Haiti, disasters, and people worse than monsters…

The recent Haitian earthquake is a disaster of epic proportions. It is simply awful. But, some people just say completely horrible things. I don’t understand these people. They must be mentally ill. Or just fucking crazy. In any event, even in the worst of times, you will always have a right wing jackoff saying horrible things on the internet. Welcome to reality! So after you’ve donated to the Red Cross, read up on some things that will make you lose faith in humanity. REMEMBER TO DONATE FIRST, because some of you might not have the stomach to afterwards. You have been warned.

I will start this out with something I have never been able to truthfully say: The crazy posts you will see here are in the minority, and actually had a few people calling them out for being so damn awful. Not many, and not all, but some.

Haiti is literally hell on Earth!

CBS faked Katrina for the epic ratings!

cripplecreek shows up enough on the Wingnut Web we should offer him a salary…

Hispaniola, home of the Sith!

George Obama doesn’t care about non-black people!

HA! Five people died, it’s hilarious!

Why doesn’t God Earthquake the hell out of the Middle East? Does God worship Islam?

See, this is why I told you to donate to the Red Cross first. Because now you know all that money went to Obama’s pockets! MuHAHAHAHAHAHA!! We got your money!

God is really sort of a jerk…

Haitians are the Original Welfare Queens!

Haiti should just write a check to itself…

This conspiracy of…something…totally proves Obama was born in Kenya!

Haiti needs to bootstraps itself out of this earthquake.

What the fuck?

You can’t handle the secret horrors of Haitian Voodoo! I saw it on an episode of Heroes…

I spit out my coffee in shock at your assertions that Haiti is a tragedy!

Did hundreds of thousands of people die in that?

As much fun as a few FR idiots are, you have to remember their inspiration has been screaming pretty much the same thing. First he bashes the island of Haiti:

After earthquake, Rush says Haiti produces “zilch, zero, nada,” asks when Obama will call for Aristide to be returned

Then he goes all racist on us!

Limbaugh: Obama will use Haiti to boost credibility with “light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country”

Granted, Pat Robertson probably has said the dumbest public comment when he said that the earthquake was because Haitians swore a pact to the devil.

But don’t worry, FreeRepublic, the worst comment I found about Haiti comes from our old favorite, ResistNet.com, where a guy actually wrote Haitian Earthquake fan-fiction to try to tickle your funny bone. leon lunsford is our Douchebag of the Day!

Predictions for Massachusetts

Here at TarsTarkas.net we’ve all been busy wearily counting down the few remaining days till January 19th, 2010. It’s not a countdown we’ve been anxious to keep track of, but on January 19th, 2010 Massachusetts (which hereforth will be referred to as Mass. because the former is too hard to spell) will hold the first general election of the year. Fortunately for us though, this vote is only a special emergency election to pick who will fill the seat Ted Kennedy left behind when he died last year (and was buried with Obamacare). The real 2010 election cycle won’t really heat up until March, but the passing of January 19th marks the day when the media will never start shutting the fuck up about election news (bringing loads of 30-second campaign ads between the news programming with it) and also resembles an Armageddon-like coming of time for us who pay attention to such things.

However, this race is also kind of a Waterloo moment for the Tea Party/Birther crowd since they, for the first tangible time, will have the opportunity to put an R-MA into the Senate thus very discretely slightly tipping the scales in favor of the minority party. Now, I could sit here and give you my opinion about the state of Mass. and all the people who live there and the ways it’s divided politically and how things are pretty close in the race to begin with and who I think might win, but that’s not what is important to me with 9 days to go before people start casting ballots (some of them possibly the undead as registered by ACORN so watch out).

Given the way most Tea Birthers usually react to bits and pieces of seemingly important news (oh boy they were not happy when Orly got her lawsuit thrown out of court) I am instead going to focus my efforts more towards making some Nostradamus shit happen here and predict just how people will react to the results of the election. As I gaze into my magic crystal ball I see two possible outcomes of the 2010 Mass. election:

I. Republican candidate Scott Brown will win one of the longest held Senate seats by a Democrat (and a Kennedy, in Mass. the dynasty’s home court!) in the United States and will be lauded as the savior to the Conservative cause and there will be much rejoycing. Most people will probably go on with their lives after that, but Tea Partiers will hale this as a God-sent victory to their movement and use it as a motivation to push candidates from other states elections on their family and friends, and most importantly people on online message boards! This isn’t so hard to imagine since Brown has a 48% of the vote according to an article on Talking Points Memo and there has been a lot of enthusiasm put behind this guy by the Tea Party crowd who are probably going to turn out to vote for him. You can probably imagine what the positive reaction will be like.

