It begins…
It’s gonna go down, son, and TarsTarkas.NET will pay
fedup! got fedup with figuring out how to comment or join the forums or send an email
We are so brainwashed that only the communistiest communists can give us orders.
fedup! is TarsTarkas.NET’s biggest fan. Just wait until they find out we have multiple accounts as members of their militia. And we have blog commentors who are also undercover in their militia. With the recent infighting in their militia and people dumped, it is probably there is hardly any members of that militia at all.
GodsModernDayMartyr (a name that totally doesn’t mean they want to get gunned down by the Feds) falls for another ruse.
TarsTarkas.NET: buncha dumbasses, utterly brainwashed, just plain evil, and self-destructing boobs.
Well, there you go. If you want to see this thread, too bad, it got deleted weeks ago during one of the many infighting spats where threads were deleted left and right and many emails were sent out with various people pointing fingers. The FBI doesn’t need to follow these guys, they’re too busy destroying themselves. This is why children shouldn’t have guns.
January 10, 2010 at 8:31 amAnyone know what happened to the my favorite “patriot”, InDeep? He’s gone from the web, with only a mention once you take the “red pill” you can’t go back (the writer and producer of this film must laugh that people believe in the film’s reality) and that he’s tired of kids and drama. Of course, he’s the king of drama. You should read his poetry………….angst-ridden schmaltz with fairly violent imagery.
Just wondering with an almost morbid fascination.
January 10, 2010 at 9:40 amThe Chemtrails finally got him
January 10, 2010 at 10:41 amHis poetry, yes I had the opportunity to read it. Amusing stuff. Almost as amusing as his comments made on the dating site he belonged to.
January 10, 2010 at 3:28 pmSoap, you are probably right. They are rumored to “dumb-down” the populace…….and after reading lots of chemtard beliefs, I know it’s true. They are truly the dumbest people around. He’ll pop up again soon. He’s paranoid but egotistical and leaves very large footprints everywhere he goes.
January 11, 2010 at 8:40 pmI wish I could get to know everything you know about that asshole, someone want to fill me in ?
January 11, 2010 at 8:46 pmBTW he NEVER LEFT. he just changed his name for a few days, take a look
January 11, 2010 at 9:29 pmHello, Robert. What is his new name? And what would you like to know? I found out a lot about him while debunking chemtrails….which he considers himself to be an expert level of knowledge. But you already knew that…I remember you from the forum. He acted there like he acts everywhere. When I mentioned that he doesn’t not get much respect on the web, he challenged me to find just one website and I easily found 12. Actually I found more than that, but some stuff it held back on announcing. Like his current standing arrest warrant in Iowa, his use of the word “tallywacker”, which he boasts he pierced himself. Sorry for that picture in everyone’s head now. Ewww…..
January 12, 2010 at 5:47 amlmfao!!! indeep dog shit is so stupid its funny!!! no wonder his wife likes women better!!
January 12, 2010 at 5:53 ammy my my deepshit ass!! do you really think all this bothers me? actually your very least i have found me a new humor place to come to for a good laugh!!lol
January 12, 2010 at 7:16 amhis new name is Indeepershitnow
January 12, 2010 at 3:49 pmit should be indeepshitforever!
January 12, 2010 at 4:48 pmHow totally appropriate. Of course how deep he really is is totally his own doing. He hates me….which I think is the funniest part of the whole thing. I’m what my profiles on YT says I am, a married, middle-aged, middle-American, middle-income, middle of the road politically, non- as opposed to UN- employed woman. I have dogs, take pictures, cook, bake, knit and spin. And I’m a grandmother of two and 1/3……my next is arriving in late July/early August. Not very threatening and yet I punched his buttons. Only makes him seem more pathetic. Too bad he has a child in tow.
January 12, 2010 at 7:38 pmStars, pass the popcorn and Tars pass me one of those brewskies. This is getting good.
January 13, 2010 at 7:13 amHope you don’t mind buttered with light salt. It’s the only kind I’ll eat.
January 13, 2010 at 3:41 pmi like lite salt myself.deepshit does not like ano one that gets his number,and i think some are beginning to catch on to what HE REALLY IS.
January 13, 2010 at 6:07 pmThe Dark Lord of Defecation is tired of chatting and bullshitting
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So all the bills are passing, and H5N1 is spreading like wildfire… The media is misrepresenting how many shooters were involved in the Ft. Hood shooting. A bio-chemist was arrested making claims that he released the super virus that now runs rampant in Europe… ALL OF THAT, AND NOW WHAT?! Did we let this happen? In a way, yes. Could we have stopped it all?! Probably not. What’s left? I wish folks were more dedicated to the cause, rather than wasting time chit chatting and bullshitting about nothing close to the situation at hand. Strength comes in numbers right? If our voices are ignored, then we should move on to the next best thing to make them listen.
January 14, 2010 at 6:11 amewwwww……lite salt is almost as bad as lite sweeteners.
I made brownines (from scratch, no less) maybe some of those?
The favorite thing I found while accepting the “find one site that doesn’t respect me” challenge was that he called someone a “twatwaffle” and talks of the “interweb”. He is laughed at by all parties. So when you see him, call him a twatwaffle and ask him to send a picture on the interweb of his pierced tallywacker. I have. But please keep in mind that genital self-mutilation is a sign of a severe psychosis.
(Damn, I’ve turned into a bullying bitch, haven’t I? Must be time to up my meds. And yes, I take two because I have a chronic pain disorder, so
Resistnet Resistor
February 2, 2010 at 11:55 amOh Noes!!!! Not infiltration??? LOL!!
February 23, 2010 at 2:53 pmI hear that InDeepShitNow is heading back to North Carolina. Guess he’s going back up in them thur hills and gettin him a real young one – we know he likes em young.
Robert, hows that lawsuit against him going for the youtube video and your site name? you know, that site that is full of “true patriots”?
February 25, 2010 at 4:35 amDid he wear out his welcome or reach the end of his source of income and assistance? I imagine a combination of both. He’s sure to return, hand out, brain emptied, and ready to entertain us with his profound degree of BS.
My favorite IDSN moment was in a chemtrail site. He asked me to be his “friend”. Of course, I don’t use the same name all over the place. I value my privacy.