Quick accountability update

TWI reports,

A brief detour from my Guantanamo coverage, as a State Department official, speaking only on background, confirmed something else I’ve been working on. The private security company formerly known as Blackwater and now known as Xe Services, will be allowed to bid on the next generation of the State Department’s lucrative Worldwide Protective Services Contract.

This is after Nisour Square, a civil lawsuit settlement in January,  tax evasion, shooting Afghan civilians from the roof of a moving car with (smuggled) AK-47s signed out to “Eric Cartman” for a paramilitary training program (which resulted in federal indictment), and using a shell company to evade suspicion for a contract.  This is by no means a comprehensive list, but it’s more than enough to know that it’s time to stop paying them to do this.

This is separate from the other shady stuff with the CIA/JSOC which isn’t really subject to oversight (another problem altogether).  This contract is the one they were winning year after year to “guard” government officials on diplomatic trips.  Getting this this contract means that every time that Barack Obama, or Hillary Clinton, or Alan Grayson for that matter go on a diplomatic visit, they’re relying on Blackwater for protection and/or killing people for fun.

Wingnut Web – Cheerleading the Nazis Edition

Arizona’s new immigration law that makes everyone a target unless you carry your birth certificate on you at all times is controversial, to say the least. Freaking garbage, to say a bit stronger (but not strong enough!) But you can understand that Wingnuts like the folks at FreeRepublic.com and Resistnet.com are cheerleading this like crazy. Because they are crazy. And hateful.

The immigration law was written by AZ state senator Russell Pearce, but Pearce has an unlikely comrade touting how he helped write the bill. Kris Kobach is his name, and you might know him as a dude running for the Secretary of State of Kansas. Or you may know his pals the neo-Nazis. Yes, that’s right. Besides a White Nationalist lawyer bragging he helped write the bill (The immigration bill was written by a Nazi!) Russell Pearce also pals around with J.T. Ready, another neo-Nazi. And Pearce got in trouble a few years ago by fowarding around emails from White Nationalism groups. And Resistnet is cheering this all on. Sometimes, the crazy just writes itself.

So let’s do what Wingnut Web does best: Find insane stuff, shine a light on it!

Rich Mexicans break into the US daily to make a few bucks outside Home Depot just to sneak back into Mexico to drive big cars!

We should deport everyone!

Illegals stole Roy’s spellcheck! And how do you deal in rape? Are immigrants Goldman Sachs?

We have bagged on Jeffery J Cole before, but in a long long long thread he is one of the few voices not calling for the deportation of everyone brown. He realizes that it is impossibly expensive, a waste of time, and also not what Jesus would do. This means that everyone on Resistnet now hates him and I expect him to be banned soon. We salute Jeffery J Cole, despite our differences, we give credit where credit is due.


Mexican Moses is jammin’ with Danish Job.


what is “welfare breeders” code for?

Jeffery J Cole lays out somewhat sensible propositions…

And is brutally attacked! Oh, folks at home questioning Firefly’s numbers, you are correct, LA is 47.7% Hispanic, not illegals. Firefly is using illegals as code for everyone Latino!

I will solve the problem of doing something impossible and super expensive!

If I make up enough crap, the 14th Amendment says whatever I want!

Looks like the INVASION has stolen FireFly’s spellcheck! Speak English or get out!

Crusty Old Geezer continues to make up stuff.

Immigrants are terrorists!

John Galt keeps up the tradition of boring long speeches.

I find the fact that someone named John Galt is complaining that he can’t find a job because of corporate outsourcing ironically delicious

I’ll make up more numbers and also your wife is raped, all illegals’ fault!

Remember when all these people now yelling about how laws must be enforced were trying to break the law in regards to filling out the census?

One of them is a citizen, the other one probably is and you are just racist. But thanks for your masturbation fantasy of sending away all the brown on your block.

Lobbyists are too dumb to know to travel to local offices!

Mexicans are dirty, stinking criminals.

I have no evidence any of them are illegals but I’ll just say they are and call them roaches because they aren’t human. Praise Jesus!

Jeffery J Cole knows the secret truth of the AZ law that even Tom Tancredo thinks goes too far. And is attacked.

Now, on a completely different subject, I burned my census form…

Human rights are socialism.

RARGH! Private business phone lines are somehow the faults of illegals!

Remember, this guy votes!

I’ll just make up a story about being threatened by Middle Eastern people now…

Resistnet Chat is just as racist as ever…

I slept like a baby knowing that millions of Americans will be harassed and persecuted! Praise Jesus!

Taco Baggers

Maria Isabel Cintron goes off the deep end and keeps on sinking…

Oh, do we have more? We have more. Next time.

