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Seduce and Swindle

Discount Puppet Explosion 411 – Episode 102 – Seduce & Swindle

Discount Puppet Explosion 411 – Two teams compete to give the best reviews of bad movies. In this episode, Team B’s first entry is a review of the Japanese film Seduce and Swindle, set in the cutthroat world of marriage swindling. Is it enough to get the lead and win the fabulous prizes? Or is Team B now in danger of being blasted to the moon?

Visit us on Youtube. And remember, it’s Seduction Time!

Seduce and Swindle

Tekken movie

Discount Puppet Explosion 411 – Episode 101 – Tekken

Yep, we’re doing videos now! TarsTarkas.NET enters the 21st century, ten years too late. Oh, well. Please enjoy our cheap puppets and cheap jokes!

Discount Puppet Explosion 411 – Two teams compete to give the best reviews of bad movies. In this episode, Team A takes on the video game movie Tekken. Who will win the fabulous prizes? Who will be blasted off to the moon? Who cost less than $1 in materials to build? Find out as Discount Puppet Explosion 411 plays out…

Visit us on Youtube! We’re also going to post the videos here because we can.