Joss Whedon to write and direct Avengers 2!

Huzzah! Screw the haters, Avengers was almost gold, and it’s great Whedon has been announced as writing and directing the sequel. The Walt Disney Investors Conference Call announced it a little bit ago, and also announced Whedon will create the Marvel TV series for ABC. This is breaking all over Twitter so the source appears to be Marc Graser as the first announcer. The announcement came while Disney was releasing their 3rd Quarter profits information to the investors. Who will be Avenged this time? Will Nick Fury lose his other eye? Find out in The Avengers 2, many many years from now!

The Avengers

If it's Avengers 2, why are there three of us?

Disney developing Hocus Pocus 2: Rise of the Elderwitch

Heck yeah, a sequel to Hocus Pocus! The crazy witch film from 1993 with Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy, and Sarah Jessica Parker is a certified classic for people who were young enough to appreciate it then or caught it during it’s many airings during each Halloween season. And now (as hinted in the ending of the film!) a sequel is in development. No word on if anyone is attached at this point, it is just in the story planning stages (but at least it has a title!) Will Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy, and Sarah Jessica Parker be willing to return? Thora Birch and the other kids are all grown up as well, so we’d need new kids. And we must have another talking cat!! More info as it comes in, you can be sure!

Via MovieHole

Hocus Pocus

Sex and the City 3: The Search for Samantha

Monsters sequels and prequels

We got some Monsters news from two Monsters movies, thus I’m combining them in one entry as it makes life easier to clear up the backlog.

First up, do you remember that found footage movie Monsters that was sort of interesting but ultimately went nowhere? Well, it’s getting a sequel. Gareth Edwards is off doing the Godzilla movie and some other stuff, so there’s a new writer and director and title. Monsters: The Dark Continent will feature “a teacher living outside the walled quaratined zone in Central America and his brother whom he ventures into the region to find—a former military man who has become a figure akin to APOCALYPSE NOW’s Colonel Kurtz.” written by Jay Basu and directed by Tom Green (the Tom Green who isn’t an insane comedian) No word on if the sequel will have a budget that is more than the cost of a tank full of gas. Boy, isn’t gas expensive? What’s that about? Must be because of the Monsters.

Speaking of Monsters and energy production, Pixar’s hit Monsters Inc. is getting it’s prequel, Monsters University. Find out how Mike Wazowski and James P. Sullivan met each other and why they hated each other for a while until hijinks ensued which caused them to be best buds. June 21, 2013 is when we’re getting this money maker! The preview trailer has just dropped. And to make the prequel even more hype-tastic, they’ve made four versions of it, where Mike says something different when Sully yanks off his covers. Watch them all for maximum joke getting. You don’t want to be the guy at the party who’s only seen three versions of the Monsters University trailer!




And the iTunes version I can’t get to embed right is here

Monsters University

Wreck Wreck-It Ralph yourself with the Fix-It Felix Jr. video game!

Wreck-It Ralph looks awesome and helped fill a void in the land of upcoming animated films I’m excited about (Sorry Shrek 16, I don’t care…) The video game world with cameos from all sorts of actual video game characters is the magical movie stuff that only Disney can pull off (as they are the only studio that has pulled it off before, with Roger Rabbit!) And thanks to the influence from the Pixar group, the increase in quality of the storytelling will be there. So barring an unforeseen disaster, Wreck-It Ralph will be at least entertaining, if not totally awesome. That’s just me speculating, but it will be true because I’m always right. And Q*Bert is awesome, and always has been.

If you can’t wait for the flick to be released, you can play the Fix-It Felix Jr. video game yourself thanks to the magic of Disney website Flash. And, yes, it is very Donkey Kong. Expect to documentary King of Ralph (starring John Goodman) to come out in 25 years!

The worst analysis I’ve seen of Wreck-It Ralph are people who seem to think kids won’t like it because Ralph is an old 8-bit character. Yes, because children totally get turned off by old video game sprites and will ignore the other 99% of the movie done in modern animation. My only conclusion is this concern is brought up by internet nerds insecure that they’ll like a film that 3-year-olds will also like, and thus are trying to drive the children away so it becomes their movie and not everyone’s film. To that I say go check yourself before you wreck yourself!

Do you think Wreck-It Ralph and Fix-It Felix Jr. will end up being related? They both have It in their names! Or maybe they’re named after Pennywise from Stephen King’s It! (which is getting its (Its?) own 2 movies!)

Director: Rich Moore
Cast: John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman, Jack McBrayer and Jane Lynch

Wreck-It Ralph Q*Bert

Damn Coily invested all of Q*Bert's money in Bitcoins!

Neil Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book coming from Disney

Neil Gaiman’s acclaimed children’s fantasy novel The Graveyard Book will be turned into an animated feature by Disney. As The Graveyard Book is a take on The Jungle Book (where instead of a baby being raised by jungle animals, he’s raised by ghosts and named Nobody Owens.) It won the Newbery Award and a bunch of other stuff, because it’s good, not because it slept with John Newbery. That was a one night stand that happened after the award, so stop reporting on it, TMZ!

The Nightmare Before Christmas and James and the Giant Peach director Henry Selick is attached, and he’ll begin production after his top-secret Pixar film is finished. The film is so top-secret I now have to murder you for reading about it. Sorry about that, let’s just make this quick…

Deadline via SFX

The Graveyard Book

Watch Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck bomb France!

Here is some awesome WW2 Propaganda for you! Authentic Vichy France propaganda against the allies. You all remember Vichy France was basically a puppet state for the Nazis after France was defeated in 1940, existing from 1940-1944 under Marshal Philippe Pétain, correct? Good. So like any good state during the age of war, lots of propaganda was created. This clip above is from one of the cartoon shorts trying to convince everyone the Allies were bad because they are bombing France. The clip itself (with the translations) is taken from the 1993 documentary film The Eye of Vichy (L’Œil de Vichy) directed by Claude Chabrol. It is packed to the gills with propaganda produced by Nazi-occupied France. And don’t despair, the whole thing is on YouTube. I do not know the name of the original Vichy cartoon, though. Besides Mickey and Donald, Goofy, Felix the Cat, and Popeye participate in the air raid.
Donald Duck Vichy