New Reviews – Hidden Frontier continues!

Illness can’t stop the fan film fun! Thus, additional episodes of Season 2 of Hidden Frontier are now posted up. We got Episode 205 – Encke – where a very square ship crashes, there are space pyramids, and Captain Angry gets a daughter. Episode 206 – To The Stars – uses footage from an older fan series to annoy me and make me make a separate Roll Call! Grrr…! Episode 207 – Fire in the Heart – has Chimp Guy! Chimp Guy rules. Only two more episodes before we return to Turkish Superheros, weird sex films, and Crazy Asia.

Go to the Hidden Frontier website to see the original shows!

Wingnut Web – Barack Obama is Malcolm X's son Edition

Yes, Barack Obama being Malcolm X’s secret lovechild is a real conspiracy. As are many other crazy things from the Brithers. Besides being infested with that, Resistnet has a lot of other crazy nuts. So here is a pack of crazy posts I’ve been sitting on because of illness, laziness, and sheer volume of posts pulled and not wanting to overwhelm. We have a few repeating offenders, a lot of new guys, and some one-shots. I, personally, would laugh my butt off if Barack Obama was really Malcolm X’s son (and HOW would that make him not a US citizen? It would blow the Birthers out of the water!)

Robert Founder has the cure for those AMINOs…Acid!

Never trust anyone. Demand you mom’s birth certificate!

His plan is to destroy America in order to save it.

Lynn Bryant DeSpain joins in with some more made up facts!

We got a rogue #8 about to invade your list!

james reynolds thinks he will stop war contractors making money by voting in Republicans! Next he will stop murder by voting for Charles Manson

Oil comes from the core of the Earth! I saw it in the scientifically accurate movie The Core!

Sarah Palin should cook me dinner.

We we kill government employees it isn’t terrorism!

Andy Martin account found!

I’m sure Christian was this upset when Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh were also vacationing in Hawaii

Hey, another member calling for an armed coup in America! The “Peaceful” Resistance…

CMW’s racism is so strong all lowercase t’s on my computer have burst into flames…

Let’s drive him Bugs Bunny! Or Mickey Mouse!

Stop loosening things, Obama! We need it tight in here

Please support my OBOGO petition! Please? Pretty please? Why does no one love me?

Someone upset her crazy post was ignored…

RAR! Support my crazy!

FoxNews is in on the Birth Certificate Conspiracy!

They threaten all the talk show hosts! Why have none of us been threatened? Uh…..

CSA Avatar guy is surprisingly crazy. Who knew?

Hello, crazy, my old friend. I’ve come to listen to you again…

FoxNews is the Muslims! And the Muslims are calling from inside the house!

Okay, the conspiracy theories are more complicated than a Glenn Beck chalkboard now…

It’s almost as if saying Barack Obama is Malcolm X’s son is crazy or something…

Poor Doris Hickey, somehow thinking the Tea Party will give her Health Care reform. How does this happen????

This plan is great until you need a kidney. Go to for more crazy!

FACT: The Republicans were a third party, and since 1964 they’ve been an unmitigated and total disaster!

We’ll stick to losing elections we should win easily!

Yeah, good luck with that…

So if you think this is bad, kicked off all of the Birthers, and they suddenly exploded in number on All this happened while I was sick, so this weekend I pulled dozens and dozens of crazy Brither posts, which will be upped….next time!

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 207 – Fire in the Heart

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 207 – Fire in the Heart

2001 Official Site
Directed by Dave Mason

Forget your Faith of the Heart, I got Fire in the Heart! Fire! Fire! That’s cool!. We have secret kids and things borrowed from a Next Generation episode. Plus a character’s hair is still obviously dyed. Which one? Well, figure it out! Do I have to do all the work for you? Pretend it’s a Slylock Fox or something. TarsTarkas.NET is promoting personal responsibility.

Speaking of personal responsibility, also guess which major character wasn’t being very responsible as to where he was sticking his p-due without a rubber raincoat! I hope he doesn’t get Space AIDS, which is like regular AIDS except aliens burst from your chest.

