
These scientists have ears but they are deaf. Deaf to the nature of how things are far more complicated then they can possibly imagine. Of course ears are more complicated, do you think they just dropped out of the sky on the head of Dumbo the elephant? Only I, Dr. Mobusu, understand how complicated the structure of ears are, because I creative bionic ear implants for many of my creations. Ears take the most time to perfect outside of immune systems, because they so easily can go wrong. Even enhanced eyes re simpler than stupid ears. Plus, once you develop the enhanced bionic ears, you have to worry about the stupid things sealing themselves up due to wax. And don’t get me started on sonar ears… Just for the scientists’ ignorance, I shall create an army of beasts with ears so big they can take to flight, and send them to attack Seattle. Because Seattle is just asking for it. MuHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Prehistoric Reptiles From Russia Possessed The First Modern Ears

The discovery of the first anatomically modern ear in a group of 260 million-year-old fossil reptiles significantly pushes back the date of the origin of an advanced sense of hearing, and suggests the first known adaptations to living in the dark.

The ability of modern animals to hear a wide range of frequencies, highly important for prey capture, escape, and communication, was long assumed to have only evolved shortly before the origin of dinosaurs, not much longer than 200 million years ago, and therefore comparatively late in vertebrate history.

But why would these animals have possessed such an ear” “Of course this question cannot be answered with certainty”, explains Müller, “but when we compared these fossils with modern land vertebrates, we recognized that animals with an excellent sense of hearing such as cats, owls, or geckos, are all active at night or under low-light conditions.


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