Supersize Me
The boys discover Morgan Spurlock and his documentary Supersize Me, largely because he has a hot babe with him at a premiere. So they decide to eat nothing but Burger World food for 30 days. They gain more and more weight, while Mr. Van Driessen gets them a documentary crew following them, and various corporate CEOs run tricks to not get blamed for the epic obesity.
Teen Cribs – WTF? never heard of this show. Rich bratty kids show off their place, the boys confused and think it’s Teen Mom.
Jersey Shore – Snooki’s dating preferences lead to much mockery, and their own lists
Bathroom Break
Butthead discovers that he got paid to poop when he was in the restroom, so the boys spend all their time at work in the restroom, as the Burger World slowly devolves into chaos.
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros – Kisses over Babylon – The discussion turns to Jesus, and the audience pefering to get shot than to listen to the song