Captain Ian Quincy Knapp (David W. Dial) – Still Angry! His brother was killed by the Dominion, and left Captain Knapp angry! Had a mysterious encounter during the Dominion War (The Dominion who killed his brother) with mystery aliens that made him angry, and now that he commands Deep Space 12 and the USS Excelsior he can take out his anger over his brother’s death with flaming kill-lasers. Did I mention his brother was killed?
Commander Elizabeth Shelby (Risha Denney) – Stop standing in Shelby’s way or I’ll kick your butt! Shelby’s back and being Shelby and stuff.
Counselor Myra Elbrey (Barbara Clifford) – Betazoid, used to teach at the Academy. Survivor of the Grey attack on the USS Rutledge. Has a dog named Mr. Scott. Occasionally blonde.
Ensign Ro Nevin (Arthur Bosserman) – Science officer and Ro Laren’s brother. His hair is now more frosted than tiger-endorsed flakes!
Ensign Jenna McFarland (Adrianne Lange) – Half-Trill, Half-Human, all Navigation. I still don’t know if she has a worm in her belly. Is always there if you need the ship steered. Has amusing stories that she never gets to finish due to the plots developing. Her uncle’s name is Rufus.
Lt. Cmd. Robin Lefler (Joanne Busch) – Chief Engineer, and still dating Wesley Crusher despite the fact he ran off after last season. You may remember Lefler when she was Ashley Judd on the actual The Next Generation show. Has a bunch of laws that she will recite until you pull out a gun and kill yourself. Lefler’s Law Number 244 is “Recite laws until everyone dies!”
Lt. Luko (Terence Schoshinski) – Who is this dude? – Luko is the replacement for Lt. John Martinez who is off doing…something…maybe they’ll explain it when he returns later in the series. Luko was on Voyager, so we know he’s used to being on ships run by morons. But he was also in the Maquis, so never trust him. As for a security officer, he gets shot and contributes to the death of a main character in his first appearance. Nowhere to go but up. Luko is a Bre’elian, which is funny because it rhymes with alien.

Guest Star Roll Call

Traya (Crystal Huerta) – Captain Angry’s unknown daughter, Daughter Angry, who was secretly birthed by her now dead mother after Captain Angry was all “love ’em and leave ’em” or something. So they have a secret mission to rescue the child because I guess there is no Department of Child Services in the 24th century.
Chief Enan Kiril (Rob Caves) – A Trill guy on the bridge who is played by show driving force Rob Caves. Is there a worm in his belly? Let’s cut him open and find out. Where is my lightsaber?
Dr. Anderson (Suzy Kaplan) – Dr. Henglaar can’t possibly help everyone on the Deep Space 12/USS Excelsior crew by his lonesome, especially when he needs his regular mud baths. And then there is hiding from Deep Space 12’s meat processing plant, as they want to turn Henglaar into hickory-smoked bacon. Mmmmm….hickory-smoked bacon. So Dr. Anderson is the other doctor, the one who is related to Neo.

Hidden Fronier 206

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 206 – To The Stars

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 206 – To The Stars

2001 Official Site
Directed by Rob Caves and Jennifer Cole

This episode is special because it is filled with clips from the older series Voyages of the USS Angeles. Thus, I have to make a whole new second Roll Call, for the second time this season. This season of Hidden Frontier hates me. The next time we have a Very Special Episode of Star Trek: Hidden Frontier, can it please be about someone fighting space anorexia or high school space bullies instead of just having an entire new cast? Or how about an episode where someone is an alcoholic, you could call it To The Bars!

Captain Ian Quincy Knapp (David W. Dial) – Still Angry! His brother was killed by the Dominion, and left Captain Knapp angry! Had a mysterious encounter during the Dominion War (The Dominion who killed his brother) with mystery aliens that made him angry, and now that he commands Deep Space 12 and the USS Excelsior he can take out his anger over his brother’s death with flaming kill-lasers. Did I mention his brother was killed?
Counselor Myra Elbrey (Barbara Clifford) – Betazoid, used to teach at the Academy. Survivor of the Grey attack on the USS Rutledge. Has a dog named Mr. Scott. Occasionally blonde.
Ensign Artim Ibanya (Beau Christian Williams) – Because YOU demanded it, the kid from Star Trek: Insurrection with the CGI mouse is now a grown up main character! Wait, who demanded this? Someone did. And now we got it. His character is not as terrible as you might imagine, which is a shock to me.


Fleet Captain Cole (Jennifer Cole) – Commodore Cole once was just a lowly Fleet Captain who no one listened to. Thus, they promoted her!
Lt. Jason Munoz (Jason Munoz) – Munoz is back despite not being really back and just being stock footage! Hooray!
Counselor Katie Moss (Katie Moss) – Kate Moss? It took her until the 24th Century to defeat her anorexia. Manages to get kidnapped as well, making her the supermodel counselor version of Harry Kim.
Artim (Beau Christian Williams) – I guess if I was part of the LA Star Trek fan club and had made these flicks for years, I would have seen Beau Christian Williams grow up before my eyes. Now I just see it on the internet.
Lt Tenenbaum (Jake Tenenbaum) – I don’t know anything about him, so let’s just as some lyrics from O Tannenbaum: O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, Your branches green delight us. They’re green when summer days are bright;— They’re green when winter snow is white. O, Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, Your branches green delight us!
Ensign James Darwin (Cliff Gardner) – Before he was Lt. Cmdr. James Darwin, he was Ensign James Darwin. Thus, here he is. Amazing, I know.
Dr. Henglaar (John Whiting) – Medical Doctor, Tellarite, and an actual interesting character. Ignore the fact he is wearing a pig nose and Muppet gloves…again! Because it’s a flashback, you see. John Whiting ruled even then. He can cure his own swine flu.

