The return of
Beavis and Butt-Head is an event that will change America. Not really. But as someone who grew up with Beavis and Butt-Head and remembers all the controversy over the show, the return of the show is a blast of nostalgia and a time to reflect on how America has changed since the show left. What was once considered controversial will probably now be largely ignored as the show airs, with Southpark and other shows taking up the mantle of targets by busybodies with nothing better to do. Heck, there isn’t even an opening warning any more! MTV has graduated to not playing music videos, causing Beavis and Butt-Head to target both videos and the array of reality shows for their commentaries. This has the added bonus of letting us see actual real life people who are far stupider and reprehensible than Beavis and Butthead could ever be. It is a testament to Mike Judge’s vision…no, actually, it’s the same of a nation that people like that are given outlets and money and fame instead of mocked like they deserve. Will Beavis and Butthead save America by destroying the Jersey Shore? If we ever needed a hero, we need one now.
And now that the ridiculous introduction is out of the way, let’s get on with the show!
Werewolves of Highland
Beavis and Butthead watch a Twilight film and realize how much women love the romantic cheesy lines from the film. The Twilight even spills over into school, with Mr. Van Driessen mentioning how the Twilight vampires and werewolves are true antiheroes who are irresistible to women. So Beavis and Butthead get get the idea to become vampires and werewolves themselves! They spots a homeless dude at the mall and have him bite them. But instead of becoming werewolves, they become infected with a score of diseases.
MGMT – Kids – An awesome trashing of the bad parenting shown in the video. And yes, that’s Florida.
Jersey Shore – The boys give us a good slamming of JWOWW and her stories of her grandkids, along with the general terribleness of Jersey Shore cast
Skrillex – First of the Year (Equinox) – Beavis knows what a child molester looks like very accurately. The pair discuss what would actually be spoken on the call to 911 about this video.
A stray onion causes Beavis to tear up, leading to nonstop mocking by Butt-Head over his crying that continues for the rest of their lives. Sometimes simple episodes like this showcase how awesome the show is.
True Life – I’m Addicted to Porn – “porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn”
LMFAO – Champagne Showers – The pair trashes them for spraying around expensive champagne while the economy sucks. Yes, Beavis and Butthead are the 99%. They also deal in philosophy with the statement by Beavis “Why were we born as us?” Makes you think.
All in all, a killer opening show, and a sign the series hasn’t changed a bit, but is still hilarious.

NOTE: For these reviews I will be using Butt-Head and Butthead interchangeably, because barely anyone types “Butt-Head” when talking about the show.