Wingnut Web – Weak Tea is No Tea Edition

Tea refers to the agricultural products of the leaves, leaf buds, and internodes of the Camellia sinensis plant, prepared and cured by various methods. “Tea” also refers to the aromatic beverage prepared from the cured leaves by combination with hot or boiling water, and is the colloquial name for the Camellia sinensis plant itself.

After water, tea is the most widely-consumed beverage in the world. It has a cooling, slightly bitter, astringent flavor.

It is also being used symbolically by astroturfing morons to protest against imagined grievances against President Obama. These are their photos.
Alaska is all about hanging….orange…things…that look like a giant stuffed version of those old Army Ant toys. Yeah.

Nothing racist about wanting the 14th Amendment repealed!

Read all about Ayn Rand’s rape fantasies!

Resistnet poster! In a wheelchair! Gah! Get it away!

Obama be pimpin’, yo! We don’t have enough protesters so we’re using trees, hope you don’t mind…

This dog pays taxes?

Anyone who has read Atlas Shrugs and thinks it is “Reason” deserves to be mocked by a random internet site

Child abuse by making the kids look like child abuse. So meta.

Hold on, I just got a text from a “SService” What could that be about?

Illegals rape everything!

Totally not crazy

I have the legal right to threaten politicians with my guns! Why am I being carried off in chains?

Ha, let’s torture and arrest our elected officials!

Too cute to riff, I give props to this one.

I guess someone who can’t even spell ACORN would be ignorant as to what is actually is besides the newest boogeyman of the Right.

Half way home and my pager still blowing up. Today I didn’t even have to use my AK. I got to say it was a good day

Check out these photoshops I downloaded off the internet that I’m taking credit for now!

I can’t tell heads nor tails what is going on in that sign. So thumbs up!

Okay, that’s it for NOW, but I am guessing more photos will show up soon. The never-ending fountain of fun!

Runs this joint!

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