Guilala casting news!

Guilala is in the news again, as The Monster X Strikes Back: Attack the G8 Summit has some casting:

Natsuki Kato, Kazuki Kato, Susumu Kurobe, Yosuke Natsuke (aka Yosuke Natsuki), and Beat Takeshi (aka Takeshi Kitano).

and a plot synopsis:

Attack the G8 Summit from the production: “In the summer of 2008, the G8 Summit is held at Lake Toya, a beautiful resort near the volcano in Hokkaido. At the same time, a Chinese rocket falls onto the island, causing a monster to be born from a spore attached to the rocket. The monster, Guilala, moves toward the summit conference site in pursuit of volcanic energy. The U.S. president proclaims, ‘I will never yield to any monsters! Nobody calls me a chicken.’ Other leaders reluctantly switch the sign board from ‘G8 Summit’ to ‘Guilala Task Force’. Now they have to terminate Guilala to show their countries’ power and prestige. The first mission is a missile attack by Japan, then Italy, Germany, and…. Deadly combat between human beings and the monster from outer space continues. However, when everyone starts to give up, a journalist finds a strange group worshipping the traditional idol at the lakeside.”

Natsuki Kato
Natsuki Kato

Kazuki Kato
Kazuki Kato

Susumu Kurobe

Yosuke Natsuke

Takeshi Kitano

Source –

Original article at TarsTarkas.NET

UPDATE: Twitch is reporting:

And Kitano’s not just going to appear in Kawasaki’s Guilala’s Counter Attack: The Touyaku Summit One-Shot Crisis, nope. He’s playing the final hero of the piece, a blatant Daimajin knock off called Takemajin.

So we’ll have a monster fight! Rock!

And here is what Takemajin will look like, thanks to Undead Backbrain!

Daimajin meets Goldar meets Hindu gods…

Godzilla Island Story Arc 4

Godzilla Island – Story Arc 4

Godzilla Island – Story Arc 4


Directed by Shun Mizutani

Godzilla has several TV shows throughout his history. In this year’s March of Godzilla, we will be cataloging one such show, Godzilla Island. Godzilla Island was a series of three minute episodes that ran from October 6, 1997, until September 30, 1998. 256 episodes were created, using a combination of toys and stock footage to bring the characters to life. Throw in some characters acting in front of a blue screen and a basketball-shaped annoying robot, and you got Godzilla Island in a nutshell. One advantage to the toymation approach of monster effects is it allows the appearance of all sorts of kaiju from all over G-history. Multiple Jet Jaguars! All sorts of one-shot characters pop up over the course of the series. But as this was created around 1997, no one from the Millennium series of films is present.

Set in the year 2097, where most kaiju live on an island in the Pacific Ocean. Godzilla Island. I guess, I’m not sure if they give it an actual name, since they speak this Japanese language all the time. Anyway, Godzilla Island soon becomes a center of activity for alien invasions left and right. Aliens being the evil Xilien aliens, as seen in Godzilla vs. Monster Zero. The one individual seen even dresses like them, although she doesn’t follow the contention that all females of the species look identical to Kumi Mizuno. Godzilla Island is governed by the Godzilla-Guard, aka G-Guard, which is staffed by one guy and a robot. The G-Guard Commander is less than capable in dealing with invading monsters and aliens, but luckily he is joined by mysterious young girl Torema, who has a powerful space ship and psychic powers.

According to the credits, the series was directed by Shun Mizutani and written by Takahiko Masuda. With music by The Edge. I guess U2’s The Edge, unless there is another The Edge running around, in which case I must bang my head on the desk. We’ll run through the episodes in order broken up by story arcs. Some stories are only a few episodes long, and some last close to twenty. Each episode ends with “tsuzuku” which basically means “to be continued.” So tsuzuku will be our catchphrase of the series. If you missed this paragraph you’ll probably be very confused, as we will probably type tsuzuku more than Godzilla in these articles.

Prepare for – King BONG!

Charles Band is at it again, this time he’s making a sequel to the film Evil Bong (about a bond that could talk…and kill!) The photo included in the article looks like someone made a bong out of King Kong’s Skull Island – not that surprising because some potheads are like Macgyver when it comes to creating bongs. Check out the photos at the Fangoria page.

Microbuget alert – Stop-motion magic in Galactic Raiders!

That’s right, some of you older readers may have heard about this thing used before CGI where one actually took small models and painstakingly filmed them one frame at a time while moving them slightly. This was called “stop-motion animation” and was used on such films as King Kong, 1 Million Years BC, and The California Raisins. And now independent filmmaker Larry Arpin has decided to buck the system of computers and continue the trend! Take that, terrible Mac vs. PC commercials!

The Official Website

The plot:

GALACTIC RAIDERS is an independently produced motion picture on 35mm film with Ray Harryhausen style of special effects.The story centers around Rymir (Danny Fehsenfeld), who’s girlfriend, Laura (Erica Howard), is kidnapped by Acastus (Elliot Eddie) and transported to another planet. On this ‘other planet’ is a powerful crystal, sought after by all peoples of the universe, including the Pharilleans, Acastus’ people. Also, on this planet is Rosanna (Moksha McPherrin), wife of…well, I won’t spoil it for you. Following Rymir to the ‘other planet’ are Cyrus (Joseph Arpin) and Bellus (Lloyd Lee Barnett), Acastus’ accomplices.

A sample clip is here and on the official site.

Watching the characters shoot laser guns at the dinosaurs reminds one of Planet of the Dinosaurs, except no one is wearing horrible 1970’s fashion and I doubt this film will have the 1970’s slowness that movies from that era possessed. Because everyone was on drugs then.

Hopefully the film will be done soon (so far the production notes show it has being in development for three years) and will do stop-motion effects proud!

Thanks to Avery for the head’s up!