Wingnut Web – Slavery took place because the Constitution was not enforced Edition

So Resistnet has been cheering on the recent immigration law in Arizona. No surprise there. What is (also not) a surprise is how many posters there seeem to think everyone who is even remotely Hispanic is an illegal, to the point where “illegal” comes to refer to anyone brown. Even President Obama. But don’t worry, Resistnet.com posters all have black friends, so they ain’t racist, even thought they’re screaming about how White Christians are being systematically de-powered by dark-skinned immigrants.

Hispanic? Standing on the corner? Your rights are now forfeit!
I also love how all nice-dressed Hispanics will be immune from harassment.

Steele spoke the truth, time for him to go!

Free to be oppressed by the Confederate-fetishing Republican party!

Black Republicans need to do the work of 10 men to prove they are worthy

My BLACK friends…

Oh, snap! You’re going down, MLK! And I bet Jeffery J Cole can’t figure out why Blacks don’t like the Republican Party…

If Steele had any guts he would start a race war!

It’s like none of them bothered to pay attention to the last 50 years! (they didn’t)

Slavery took place because the Constitution was not enforced? It was written into the Constitution! 3/5ths of a person! This is the “Conservative” history you want to be teaching instead? Completely wrong information? Oh, yes, that’s right. These are teabagging morons.

I hate racism! That’s why I harass black politicians. Bonus “Your a moron” quote.

My Chinese Mexican friends!

Way to go becoming a worse state than Florida!

You got Birtherism in my Illegalism!

i swear to god if the illegals don’t give me back my shift key…

(all Hispanic)

They’re coming to dilute us White Christians! White Christians need to form some sort of group, maybe a clan.

Funny how none of these people supported the law when it came to census forms.

Lou Dobbs is so dreamy…

People actually talk like this. On purpose. Non-ironically.

I’ll take a break from constantly complaining the cops are going to take my guns to defend the cops from the left

Illegals is code for another word. Try and guess what it is!

More code talk here.

They should speak English. Which means frank e kekkemur has to go! That’s some terrible teabonics!

Sky King thinks the chicken crossing the road is an illegal immigrant

Birtherism is poised to explode! And then get made fun of some more because Birthers are crazy.

Why don’t state governors invade shoot all browns? It would totally piss off libs!

AMEN! All Hispanics are illegal, round them up LOL!

Again, everyone who is hispanic is called illegal.

This moron thinks illegals are lining up at the DMV

He’s not one of us (he’s black!)

Rome was filled with lazy black people too!

My favorite crazy old man had decided to impeach everyone.

My BLACK friends!

We even spent our budget on shift keys!

Mel Frost has gone over the edge.

Oh, Resistnet!

Magnificent Five

The Magnificent Five (Review)

The Magnificent Five

aka Phra-dek-seua-kai-wawk

Directed by Bhandit Rittakol

The Magnificent Five is a 2006 action comedy where a group of mismatched heroes band together to rescue children sold into slavery. They learn to work together and laugh and love and all that other crap, all while shooting bad guys. Set in the distant past, Magnificent Five incorporates a Swashbuckling style that seems inspired by the Pirates of the Caribbean films while being completely different in plot development and characters.

It is sort of interesting to see the character of Captain Johnson, as he is a totally evil colonial trader dude. It is not that far out of bounds, he could be just the same as the evil British and East India Tea Company characters from the Pirates of the Caribbean films, if one were to ignore the history of Thailand and colonialism in South Eastern Asia. As you may or may not know, Thailand was the only country in the area that was never colonized, but the colonies surrounding it were played off of each other by Thai rulers. Thus, unlike films from places such as Indonesia, there is not a whole ton of films where patriotic nationals fight off oppressive colonial forces against long odds. So is Captain Johnson an evil symbol of colonial aggression, or just a handy stereotype to make a bad guy out of? You make the call!

Like many Thai films, the exact translations and spellings of character names is a jumbled mess. So I will be going with a set translation of everyone’s name, but also listing the alternative names for each of the characters. Maybe one day I will bother to learn enough Thai that I will have a set translation scheme preference, but my crippling laziness will probably prevent that from ever happening.

