story of costume news that sounds or looks terrible. This might be the best cast mistake in years. But we still have years to go, so who knows? Here’s hoping Nic Cage still shows up somewhere

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August 4, 2011 at 7:29 pmMeh. I’m just glad they aren’t as afraid of the shield as they were in 2006. But I won’t be able to work up the energy to care one way or another. Snyder’s involvement killed my enthusiasm for the project. At this point, he’d have to do a frame-by-frame recreation of the Man of Steel miniseries from the ’80s in order to win me back.
Tars Tarkas
August 4, 2011 at 10:07 pmMaybe if we’re lucky Superman is robbing the bank here because he’s evil.