Quick TarsTarkas.NET news

Some of you may have noticed that Amazon.com links have started to appear on some reviews. This is in response to a few emails I have gotten of people wanting to buy some of the films. Although I don’t sell any of the films, some of them are on Amazon, so I decided to add links to those products. And, yes, it does involve the Amazon.com referral system, so if yo order off of the links, I get money. As DVDs are super-cheap, I barely make anything off of them, but it all adds up. I am not going to be one of those sites that turns every sentence into an Amazon.com product link, or do updates on the blog just to highlight deals on Amazon.com. But there will probably be a few updates on the blog eventually that make use of the Amazon.com links, but you won’t be saturated in them. Many of the films we do review are not on Amazon.com and some have not had a legitimate release in 25 years, so don’t expect links to show up there. TarsTarkas.NET is in the black, and even if we weren’t I would not be begging for money. I do this because I like it, and as it pays for itself that is just an added bonus. I just wanted to make everyone aware of what those links were (and I promise a better link picture for the reviews once I get the computer with Photoshop on it out of storage) and why they are here. If you really want to buy stuff using our Amazon.com referral stuff, you can use the link on the right. But I know the economy stinks, so be responsible and don’t buy lots of random crap.

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