Suer (Jesdaporn Pholdee) – A Thai cool tough guy and legendary warrior, but he’s also a lazy drunk. He’s the best fighter in all of Thailand, thanks to his grand strategy of just walking up to people and shooting them. Jesdaporn Pholdee was voted the Sexiest Man in Thailand in 2003 and has roles in the Iron Ladies films as well as Queens of Langkasuka. His name is sometimes subtitled as Seua. (Nickname: Tiger)
Raka (Paula Taylor) – A whipmaster and tough girl who helps rescue the kids and has some bitter vengeance on her mind. Paula Taylor is a Thai/British model/actress/game show constestant who is also a big name in the Philippines. Her name is sometimes subtitled as Rakaa. (Nickname: Chicken)
Mahah Thong Suk (Note Chern-Yim) – A monk who fled his village after standing up to some rude colonials who can’t stand the fact a non-white guy talked to them. Whatever he warns against comes true. Eventually joins the crew to rescue the kids. His name is sometimes subtitled as Phra. (Nickname: Monk)
Sum Lee (Koti Arambawy) – The bomb-crazy kid and thief partner of Raka who gets very angry at monkeys. His name is sometimes subtitled as Dek. (Nickname: Kid)
Worg (Sarawut Mardthong) – A guy who sells medical herbs, until he’s dragged into the mess with escaped thieves and kidnapped children. Has special herbs that will turn you gay. His name is sometimes subtitled as Wawk. (Nickname: Monkey)
Captain Johnson (Damian Mavis) – A White guy so he’s evil. Okay, he’s evil because he’s selling children into slavery and it looks like he molests little girls as well.
Master Kajorn (???) – A Slave Trader who runs mines that are worked exclusively by slaves, along with owning lots of lands that anyone who passes by must give him tribute.

Wingnut Web: The Teabagger Boogie

From the man who brought you the GEICO Insurance ad announcer voice, who was recently fired from his job for having an opinion on something ridiculous, brings you another Tea Bag-tacular event you won’t want to miss, The Teabagger Boogie (Dick Armey’s Army of Dicks):

This DC Douglas guy is awesome, his new full time job should be being the slick and sane voice of reason on a series of videos that hold the Tea Parties’ feet to the candle and make them accountable for the retarded mess they’ve created in this country.

Wingnut Web – Party of Slavery Edition

It’s time to visit Resistnet.com again because I got a whole new pack of crazy posts but didn’t post these posts from last week, so here they are. Luckily, Resistnet is a never-ending fountain of fun. And even though a certain Resistnet Admin has declared war on tars tarkasnet.org and some random people I have never heard of, Resistnet and their allies have devoted their cause to that instead of moderating their own site. Oh, wait, they are moderating, in that they are deleting all mentions of Ron Paul for some reason. Racism=good, Ron Paul=bad. I don’t really care for Ron Paul, but the odd censorship makes no sense. It’s like they want me to make fun of them. So I will oblige them. Because we’re friendly like that at TarsTarkas.NET. “Be a good neighbor” is our motto. So is “Remember the Knights Templar” but that is a motto for another day… And now, Resistnet:

Barack Obama killed the Polish President because of…uh…Communism!

I’m totally different than all those lazy slobs on government handouts! Also, destroy that government that is the only thing keeping me from sleeping in the streets.

Gee, “gonzales”, I think if the minutemen are going to shoot everyone who looks slightly mexican near the boarder you might want to duck.

No, it is the tea party.

I got a new Dhimmitude!

Christian Scientists are just running screening patterns for the Muslims!

Another March of the Morons! Be there!

CMW gets off on the idea of Obama supporters having their lives destroyed.

Maybe, but I bet Obama knows how to turn off Caps Lock.

All illegals are wife-beating drug dealers. But they only beat their American wives.

I wanna shoot me some brown HOOOOOOAAAAAHHHHH!!

We’re not racist because of 150 years ago, just ignore the past 60 years…

“p”resident is done because the author feels the President is just a “resident” of the White House. “c”ongress is just fucking dumb.

No, it’s about being used by the GOP to get votes. Sorry, tools.

Princess Palin backlash continues!

We need leaders, but it should be the shadowy astroturf funders, not Sarah Palin!

It’s almost as if paying her hundreds of thousands of dollars to speak at Tea Party conventions has caused her to be associated with the movement somehow!

Sarah isn’t the Tea Party – I AM!!!

Hands off my Princess Palin!

We love Princess Palin and always have

Mindy is a leftist impostor.

Randy Weaver happened under Bush 1.0, and if China is so horrible wouldn’t they be America’s Number 1 enemy?

It made me so mad!

chris gonzales is an expert on speaking without knowing.

FoxNews is now 100% Saudi.

Hey, a pretend black person to give the conservatives what they always wanted – a black guy who gets on his knees to thank them for being made slaves in America!

No one knows the sorrows more than pretend Indians…

I’m pretend Indian too! I’ll out minority you every day!

I was a virtual slave in the World of Warcraft! Damn you, Obama! End World of Warcraft Slavery!

Until next time, keep it crazy, Resistnet!