Wingnut Web – Resistnet Dirty Laundry Edition

Some days it pays to be in the right place at the right time. And on those days, you see meltdowns of epic proportions. is going through such an upheaval at the moment thanks to the actions of a select few power-tripping moderators and one crazy nut poster. The actions have resulted in almost a dozen people banned and threads deleted left and right. Luckily for this Wingnut Web, I was there to capture the action as it unfolded, and keep the evidence after these posts were erased. Welcome to immortality on the internet, infighting!

To start out with, poster dale henderson (the wackjob behind the Pray for Princess Palin posts) has continued to run trains of crazy all over unchallenged and supported by moderators despite the fact he is obviously shoveling more cowdung than a dung-powered cowdung shoveler. Posters eat it up, but a few realizes he is nuts and try to call him on it. And then they get banned and deleted. We join our story late at night after another massacre has claimed two more doubters of dale henderson’s wisdom, and Dee, Admin Asst chalked up more marks on her banned board…

Poster Susanna shares private threats from Dee, Admin Asst as a topic starter, knowing full well she will be zapped into oblivion by the moderators

Mindy dares not question the wisdom of her masters, because of us here at Wingnut Web laughing at them. Of course, we are laughing at Mindy at this moment!

Susanna gains some more concerned posters, but dale henderson never sleeps and is there to fight them with sarcasm and name calling!

dale is also threatening posters via Private Messages and is still supported by the moderators!

dale henderson retaliates with more name calling!

ValleyForge1777 seems to want no censorship, except about fifty exceptions,

Hey, no old ladies in our Junior High School squabble, Flo!

Sharon Rigdon tries to calm down the situation, and gives us a handy background summary of what got deleted that we missed.

dale henderson is now claiming Atlanta was to be destroyed in a terror attack (which didn’t happen, for those of you too lazy to know Atlanta wasn’t destroyed or sunk into the ocean) and only a few people dare to question him

Susanna now attacks the whole Pray for Princess Palin nonsense, while Patsy refers to our favorite racist Ann

Mindy declares herself a member of Team Dale

Harry Adams gives us the names of the people banned, and posts more doubts

More banning info

Here is a shot from another thread about the bannings, with Dee, Admin Asst giving her reasons

Resistnet gets bitter

We dare to ban us!

So what happened? They all got banned, the threads were all deleted, and Dee, Admin Asst and dale henderson continue to post freely and openly on Yes, they purged their non-crazy members to protect dale henderson, so he can continue to give them gems like this one:
Between the “shellfish” spelling or the retarded Switzerland story, sure made the right choice….
to give me fodder for more Wingnut Web articles! MuHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

10 thoughts on “Wingnut Web – Resistnet Dirty Laundry Edition

  1. I got so sick of the ridiculous censorship, that I couldn’t take it any longer. I chose to officially leave the site today.

    Petty people who won’t let adults decide for themselves whether to read the posts of others. The Amin’s blame it on all sort of ridiculous things and then tell people to read the rules, but their administration of the site is very arbitrary. They are making some good people there (or at least there were) to look dumb. Unfortunately, if they keep it up, that is all that Resistnet will have left.

    Glad to see you calling Resistnet on this.

    Wonder Woman – Independent

  2. Well I was able to sneak back onto resistnet just to see what was going on. Gawd, Im a spy and Im loving it!!! Little do Darla and her nazi gang know it. Just like crazy Dale claims to be, who is either bi polar or off his meds. Here is one of his latest ramblings. If you can make sense out of this one, good for you.

    Permalink Reply by dale henderson 1 day ago
    You people need to trust in us , I do not put up with trolls, or people calling me nuts for my health, and i am sick of it.
    You listen to Trip ,she has never done me wrong ,except in playful criticism.
    Do you honestly think we will just lay down and watch you be injured ?They hate us ,we are watching them and we
    hold the higher ground.

    Stop being afraid ,German troops are part of this exorcise ,and i was once told thank you for the info ,but now i am a nut.
    These troops and armor are out of NM , and the one calling me nuts is the one who thanked me for the photos i provided as such.
    And they also couldn’t believe i wrote a piece that was inspiring even to them.
    They know nothing about who i am ,and i may just take on a personality that they feel is a fool , so i am the one leading them.

    Only an idiot would try something right now ,and if they do the world will never be the same again.
    Then the term the 21st century will take on a whole new meaning,.
    I am not a nut ,i am an American.

    Mindy the Dove took the time to look into what i am saying ,and she found it out easily.
    Others pop off before they even look at the facts.
    Makes us wonder.
    Actually this posting makes me wonder. This has no meaning what so ever to the original posting about somebody in line at a grocery store and not being able to afford much. Which was by Dale to begin with. Something happened in between that orignal posting and this one. (play twilight zone music here)

    • dale henderson has some sort of mental problem and is a huge liar. I don’t know why the site is protecting him, but if they want to become irrelevant, then it is their choice. And it means more articles for me whenever I see them praising dale’s latest crazy rant.

  3. poppeye, so you are really wanting us to believe that this Dale Henderson is the same Dale Henderson posting on Resistnet? Oh I know! He’s really an evil lib (he did graduate from Kent State after all) and he’s out to bring down the movement on resistnet. Damn them liberals! Oh btw, it’s “piece” not “peace”. Could it be you Dale the poser??? Come to think of it, it could explain that super AI Computer System he was referring to. I read that the computer is going to give Darla/Administrator all the evidence she needs to prove that Obama was indeed born in Kenya and that the computer had secured every members bank records on the site! Take that! BAAWAHHHAA

  4. Frankie, the post you referred to was an exmember and moderator who stood up to the resistnet freakazoids moderating the site to allow King Dale to rule supreme. on page 3 now a mod/admin admonishes one named Commodore who questioned Darla as if he didn’t know what was going on, and you can see he is now gone as well. Resistnet wanted to be at the forefront of the conservative movement. Now it is merely a bowel movement.

  5. Frankie, so you got all that out of that little clip
    and you couldn’t pick up on the play on words peace
    I live close to kent state and did not know they are all lib’s that makes me shutter
    both dales are from hobbs NM you may have picked that up
    now that dale is gone is the fun over
    all punctuation has been left out of this for your annul retentive pleasure franie piece to you
    one last thing you missed the ‘s on (that) would have worked better don’t you think

  6. Just in reading this page I am disgusted at everyone who is acting like Jr. High kids. Come on! We are on the same side. Lets talk about our COUNTRY and quit attacking one another.

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