New Battle Beasts review

So I snagged on of the new Minimates Battle Beasts. This is similar to the single announce Gator beast, except they have been making alternate colors to give away at various toy shows and cons this year. The first was a month or so ago and I couldn’t find it for anywhere near reasonable on eBay, but there was a second alternate color gator released this past month at some place called E2X2 or C2E2 or R2D2 or something. In any event, I snagged on off of eBay for a mere $25 including shipping, so that was a good score. It is the first chance for me to get a handle on the new Battle Beast, so here are some pics:

The alternate color Gator came complete with a crappy gun. His color scheme is the best one so far, so props for the color scheme!

My Beast came with a special bonus: a hair from a paintbrush!

The gator can barely hold the crappy gun, and when he does it is crooked. Boo to that! The previous premium gator had a sword.

Size-wise, you can see how the new Beasts are slightly taller than the old ones (please forgive the fact the Battle Beast shown is a bootleg, that was the only other one I had bought recently)

And more size comparisons with some Gormiti figures.

Overall, I am less than impressed by the hair and the crappy gun, but the color scheme of this one was the best so far. I am still not excited about the new line, and will continue to look at it with trepidation. There is one more alternate color of the gator going to get released, but besides that, there are currently no announced plans for the line.

Runs this joint!

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