The New Review is SciFi Channel’s (SyFy’s) Star Runners, aka Termination Shock, aka Ando and Trip go Starship Troopers. Complete with lots of pictures, two videos, bad CGI, characters named after characters in Aliens, and ships that look amazingly like Battlestar Galatica. Read it today!
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Termination Shock is now Star Runners and airing June 13
That SciFi Channel Original movie Termination Shock we told you about a while back starring James Kyson Lee and Connor Trineer has been renamed Star Runners and is airing on June 13. There was a surprising about of people looking for Connor Trineer information.
This weekend we get to see Gaius Baltar (James Callis) as Merlin in Merlin and the Book of Beasts Check out the trailer!
Termination Shock – due on SciFi Channel soon
Termination Shock is an upcoming made for SciFi Channel (excuse me…Syfy….sigh…) film that stars Trip from Enterprise and Ando from Heroes! Yes, Connor Trinneer and James Kyson Lee are teaming up as space jockeys who fight giant bugs! Also starring Toni Trucks and Aja Evans (neither of who have been in anything I have seen) James Kyson Lee is cool and I have only seen him in non-Heroes stuff in that McDonald’s commercial. Looking forward!
Writer wrote several recent SciFi channel films, the upcoming Thor: Hammer of the Gods, Doomsday, The Immortal Voyage of Captain Drake, Copperhead, and Yeti: Curse of the Snow Demon
Given a undercover government mission to retrieve a “crate” from a distant planet, TY JOHNS and LEI CHEN find that they must smuggle not a crate, but a woman off world — and when their rocket-ship crash-lands on a planet packed with vicious giant alien bugs, they’ll need all the cunning and ferocity they possess to stay alive…

Somehow, I got this image on Google Image Search when looking up Termination Shock!