Yes, Barack Obama being Malcolm X’s secret lovechild is a real conspiracy. As are many other crazy things from the Brithers. Besides being infested with that, Resistnet has a lot of other crazy nuts. So here is a pack of crazy posts I’ve been sitting on because of illness, laziness, and sheer volume of posts pulled and not wanting to overwhelm. We have a few repeating offenders, a lot of new guys, and some one-shots. I, personally, would laugh my butt off if Barack Obama was really Malcolm X’s son (and HOW would that make him not a US citizen? It would blow the Birthers out of the water!)
Robert Founder has the cure for those AMINOs…Acid!
Never trust anyone. Demand you mom’s birth certificate!
His plan is to destroy America in order to save it.
Lynn Bryant DeSpain joins in with some more made up facts!
We got a rogue #8 about to invade your list!
james reynolds thinks he will stop war contractors making money by voting in Republicans! Next he will stop murder by voting for Charles Manson
Oil comes from the core of the Earth! I saw it in the scientifically accurate movie The Core!
Sarah Palin should cook me dinner.
We we kill government employees it isn’t terrorism!
Andy Martin account found!
I’m sure Christian was this upset when Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh were also vacationing in Hawaii
Hey, another member calling for an armed coup in America! The “Peaceful” Resistance…
CMW’s racism is so strong all lowercase t’s on my computer have burst into flames…
Let’s drive him Bugs Bunny! Or Mickey Mouse!
Stop loosening things, Obama! We need it tight in here
Please support my OBOGO petition! Please? Pretty please? Why does no one love me?
Someone upset her crazy post was ignored…
RAR! Support my crazy!
FoxNews is in on the Birth Certificate Conspiracy!
They threaten all the talk show hosts! Why have none of us been threatened? Uh…..
CSA Avatar guy is surprisingly crazy. Who knew?
Hello, crazy, my old friend. I’ve come to listen to you again…
FoxNews is the Muslims! And the Muslims are calling from inside the house!
Okay, the conspiracy theories are more complicated than a Glenn Beck chalkboard now…
It’s almost as if saying Barack Obama is Malcolm X’s son is crazy or something…
Poor Doris Hickey, somehow thinking the Tea Party will give her Health Care reform. How does this happen????
This plan is great until you need a kidney. Go to for more crazy!
FACT: The Republicans were a third party, and since 1964 they’ve been an unmitigated and total disaster!
We’ll stick to losing elections we should win easily!
Yeah, good luck with that…
So if you think this is bad, kicked off all of the Birthers, and they suddenly exploded in number on All this happened while I was sick, so this weekend I pulled dozens and dozens of crazy Brither posts, which will be upped….next time!