Episode Links – The New Hope!

Star Wars Escalator

It’s time once again to toss out a whole bunch of links, because that’s what makes the world wide web a web, all them link linking everything together like a web. Which means you have to leave your comfort sites like Facebook and Twitter from time to time to go to other sites, even if it is just briefly. Just make sure to avoid the giant spiders who live on the web and devour unwary travelers, discarding their dessicated husks in the dredges of reddit. Be sure to stop by TarsTarkas.NET occasionally on your journey because it’s just polite. And you don’t want to be rude, do you?

As usual, there is a mix of movie news and reviews and articles from our friends and neighbors. Don’t forget to drop on by our partners in MOSS for more eclectic fun!

The escalator above is in the Tel Aviv City Hall (or at least was as of 2011!) It could also be a fun project for an enterprising local artist who has a lot of time on their hands at a location where there aren’t security cameras at the escalators.

Until the next big long list, news article, or review of something weird and/or wonderful!