Let’s start out with a shirt so racist he had to build it at home with tape
RepublicanTshirt.png here. What she can do for herself is get a gym membership
If you need a magnifying glass to read the text on your homophobic t-shirt, you are doing it wrong.
Ah, pee fetishists!
That’s great, but it has nothing to do with health care
The only answer for getting the rich even richer!
Perfect picture to summarize this march
Even people born yesterday outrank this woman in intelligence
Obama is an inexperienced community organizer who also is the puppet master for a worldwide economic collapse that started before he was even elected senator!
Rosie the Kool-aider!
Isn’t tea an elitist European drink?
You wasted your opportunity by spending all your money on a bus ride to DC
My sign has explanations tacked on, that means I’m extra patriotic!
Most of the teabagging protest was orbiting this fellow
AC Slater wants you to be Saved By The Bell!
Ironic signs section
And now TarsTarkas.NET’s greatest fan, Resistnet.com’s own DarlaD gives a brief speech!
We are not astroturfed! (March brought to you by FreedomWorks Foundation)
DarlaD gave a little dance and off she went.
Thanks to photo takers and collectors including LF, Hysterical Woman, Revelatos715, Tad Ghostal, POTUShead, and the rest! More photos coming soon!