This is a true representation of that day…
FDRQ=Filthy Disease-Ridden Queers. This guy is proud of beating up people in high school!
Psst: Americans RIGHT NOW are ashamed of you, and not for the reasons you think!
Praise the Lord, a routine court act happened!
Frakking multi-ethnics are WEIRD! Back in my day the races only mixed to hang the darker ones…
BiLies be racist
More racism fun!
SOMEONE has a chip on their shoulder…
I will laugh when she loses.
It is alsmot like the czars are a made up media term and not a conspiracy or something!
Now they are speaking in code
McCain calls for Joe Wilson to apologize for heckling Obama, earning the ire of Freep!
Yes, eject the few people from your party left that still have common sense…
jonrick46 was totally masturbating as he typed this.
How dare Lieberals CRITICIZE? Only WE can do that!
You can say you are a moron.
How quickly they turned on poor Joe Wilson…
Hey, look, it’s me in 2003 posting about Iraq!
Let’s kill all civilians!
Which piggie is the one with the roast beef?
More support for murdering women and children and babies and goats!
Nuke mountains! That will totally have no drawbacks ever!, never change, because then I wouldn’t have any updates!