Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen has drawn fire for racist caricatures in two robots. This is sort of not expected at all because the original was filled with minstrel-types for almost every black actor (Tyrese was the only one who wasn’t embarrassing.) They even introduced a whole house filled with them for Anthony Anderson’s character! Now they got racist robots, and this will probably be the dumbest movie of the summer, even dumber than Wolverine if that is possible. But it will still rake in the dough because people want dumb and explosions.
The street slang-speaking, gold-tooth having, jive-talking, illiterate (how does that even happen??) robots are named Mudflaps and Skids, but Michael Bay says they are for the kids. Kids love racism, you see! It is like Jar Jar. Mudflap and Skids are voiced by black actor Reno Wilson, and white comedian and voice talent Tom Kenny.
Between Wolverine leaks, Transformers racism, PG-13 Terminators, and GI Joe looking to be a trainwreck, this is one disappointing summer. Only Star Trek emerges not terrible, and that is only because it is not terrible, not good. Oh, and Up, but that doesn’t count because Pixar rules and is above box office comparisons.
Bonus: The most racist toys ever!
June 26, 2009 at 3:51 amYeah. I LOVE action movies, but I thought Transformers 2 was a little weak. Although the mom was fricken hilarious, the second half of the movie got boring. The big, climatic fight at the end wasn’t very climatic at all, and it went on so long that the special effects weren’t really special anymore. heh. I’ve never really been a fan of the special effects shots, anyway. There are way too many close shots where you have no idea wtf is going on. When they had bumblebee transform like half way through the movie, the camera angle was from far away, and it looked gorgeous. I wish more of the movie had been like that. sigh. But yeah, I did have fun with the movie though…. I just understand why lots of critics hated it. Anyway, nice post.
Tars Tarkas
June 27, 2009 at 10:53 amThanks, I will be waiting until Transformers 2 is on DVD, but I probably won’t like it anymore than I liked the first one, which wasn’t much at all. That franchise just makes me mad because it could easily be so much better but every thing about it is handled badly.