Wingnut Web – More Resistnet Laundry is making so much dirty laundry they have unbalanced the washing machine and it is now rampaging throughout the basement destroying everything in its path. A veritable orgy of tinpot moderators have decided to go ban crazy and even cause drama with paranoid militia groups. All in all, they stick by dale henderson despite the obvious signs he is filled with more baloney than planet Oscar Meyers. Thanks to Frankie who tipped us off.

Darla starts us off with a “Get the Hell out!” message to the “spies”

Unite and don’t question Resistnet while we try to learn to question things. Also much support for Mindy in her efforts to make the GOP irrelevant in Nevada.

dale the crazy mofo chimes in to let us know the purges on Resistnet somehow inspired dozens of messageboards that dale isn’t even a member of to purge their members. How can they not see dale henderson is frakking insane?

Cry me a river for Sharon Rigdon

Reading Resistnet is why you need surgery in the first place. Brain surgery.

Exhibit A: dale henderson. Except surgery won’t cure his brain.

Phil somehow thinks mods banning people because of disagreements is a Liberal conspiracy to take down the powerful Resistnet. Also added irony that he has an American Indian as an avatar, considering what happened to them when they tried to resist, perpetrated by people who probably have identical political beliefs to Phil.

streetsweeper shows up to vaguely threaten current members and ex-members of Resistnet. Keep talking tough, keyboard warrior! Those animated gifs surely show how much of a badass you are.

Uh, Irene, the racists aren’t being eliminated, it is the people the mods don’t like. Maybe some of them are racists (it is possible, after all, it IS!) but that ain’t why they are banned!

14 thoughts on “Wingnut Web – More Resistnet Laundry

  1. I wonder why you didn’t show all the comments. You only seem to show the ones that you can make fun of, or construe to be crazy. In fact, I noticed a few comments that made sense and were accurate. Also, why are you concentrating on resistnet? I got banned from well regulated militias because they thought I was someone named Dale. I am assuming they meant the same Dale that is mentioned above. I think it is obvious that I am not Dale, mostly because my posts usually make sense. So…Even though it is likely that the author of this particular blog is an administrator at well regulated militias, I still think a bit of fairness needs to be shown. You don’t get the truth without investigating both sides.

  2. I was not only one of the people banned but may have started allot of what happened, your only touching on a small part of the crap that’s going on, I was only their a few day’s before I couldn’t take it any longer, when I called Dale on the crap he was posting, and replies he was making, I didn’t realize it would start or put people in such a tizzy, I was warned for that, and I lasted a couple of weeks before I couldn’t take it any longer, but I wasn’t the only one this time,there are some good people their but dale is not one of them, this is just my opinion but, I did have a front row seat,

  3. aug 5, 2009…….seems like resistnet doesnt follow its own rules, unless you are on their shit list and then it’s curtains for you. If you dont agree with them word for word, you can expect stuff like this. Doesnt seem quite fair, does it?

    Reply by Tim Guiney 2 hours ago
    Hey Jack!
    You pos Marxist Troll! Go “F” yourself! You are as big a traitor to this Republic as the bastards in cangress and the usurper’ and his administration is! BTW, Do you know what the penalty for treason is? Look it up asshole!
    Next, I have already sent my e-mail to the WH telling them that I am not afraid to voice my opinion, and that when they come for my guns, I will be giving them ALL my ammo! Also, if you would like to come for my guns, I’ll gladly give you some ammo, too! “Bee-atch”

    Also, if you would pull your head out of you A…. for just a moment, (ASSUMING YOU COULD ACTUALLY READ!) and actually do a little homework for yourself, (although Obamatons like you have no self will,) you would find all kinds of fallicies in every point of that rat bastard’s background! Oh, and he’s a Kenyan by Birth, and he has never changed his name, or citizenship!
    In the Spirit of Liberty,
    A Domestic Patriot!
    Deo Vindice!

  4. LMAO! Resistnet is the site that keeps on giving.

    *cough* *cough* ummmm to mike above, could you be any more obvious as to what you posted on here for? What a tool you are and a troll yourself. What’s up with that, dear Leader sent you out on a spying mission? Just shows more of what kind of idiots belong to that site. Poor mikey got banned boo hoo ROFLMAO. I bet mikey’s really a girl.