If they make me set up a THIRD brand new Roll Call this season I’m gonna…

John Carter of Mars news – Ciaran Hinds interview

Ciaran Hinds will be playing Tardos Mors (misspelled as Tardes Mors) in John Carter of Mars and Aberforth Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows. He just gave an interview to Collider with some information.

John Carter talk:

Talks about who he plays in the film – plays Tardes Mors – the leader of one of the two warring tribes on Mars
Tells me how he got cast in the film and how he was a huge fan of Andrew Stanton’s work
Says the script is so well written – filled with energy and drive
Says it’s live action, CG and animation
Has already filmed a few days
Does he think the movie will push the boundaries of film like Avatar
Talks about a big set piece “where everyone is involved” and that will take 8 or 9 days in March, then he does two small scenes in early April, then he goes to Utah to film as that’s going to fill in for Mars

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 205 – Encke

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier – 205 – Encke

2001 Official Site
Directed by Risha Denney

We got a potential love interest, a random ship blowing up, Greys being jerks, and secret space pyramids. Just another day in the Briar Patch! The USS Excelsior is in the thick of it all, because otherwise this episode would be pretty boring with Captain Angry just reading a mission report of the people who actually discovered all this, then getting angry it wasn’t him and then he punches the wall and kills his fish and eats a lot of toasted ravioli and then throws up the toasted ravioli in Ensign Ro’s bed and tries to pretend it wasn’t him. Poor Ensign Ro… I’m hungry for toasted ravioli!

Captain Ian Quincy Knapp (David W. Dial) – Still Angry! His brother was killed by the Dominion, and left Captain Knapp angry! Had a mysterious encounter during the Dominion War (The Dominion who killed his brother) with mystery aliens that made him angry, and now that he commands Deep Space 12 and the USS Excelsior he can take out his anger over his brother’s death with flaming kill-lasers. Did I mention his brother was killed?
Commander Elizabeth Shelby (Risha Denney) – Stop standing in Shelby’s way or I’ll kick your butt! Shelby’s back and being Shelby and stuff.
Dr. Henglaar (John Whiting) – Medical Doctor, Tellarite, and an actual interesting character. He’s a changed man! John Whiting rules. The nose knows!
Counselor Myra Elbrey (Barbara Clifford) – Betazoid, used to teach at the Academy. Survivor of the Grey attack on the USS Rutledge. Has a dog named Mr. Scott. Occasionally blonde.
Lt. Cmd. Robin Lefler (Joanne Busch) – Chief Engineer, and still dating Wesley Crusher despite the fact he ran off after last season. You may remember Lefler when she was Ashley Judd on the actual The Next Generation show. Has a bunch of laws that she will recite until you pull out a gun and kill yourself. Lefler’s Law Number 244 is “Recite laws until everyone dies!”
Ensign Ro Nevin (Arthur Bosserman) – Science officer and Ro Laren’s brother. His hair is now more frosted than tiger-endorsed flakes!
Ensign Brad T. Rawling (Tristan Clark) – Ensign Ro’s best friend and lover of alien poontang. Communications officer. Makes bad jokes. Spends a lot of his time hanging out in his quarters with Ensign Ro and getting hammered.
Ensign Jenna McFarland (Adrianne Lange) – Half-Trill, Half-Human, all Navigation. I still don’t know if she has a worm in her belly. Is always there if you need the ship steered. Has amusing stories that she never gets to finish due to the plots developing. Her uncle’s name is Rufus.
Lt. Toby Witczak (Matt Kruer) – Still dead!
Lt. Luko (Terence Schoshinski) – Who is this dude? – Luko is the replacement for Lt. John Martinez who is off doing…something…maybe they’ll explain it when he returns later in the series. Luko was on Voyager, so we know he’s used to being on ships run by morons. But he was also in the Maquis, so never trust him. As for a security officer, he gets shot and contributes to the death of a main character in his first appearance. Nowhere to go but up. Luko is a Bre’elian, which is funny because it rhymes with alien.
Chief Teb (Angela Hahn) – Transporter Chief Chick in a few episodes, so we might as well introduce her and stuff. I don’t know if she goes on to bigger and better things or if she’s playing “Beam Me Up!” until she retires.

Guest Star Roll Call

Ensign Corey Aster (J.T. Tepnapa) – Corey Aster is from the USS Olympus and has come to specialize your mission. Or something. He’s that guy you never remember from college who suddenly shows up one day and wants to date you.