Do to actually doing stuff, I couldn’t make it to the local tea party to take pictures, so instead enjoy these pictures of other tea parties.
Because letting tax cuts expire is socialism…
Yay for torture!
The only thing bleeding is the ink on your sign, son!
He has much to be arrogant about!
I guess this saves money at Kinko’s…
Letting tax cuts expire= Fiscal Child Abuse
Totally not crazy
Focus, people!
Minority spotted!
Letting tax cuts expire=terrorism!
Someone should listen to his own advice…
Wait, is Obama a vampire or a zombie? Or a Zombie Vampire!
Letting tax cuts expire=murdering babies
When will God give us tax cuts?
Gimmie Gimmie!
Most accurate Obama portrait…ever!
Psst: That’s the wrong movie!
Letting tax cuts expire=Hitler!
More to come soon!