II. Democratic candidate Martha Coakley wins the heated race and is hailed as a real leader we can believe in and there is much rejoicing. Mass. continues to be the same haven of liberal ideals it has always been and people more or less go on with their lives. Stunned and disappointed by their candidate’s close but shocking loss Birthers/Tea Partiers immediately go on the offensive accusing the nebulous “Democrats” of coordinating with ACORN to rig the election and demand a run-off election or a vote recount be considered in light of the heinous robbery of freedoms that has just taken place. With the amount of enthusiasm on the Right for these elections I would not be surprised if the results of every important race this year are contested by these people, but just like with every other cause Birthers have taken up, they are laughed in the public and in the media due to their claims. Dr. Orly Taitz possibly files a civil lawsuit against every branch of the Mass. state government.

One thing we can be sure of in advance is that the reaction from the Birther/Tea Party community will be mixed in opinion and will most certainly be an angry and bitter one. There will definitely be some complaining to do in their camp. As our countdown to Mass. election day continues here, we at TarsTarkas.net toast to you, our readers, and urge you to take advantage of your radio and television news before the 19th comes around and election season coverage and constant campaign commercials render it unwatchable by human standards until the summer. Cheers!

Wingnut Web – TarsTarkas.NET is Infiltrated Edition

Oh Noes! TarsTarkas.NET is in trouble! In case you haven’t noticed, TarsTarkas.NET has been infiltrated by militia types who are destroying this site. Or so that was the plan, but no one could be bothered to do anything (as usual from these keyboard militias) and thus TarsTarkas.NET was saved. TarsTarkas.NET victory! Of course, doing what we do, we have people talking about us all the time. And the best part is, we know about it. Yep, that’s right. We know. And sometimes, we share. Because sharing is caring. So let’s go all Care Bear Stare and check out what The Well Regulated Militia (http://militias.ning.com) thinks of TarsTarkas.NET (we’ve met them before here and here and many members are also Resistnet.com members):

It begins…

It’s gonna go down, son, and TarsTarkas.NET will pay

fedup! got fedup with figuring out how to comment or join the forums or send an email

We are so brainwashed that only the communistiest communists can give us orders.

fedup! is TarsTarkas.NET’s biggest fan. Just wait until they find out we have multiple accounts as members of their militia. And we have blog commentors who are also undercover in their militia. With the recent infighting in their militia and people dumped, it is probably there is hardly any members of that militia at all.

GodsModernDayMartyr (a name that totally doesn’t mean they want to get gunned down by the Feds) falls for another ruse.

TarsTarkas.NET: buncha dumbasses, utterly brainwashed, just plain evil, and self-destructing boobs.

Well, there you go. If you want to see this thread, too bad, it got deleted weeks ago during one of the many militia.ning.com infighting spats where threads were deleted left and right and many emails were sent out with various people pointing fingers. The FBI doesn’t need to follow these guys, they’re too busy destroying themselves. This is why children shouldn’t have guns.

Plot details on Gina Carano vehicle Knockout

Steven Soderbergh’s upcoming film Knockout, starring mixed martial arts champion Gina Carano, has been given some new cast members and an updated plot. It is now a straight spy/revenge action flick. Black Ops super soldier Mallory Kane (Carano) is double-crossed and must go find out who did the double-crossing and how best to killerize them dead. Probably with a right cross. Michael Douglas is a government guy, while Michael Fassbender is another Black Ops guy. Ewan McGregor plays a mercenary company CEO that owns the company that Carano worked for. Dennis Quaid is also in the film.


In addition, the MMA hype machine has built up to the point some ding-a-ling is spamming the crap out of blogs that even remotely mention MMA fighters such as Carano. Luckily, they do it so badly Askimet catches every single one of their spam comments. Looks like a spammer got Knocked Out.


Five Element Ninjas/Chinese Super Ninjas coming to remastered DVD

January 26th, 2010, sees the remastered version of Five Element Ninjas (reviewed here as Super Ninjas) on DVD. Finally, an awesome widescreen prints of this crazy masterpiece. In the film, crazy ninjas of the various five elements destroy a kung fu clan, except one lone survivor who meets a master who is familiar with the element ninjas and teaches him how to counter them, thus, it’s revenge time!!! We got fire ninjas, gold ninjas, water ninjas, wood ninjas, and earth ninjas. None of them are wearing “Ninja” headbands or talking to Richard Harrison via Garfield telephone.

New Review – The Boy and a Magic Box

Thew new review is yet another Taiwanese kaiju film, The Boy and a Magic Box. This one is packed with a whole host of crazy monsters. Including the craziest monster of them all, another annoying kid. but besides that horrible beast, we got three-headed dragons, monkey bird guys, Monkey King, three-eyed dudes, a Triceratops-ish monster, a flame-breathing T-Rex with kung fu weapons, and a three-headed six-armed awesome monster. Complete with loads of clips and pictures, read it today!