Is Rise of the Dinosaurs SyFy's last Saturday Creature Flick for a long time?

Haters gonna hate Decepticons

Because SyFy’s moving their movies to Thursday premieres for the summer! If you haven’t noticed, SyFy has gone loco and suddenly started to produce a bunch of actual science fiction shows and is attempting to become an actual network that follows its name and not just a place for edited movie reruns and wrestling. I, for one, support this endeavor, and whole-heartedly approve of SyFy’s attempt to bring a bunch of science fiction dramas to television. But, as fallout from this, one of the nights SyFy is setting up programming blocks will be Saturday. Thus, the movie premieres are getting moved to Thursdays! Long time watchers of SyFy (back when it was SciFi Channel!) might remember that Thursday was once the day these new movies premiered (and even became a day they would randomly premiere one anyway after the move to Saturday!) so this isn’t so out of line. It’s just been a good long while.

But before that happens, there will be a few more films popping up. First up is Stonados on April 27. It features tornadoes with rocks in them. May 11th features the premiere of Rise of the Dinosaurs, and there are no more movie premieres scheduled for the rest of May. The real mystery is Rise of the Dinosaurs. Because I can’t find a thing about it. Which means it’s probably something else renamed. But what? Asylum’s Age of the Dinosaurs? That doesn’t seem finished enough to be it. Jurassic Attack? It’s out in Europe, so maybe. A bootleg Ice Age sequel? Or it could be something else entirely. No one who knows is saying nothing! Those jerks!

EDIT: Just got confirmation from the TuningIntoSciFiTV guys that Rise of the Dinosaurs IS Jurassic Attack! Also Stonados has been delayed due to the events in Boston (it is set in Boston)

Jurassic Attack trailer!

Fangoria premiered the trailer for Jurassic Attack, one of a pair of films from Titan Global Entertainement we mentioned a while back.

While returning from a military expedition a helicopter crash lands a commando unit in a dense, remote tropical jungle – a lost world populated by dinosaurs. Now they must find a way out of this isolated valley before becoming prey for prehistoric predators.

Anthony Fankhauser directs and the flick stars Gary Stretch, Alicia Ziegler, Israel Saez De Miguel, Natascha Berg, Vernon Wells, and Corin Nemec.

Corin Nemec also revealed on twitter he’s heading off to film Poseidon Rex, the other of the two Titan monster flicks, so expect more info about that film in a short while!

Fangoria via DreadCentral
Jurassic Attack

Poseidon Rex and Jurassic Attack to monsterfy our lives!

Production company Titan Global Entertainment‘s website has suddenly gotten some interesting posters on it. First up is Jurassic Attack, which looks cool and features people vs. dinosaurs:

While returning from a military expedition a helicopter crash lands a commando unit in a dense, remote tropical jungle – a lost world populated by dinosaurs. Now they must find a way out of this isolated valley before becoming prey for prehistoric predators.

Anthony Fankhauser directs and the flick stars Gary Stretch, Alicia Ziegler, Israel Saez De Miguel, Natascha Berg, and Corin Nemec. Nemec along makes this a much-watch!

The other film is Poseidon Rex, of which there is no information about except the rad-looking sea monster emerging from the surf and menacing some hot bikini babes. And that’s all we need to know to make it a much-watch!

Jurassic Attack


via DreadCentral