Six Inch Alien Body: The Documentary

Sirius alien

Sirius is an upcoming documentary about that six inch alien corspe they found in Chile a few months ago. You remember that, right? It was in all the papers, all the blogs, all the internets. It shocked the world because it proved we are not alone. That there was life on other planets and that life was very small and came to Earth to hang out in the desert of Chile. Or perhaps there was no news on this, because it is a complete hoax. No, it must be a conspiracy. A conspiracy of people owned by the six inch aliens who are attempting to cover up any evidence of their existance and their fondness for hanging out in the desert.

When you think about it, it all makes sense. What is in the desert? Area 51! What is 5+1? 6! 6 inch alien! What else is in the desert? Burning Man! Now, I’m not saying that Burning Man is a conspiracy cooked up to smuggle aliens into Earth’s cities, but there isn’t any evidence to the contrary, so draw your own conclusions, and think twice before taking those “drugs” your partying friend offers you, because they are just alien mind control jizz pills.

The film, called “Sirius,” will also depict how readily available forms of alternative energy technology are what extraterrestrials may be using to travel here from the cosmically improbable distances between their home world and ours.

Okay! Don’t worry, the Official Site doesn’t explain anything, either.

via HuffPo

six inch alien

Totally real, you guys!

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