Wingnut Web – Pathetic Excuse For A Human Being Edition

So, won’t leave me alone. They can’t quit me. wants to have gay sex with me. I try to ignore them for a few weeks and they cry like spoiled babies wanting attention. So, I guess I shall pay them a visit one more time. The tears of impotent rage are like a drug to me, and Resistnet is one of the best highs around. Wingnut Web has been dealing with them since the beginning. We’ll be dealing with them until they all die of old age in about twenty minutes. Until then, we have to read their posts and marvel at how they figured out how to even turn their computers on.

Trooper knows the Final Solution is near.

Reality makes Michael Erway angry. And he is far above mocking of people

Michael Erway is no longer above mocking people and now applauds it

Karen Belver is a poster child for the need for government run mental healthcare

gary kaalberg is telling more war stories, he has fought in every major war since 1776!

He’s also dying of cancer. Because when you are dying of cancer, you post on the internet and get master’s degrees and all the other stuff he is claiming to do.

And he works for the CIA as a sniper!

gary kaalberg threatens to quit and namedrops the best site on the internet…

gary kaalberg is such a threat that some Resistnet posters question if he is a troll

What the heck, indeed!

Hot Google Alert action!

By very polite note he means he posted two comments where he called me names.

This is my favorite post ever. That email address is for the registrar of GoDaddy, btw, which isn’t even the registrar I use. The rest of the information is similarly as accurate

That means a lot coming from someone who spends 16 hours a day removing racist comments from Resistnet, and yet the site is still filled to the brim with them.

Translation: Please send death threats to this guy.

gary is still posting the wrong information days later…Resistnet posters salivate at the thought of calling me up and getting reported to the FBI and sent to jail

And now I killed his dog? WTF???

Here is what gary kaalberg wrote here:

let me set a few things straight. as a veteran i fought for yours and my freedom to say and believe what we choose to. unlike you i will not attack you personally. that is childish. i didnt vote for obama because of his record of voting in illinois as a senator. the record is there for everyone to see. voting present doesnt get it. thats a cowards way of sitting on the fence. it allows you to be on the winning side. you are probably thinking i am a red neck again you would be wrong. i didnt like bush either. i believe as a country that we can be socially conservative and take care of each other without involving the government. i believe that every american has the right to food housing and medical care. i give my time freely to help the poor. i dont need a community organizer to tell me how to do it. if you want to make a diffference in america then quit drinking the kool aid and invest the time in really checking out who you support.

Ha, sure you didn’t like Bush.

instead of acting infantile why dont you openly and honestly make your case. i will gladly share any research i have. i do not buy into prison planet anymore than any other sight. in fact i debunked the fema coffin junk. i ask all this. every president since eisenhower has made their birth cert. college trans. and other personal data available. why wont obama, how could he travel to pakistan and afghanistan when they were banned for travel from by the state dept.

You haven’t shared crap of the pictures you supposedly have, and your entire claim is full of as much crap as every other thing you say.

Added bonus: also discusses the McDonald’s website!

CSA avatar guy shows his patriotism

gary kaalberg shows he is an insane racist besides being army, navy, air force, CIA, dale henderson, a genius, dying of cancer, and Jesus

They don’t hire white only, the fraks!

Poor white southerners and their racism. When will they catch a break?

Slave Owner Pryde 4 Lyfe!

Ah, Go fuck yourselves!

27 thoughts on “Wingnut Web – Pathetic Excuse For A Human Being Edition

  1. OMG this is the funniest blog I have read in a very long time! I’m thoroughly convinced that Dale became Gary so we will be entertained for a very long time!! LMAO!!!

    Now I think that the next thing for Gary to admit to is working for the Fed, hell, he’s worked everywhere else. I wonder if he is sitting on the fountain of youth, it certainly is giving him one hell of an enema!

  2. Christ, they dog on the VFW for voting against their interest while John McCain spent his time in the Senate actively fucking over as many vets as he could. It’s almost as if they believe what their daddy authority figures tell them?

  3. gary is the new Dale and who is this Dara Hopper? Another one of Dale’s accounts maybe? gary must be made of steel to endure all those high power chemo treatments but still post 24/7 on Resistnet and all the other Ning sites he belongs to.