  5. let me set a few things straight. as a veteran i fought for yours and my freedom to say and believe what we choose to. unlike you i will not attack you personally. that is childish. i didnt vote for obama because of his record of voting in illinois as a senator. the record is there for everyone to see. voting present doesnt get it. thats a cowards way of sitting on the fence. it allows you to be on the winning side. you are probably thinking i am a red neck again you would be wrong. i didnt like bush either. i believe as a country that we can be socially conservative and take care of each other without involving the government. i believe that every american has the right to food housing and medical care. i give my time freely to help the poor. i dont need a community organizer to tell me how to do it. if you want to make a diffference in america then quit drinking the kool aid and invest the time in really checking out who you support.

  6. Well well well, seems like old Dale has gotten the boot. So the stupid moderator on resist net, kicks a bunch of us of in her last cleansing of the site because WE question the idiot resident, Dale. And now she finally wises up and kicks the REAL asshole off. Seems to me she needs to APOLOGIZE to us and send out invitations begging us to come back. Yeah, like that will ever happen. She doesnt have the courage or class to renege on her stupidity. Too bad.

  7. instead of acting infantile why dont you openly and honestly make your case. i will gladly share any research i have. i do not buy into prison planet anymore than any other sight. in fact i debunked the fema coffin junk. i ask all this. every president since eisenhower has made their birth cert. college trans. and other personal data available. why wont obama, how could he travel to pakistan and afghanistan when they were banned for travel from by the state dept.

  8. “unlike you i will not attack you personally. that is childish.”
    “instead of acting infantile why dont you openly and honestly make your case”


    • gary is so mature he started a thread on Resistnet with my email address and invited everyone to send nasty letters. Except it wasn’t my email, so now some poor innocent guy is getting letters. It is a shame. I am glad such a great intelligence expert like gary and his top secret friends are hard at work “taking the country back”, since they couldn’t take a Hot Wheels track back from a toddler.


    I am not against what resistnet is trying to do but I am totally against THEIR policies and the way they are doing it.

    First they kick off anyone who disagrees with them. So much for their acceptance of free speech and ideas.

    Then their rules for posting got absolutely ridiculous. And they are wondering why no one is posting anymore. They seem to think it is because everyone is heading for Washington. I got news for them. People dont like dictators whether they are in the white house or on some blog and Darla has way over stepped her bounds. Darla dear, you are a dictator…….its a good thing you are not in office because you are as bad as the rest of them. If everyone always agreed with everyone else, there would be no need for any discussions or new ideas. And this is the way you have set up the site. Agree or get off. Yes, it is your site, but most people are not going to go by your anal rules set up for 13 year olds minds.

    And now I find this! “Rules of Conduct for the big rally”. I could not believe my freakin eyes. This is a grass roots campaign where anyone and everyone are coming together and Darla has the audacity to post rules on how to behave and what to wear and probably how to shit in the porta potties. She seems to think that she and resistnet OWN this rally. I got news for her.

    And Darla, we all KNOW you read this site, so since I cant put this on your site, Im going to put it here:

    There are people who know about this rally who know NOTHING about resistnet. They are going because they and they alone want to go and it has nothing to do with YOU. Word got out there is a rally and your site was never named. Get used to it. This is not your empire.

    And you have NO, did you hear that…..NO…authority to demand or make rules for ANYONE who attends this rally whether they belong to resistnet or not. You are a control freak and you need help. How dare you tell people how they can act or dress. HOW DARE YOU! You are even telling people what kind of signs they can bring. Are you completely insane?

    I got news for you. This is still a free country. And if I want to go to that rally completely naked, painted with purple pok a dots, with my head in a bag, with my flag upside down and, flicking you the finger, and telling BO to go to hell, then I will! Whatever I do, is my responsibility, not yours nor any of your cronies. Just who the hell made you queen of the parade?! The streets of Washington DC are open and NOT yours to own. When did you get this crazy idea that you can just boss everyone around? Has the power of your little blog gone to your head and rotted your brains?

    My God, you are worse than I ever thought you were. On the one hand, I hope this rally is successful ONLY to show congress that they better start listening to the people of this country, but on the other hand, if it fails and falls flat on its face, and no one shows up, then it will be a kick at your ass, that you are not as important as your pea brain seems to think it is.

    Either way, I hope that the swelling of your ego finally will subside and you and your fat ass can get back through the door.

  10. The Resistnet laundry will never be totally clean with the mods and admins they have now. The purging continues as anyone who opposes The Queens of Stupidity (ie Darla and Dee) and their love affair with Orly Taitz the Birther Queen, Carl Swenson and the grandjury hoax and the ridiculous notion that a million people showed up in DC.

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