Sure you will.
Right, so we should raise taxes on the wealthy, gotcha!
Are you sane?
Dowe like foreign policy. Dowe like carrots. You like carrots?
Buddy, there are children present!
I don’t. And super-ironic sign in the background!
The protester who just didn’t care
Hang everyone! Then hang them again! Especially hang everyone who criticizes my spelling!
Truthers come out of the woodwork
Remember, remember, the dork of September…
Shameful secret- NOT a costume!
I hates all them gumment guys!
Show me your second grade report card! What is this B in handwriting about? Impeach!
Yes, because Czars are totally Communist.
Hug not Shrug!
Socialism is in our DNA? Holy Gene Splice, Batman!
Hey, they will get full health care when Universal Health Care is passed!
This guy might not buy anymore horrible T-shirts! Our economy will be ruined!
More coming soon!
Thanks to fellow picture takers/collectors LF, Revelatos715, Tad Ghostal, POTUShead, Amish, and others!