dale henderson casts a wide net…
Germany, Russia, France, and Poland have declared war against Obama’s army!
America is crawling for foreign troops just waiting to shoot us all dead, but you can’t see them because they are invisible.
Cowardly Keyboard Punks demand evidence…
dale henderson promises “HOPE” and people fail to see…
Let’s rattle off a bunch of names that mean nothing to nobody to prove my point!
dale likes to talk
dale hates the haters
dale backs away from his claims
Now you are all liberals if you doubt me!
I trust him completely because of something he said his wife did.
dale takes on Resistnet.com commenter Rosie O’Donnell!
dale then decides to challenge his detractors to a duel. That is much more sane than providing evidence!
No one dances, then dale declares he is going to leave and “someone” will take his place. But that was days ago and dale is still as active as ever. Luckily, they banned the people who doubted him! Hooray for that, because the crazier Resistnet is, the more fun for us!