Even more tea party photos, because the crazy never stops, it is the Energizer Bunny of crazy.

If you write lots of tiny stuff no one can read it, dude!
Is that the “Get a Brain, Morans!” guy?
Impeach George Washington? You are over 200 years too late!
Why stand around when you can just chalk your protest?
Owned, sucker!
Graph=Nothing to do with taxes!
Except everyone was sick with smallpox. Oh, and they were actually being oppressed.
There signs don’t even agree! All they need is a “Right turn on red” sign
Jesus has arisen to protest expiring tax cuts…
Someone call DCSF! We got child slaves here!
On any other day, this guy would beat up anyone wearing something so dorky
You see, if I use language from a black show, the black president will understand!
These signs are awesome for all the wrong reasons

We’ve found the wife of that teahat guy!
Yes, openly call for murder of public officials and then cry about being put on watch lists!
Another fake Obama, but at least he answered the Vampire or Zombie question. There are now more fake black people than real ones in the pictures so far!
That’s the end of part three, but more pictures are streaming in and there will be plenty of ridiculous stuff soon enough! Party on! (I am unironically drinking tea at the moment, because I always drink tea. I should run for congress just to get free tea sent to me!)