    The photo of the admin named Darla LMAO. She trying to sex the site up?

    Ah, Go fuck yourselves!
    *Couldn’t have said it better myself!

  4. Darla’s other picture was actually alot better. Although it was the same pose. lol Guess she thinks she is some hot chick.

    Yeah I wondered about Gary and all his chemo too and how he said he didn’t have that long to live. Sure sounds like a dale=ism to me.

  5. I was banned from their site for questioning Dale. They WANTED to believe all the garbage he was spewing. Now he’s giving them a hard time? Good!!! I ca’t get on to watch it. I have to come here. lol.

  6. Dale=Gary. Its all the same person, as was pointed out earlier, no 2 people can write that poorly, make up so much crap about who they are and what they have accomplished in lift although the new Michael Erway is giving Dale a run for his money…maybe he is Dale too! LMAO!

    Just wait till the march on the 12th, they think they will have millions there yet their permits only allow 5000. They’ll blame Obama, the Democrats and ACORN/SEIU…the question remains, where is all their donated money going? And who is Resistnet really working for? It’s too friggin entertaining to just be right-wingers protesting! LMAO!!

  7. I dont think Michael Erway is Dale. Dale couldnt write that well if he tried…….but if he were………he is now talking to himself and answering himself. bahahahhahaha

    He says he has a truck of Beenie Weenies. I want some.

  8. It wouldn’t be the first time Dale has talked to himself, he’s good at carrying on his own conversations and he has better writing skills than he lets on, at least 8th grade skills which is about where Erway is currently maxes out.

    After all, military manuals are written at the 8th grade level…and that isn’t really saying much is it? LMAO!!!

  9. I’ve read the same thing about the rally and the permits. Can’t believe that people would spend all that money for hotels, airfare, bus tickets and not check this information out. The word is that Grassfire, Freedomworks and Resistnet are funneling money back and around to each other and that the main agenda is to push the Fair Tax meetings. Rally?? what rally? I’ve seen on twitter that Freedomworks may already be setting it up to blame the libs and Obama if the rally doesn’t take place. Sounds like a bait and switch to me!

    Susanna they don’t block IP’s on that site. It’s a Ning site so that would be up to Ning. You probably couldn’t get in for a while because it was changed to sign in only but it’s back open now. Sign in with a fake account and new email address like the rest of us probably do LMAO! Or you could just call your service provider like the other poster said and have it changed.

  10. Funny remember the donkey who bit the farmer in a**. Also I am a mother I would hope you love your mother and would never disrespect her the way you do some of these people who have worked their whole lives and even have lost loved ones for their country. The 3 perseverance think about it. The honor of the Knights Templar’s. I hope you think about this.

  11. Frankie, if that is true about Freedom works, Grassfire and Resistnet…this going to be hilarious when the shtf on the 13th when the blame game starts. Can’t wait to hear the conspiracy theories Gary, Dale and others as they try to explain away the lack of participation!!! Will it be Obama’s thugs, Black Panthers, or the AARP crowd that keeps them away…LOL, Tars is missing out on some goober stuff in resistnet btw!

  12. If you would read the post respect and honor that is what the Knight Templar’s have to do with it. Mike do you respect and honor your your mom. Maybe you should go and thank her today because if it was not for her you would not be posting on this site right now calling people trolls. She is the reason you live and breathe so show some respect. From the mom you called a troll.

  13. I’m so glad I’m not an american.
    tars, it must be like having your weird inbred inlaws camping inn the yard, living in the same country [emphasis on the ‘count’] as these lunatics.

  14. It could have been a good site if Darla, Dee and the other twits hadn’t been so full of themselves. And so anxious to believe every screwball thing Dale etc. spewed. I kinda feel sorry for those women though, this is the most important they’ve ever been.

  15. Lets see how important they are if and when this big hoop de dew happens. They got a lot of people pissed off at them, just enough that might have gone to this rally, who wont, because of them.

  16. Well, sept 12 came and went…little happened and now all they can do is argue about how many sheeple showed up since the MSM didn’t pay attention any more than the politicians. LOL.

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