Babysitter’s Black Book (Review)

Babysitter’s Black Book

Babysitter’s Black Book
Written by Richard Kletter and Michele Samit
Directed by Lee Friedlander

Babysitter’s Black Book
Lifetime Channel’s Babysitter’s Black Book is the timeless tale young, innocent girls who go from the Babysitter’s Club to the Redlight Special Club, and then get a heaping helping of consequences and lessons learned. The girls deal with the new-found freedom and sense of thrills from getting lots of money, but having to look the wives in the eyes and hide everything from their parents and the school, while the drama bomb is about to go nuclear. The big question is which cast member will wind up either dead, or worse than dead. That answer is sort of left up to the viewer, as the fates aren’t as catastrophic as the typical Lifetime girls gone prostitute film (such as Sugar Daddies), but they still aren’t things your normal teenage girl wants to happen to them.

Ashley Gordon’s (Spencer Locke, Detention) school business project “Family Buddies” is basically a super version of the Babysitter’s Club repackaged as helper buddies/tutors for overworked parents. Her friends all earn money as employees, there is Janet Moss (Lauren York) the sporty girl, Gilli (Steffani Brass) the arty girl, and Rachel (Angeline Appel) the all-around star who the dad’s all seem to love. Hm… Yes, Rachel has taken it upon herself to expand Family Buddies’ business model, and soon ropes Janet into helping as well. Rachel and Janet are the more sexually experienced girls, while Gilli and Ashley are more reserved and have no intention of going along with their schemes (but don’t tell them to knock it off, either).
Babysitter’s Black Book
Ashley is the overachieving scholar about to become valedictorian (beating the rival girl, rich bitch Harper (Ashley Dulaney)), and worried about college admissions essays. That becomes small fries when the bombshell of her mom’s business failing and her parents raiding her college fund happens. Desperate for money (she doesn’t want to go to… GASP… COMMUNITY COLLEGE!), Ashley lets herself get seduced by the promises of dad Mark (Ryan McPartlin), who promises to help with books and tuition to his expensive alma matter, and all she has to do it let him go to pound town on her. After Mark tries to control her life and she drops him, Ashley is now in on Rachel and Janet’s sex for money business model. Gilli tries to go along with it, but ends up unable to do so and flees with her dignity.
Babysitter’s Black Book
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Babysitter’s Black Book is a page-turner on Lifetime!

Babysitter's Black Book Lifetime movie

Come on, Ashley, be a hooker! All the cool kids are doing it: Kristy, Mary Anne, Claudia, Stacey, Dawn, Mallory, Jessi, and Abby!

If you thought that since Lifetime had done the poor students turning to hooking up with dudes for money thing already this year with Sugar Daddies and wouldn’t touch it again, welcome to Planet Wrong! Babysitter’s Black Book is a very similar but very different tale of a poor student lured into the world of selling her body for money. Except now they are in high school! Dun dun DUN! Also it’s sort of maybe based on a true story they read the article title of online before making up their own version here. And maybe it will have some of the things Sugar Daddies lacked, or maybe it will make Sugar Daddies look like gold. Only time (and watching the movie) will tell!

Will there be a literal black book? And will I get to make more The Babysitter’s Club jokes when I write the review? I hope so…

When her parents’ financial problems threaten Ashley’s dreams for college, the high school whiz kid takes matters into her own hands. She and her girlfriends turn their babysitting business into a wildly successful escort service for dads. But in this small suburban community, nothing stays secret for long. Inspired by true stories.

Babysitter’s Black Book stars Spencer Locke (Detention), Perry Reeves (Entourage), Ryan McPartlin (Chuck), Lauren York (Iron Man 3), and Steffani Brass (Bundy) It’s directed by Lee Friedlander (House Husbands) and written by Richard Kletter (Cyber Seduction: His Secret Life) and Michele Samit (Uncaged Heart). That alone promises a crazy script, so here is hoping things go way over the top! My money is on a random babysitter ending up dead!

Babysitter’s Black Book premieres Saturday, February 21, on Lifetime!

via Lifetime/Charles Christopher