Captain America wouldn’t be a baby about paying taxes, nor would he use a Michael Moore book title to protest
Texas Governor Rick Perry shows his patriotism!
As seen on Foxnews all day long, the media isn’t covering the event
Babs the Realtor here is gonna be packin’ to shoot some cops on the July 4th protests!
This is one of my favorite pictures from this. Not one of these people didn’t get a tax cut.
Someone needs some foreplay, that’s all I’m saying…
Commie with the red sign, and a real patriot showing how much he loves the USA!
Someone’s at the wrong protest…
Rich people only taste good with lots of ketchup
Psst: We DID!!!!
Look at this woman trying to convince us that Republicans care about rape
The New York Yankees threatened to secede from the MLB today…
This car rules, but it is filled with tools
That guy surrounds us! Run for your life!
This woman puts nuts in her Kool-Aid?
A Real American Hero
Gay cowboy Santa knows all about this

Black PERSON against Obama!
Someone hasn’t paid attention to the shift in party policies in the past 150 years
Yeah, freaking Kenyans. They’re THOSE people.
I think we’d find a lot of oil in that guy’s head
Tigger is next!
Obama can either be Hitler or Lenin, make up your mind, people!
Bush would never do anything to please the Saudis (ignores photos of Bush kissing and walking hand in hand with Saudi prince)
Yeah, Obama is a monkey! Congratulation on showing America how big of a racist monster you are, lady!
Damn Liberials need to go back to Liberia!
I think if China owned you, you’d be fired for going to a protest instead of working
Socialism and Nazis are totally the same thing! Why did I fail Politics 101?
I can’t tell if this guy is making fun of them or a super-libertarian. They have moved beyond parody, people!
I am ashamed of your colleagues
Ha-ha, because he’s GAY, you see!
This picture says far too much for a simple quip below it
Stupid is a stupid does, and here stupid does wear an ironic t-shirt.
Because it was blown off by an IED in Iraq
Why do you hate McDonalds, you anti-capitalist???
I always wondered what happened to the pigs from Animal Farm, now I know they are molesting Cabbage Patch Kids dolls
Who keeps Atlantis off the maps? Who keeps the Martians under wraps? ACORN! ACORN!
You have to be THIS insane to understand his poncho
Putting quotes around part of your spelling error doesn’t make your sign clever, enjoy the humble pie
Social Fascism is where we all get together for Bingo and genocide
Welcome to McTeabags, may I take your order?
The other six or seven collections of teabagger photos so far
They’ll be more if we get more photos!